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Showing content with the highest reputation on 02/22/2021 in all areas

  1. Boneless leg of lamb. Marinated in balsamic vinegar with garlic, cumin & mint. Started on the rotisserie but finished on top grate. Cooked over coco char with mesquite wood served with garlic & olive oil cous cous along with roasted baby potatoes with garlic, thyme, rosemary, red onion and truffle salt homemade Tadziki with fresh dill grown from seed in my herb garden
    7 points
  2. Dory is in the house!! No longer to be found. Too bad it will have to stay for a few weeks while I wait for this snow to melt a bit. Patience is a virtue they say, yes? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  3. Congrats on the delivery. I'd be out there with a flame thrower, if necessary, to clear a path to its final home spot. Like the one vulture said to the other, "Patience, Hell! I'm ready to out and kill something myself!"
    2 points
  4. I tend to wrap briskets more than butts, but I target the wrap after clearing the stall (~170F IT). I'm a Franklin technique guy - pink butcher paper for the wrap. It breathes and promotes a better bark than foil.
    2 points
  5. The wood deck under the gazebo is going and I will be extending the stone to that area where it will house the kk
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. And today, it was sourdough bread baking time. Still some progress to do to manage the heat, but should be good anyway Envoyé de mon iPad en utilisant Tapatalk
    2 points
  8. I thought the same tony b. Tekobo rocking a Ferrari in the demolition derby. I’m not mad at you though tekobo, can’t say I wouldn’t want one. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  9. I would be sitting and looking at it all night. 😍😍😍
    1 point
  10. I have one of the older Celestron NexStar 8s (silver tube model with computer handset). Used it a fair amount before neighbor A's tree grew and neighbor B's lighting system changed...
    1 point
  11. Those new renderings look really good. I like the depth/3D effect. Makes them look more alive.
    1 point
  12. I'm also a Franklin, wrap your brisket after the stall kinda guy. Primary reason is that the stall is due to evaporative cooling, meaning there is liquid on the surface, meaning that the bark is probably not set yet. After the stall is roughly equivalent to "the bark is set" so wrapping won't damage the bark.
    1 point
  13. Took a break phone conference calls to get a better look... Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  14. @Basher BEWARE! I see a new rabbit hole opening up! Seriously expensive hobby when the "entry level" scope is $1200 on Sale!
    1 point
  15. Agreed. I've tried fat cap up, fat cap down, thin cap, thick cap, and every other possible variation over dozens and dozens of cooks. For me, fat cap completely off is the hands down winner. I can't get enough of the delicious bark. I normally wrap between 4-5 hours, which doesn't leave a lot of time for a fat cap to render much, or for the meat to become excessively dry. I've gone back and forth for years, and prefer the wrap.
    1 point
  16. If possible still put plywood down all the way to the rear. When i got it to my "backyard" it popped 3 paving slabs with those wheels 1 word "point loading" oh wait that's 2 Excited for you.
    1 point
  17. That looks lights out, well done! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  18. Wow this thread is cracking me up. Thanks for all the love. 3 holes 1/8" each was a spontaneous choice, though in hindsight seems close enough. I have the first 2 quart smoke pot, and I'm sure it was $20 at some drug store. Crime of opportunity.
    1 point
  19. Lousy weather means reprocessing old pics. First, a starless Rosette Nebula. Going artsy here, bringing out a 3D effect. And the Heart Nebula revisited. Again, bringing out more depth and 3D effect. Signature is that of my Instagram account for astrophotgraphy, which has been adding 100 followers a week. I’m like Science Elvis. Or at least Science Bosco. 🤔
    1 point
  20. Did some bone in chicken thighs last evening in the dark.
    1 point
  21. Yea he did call me and we discussed pros and cons but at the end it came down to just because I can and want to and logic went right out the window. I find logic sometimes is subjecting and causes regrets 🤣🤣🤣
    1 point
  22. That's exactly what you want to see - charcoal. Nothing wrong with sticking with the foil pouch method. If you have a longer cook, like a butt or brisket, just make up a 2nd one and toss it on after the 1st one burns out. Remember, your smoke absorption is basically done when the surface temperature of the meat gets to 140F, so you don't need to produce smoke for the entire cook. You can prolong it by spritzing the meat with a liquid to cooldown the surface temp and the wetness gives the smoke something to stick to. I'm a bit too lazy to go out every hour and spritz; plus, you have to be careful not to overdo it or you risk washing off your bark. Counterproductive!
    1 point
  23. Wow! Buzilo congrats on that decision to invest. You had better start fattening up the goat! Where is that video? I think it should come out with every 42” order. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  24. Some more pics Chicken tandoori with home made sourdough naan bread (reheated from a previous batch), basmati rice and mustard seeds carrots Envoyé de mon iPad en utilisant Tapatalk
    1 point
  25. Update: changed my order to the 42 [emoji854] just got off the phone with Dennis Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  26. Why did you do this to me, I’m going to talk to Dennis about the 42. Shit I’m really considering it Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  27. Could be, although they have been drying for about a year now. One thing that I have never done is to watch the smoke pot in operation to see where the smoke exits. Could do it on the stove in the kitchen but I suspect I wouldn't be popular with The Husband or our alarm company. Will devise an experiment to check this out.
    1 point
  28. And the Forum chant begins: Forty-Two, Forty-Two, Forty-Two!!
    1 point
  29. Ha ha. You need to shop smart. I bought mine preloved on ebay in 2017 and it turns out it is a Chasseur and not a Le Creuset. Looking at the date it was before my first KKs arrived so I was in the same pre-arrival frenzy that Forrest and BOC are experiencing now. I know they are making a big thing of their age but, in the end, we are all the same. Mad, bad children forever. Chasseur Cast Iron Casserole Dish Pot Cream Cas... Item ID: 292114762261 Quantity: 1 Estimated delivery: Thu. 14 Sep. - Sat. 16 Sep. Paid: £21.99 with PayPal
    1 point
  30. @tekobo - may be just that your wood isn't fully seasoned yet and still has some moisture in it, so what you were seeing could have been steam and not smoke? I can't believe that you drilled holes in a Le Creuset DO - that's KK bling, baby! I'm sure that's how you get away with no flour paste - a very high end, well made DO. Most of us are looking for the cheapest one we can find, which usually means less quality, so the need for the sealing paste.
    1 point
  31. So...confession time here. Hoping to learn something. I use my smoke pot regularly and I never use the flour paste. It is a Le Creuset pot with lid that fits well and I definitely cannot be bothered to mess around with flour paste before each cook. What I am not sure of is whether I am getting the right effect. The chips in the pot always combust nicely by the end of the cook and I get smoke that I think is acceptable. I got a lot of smoke recently, using chips that I made from cutttings from my apple trees earlier in the year. Not sure if that's the wrong sort of smoke. It was a cold night. Will try again with and without the flour paste to test but just saying that it may not be essential...
    1 point
  32. Ah @GrillnBrew.Thank you. That's very interesting. I've had to look up most things you mention ! I now know what canning pots and turkey fryers are - I never imagined you could deep fry a turkey. My development is a bit arrested as I haven't progressed beyond my home made set up ! The Sabco system looks an amazing piece of kit, reproducible brews and mobile to boot. I can understand though the move to the Blichmann Easybrew for smaller batches. I can still lift the pots with wet grain / water - just about- but then again I tend to brew with friends so it spreads the load. There has been a rash of brew systems along the lines of the Spiedel Braumeister which are a bit more like brew in a bag systems and I like the idea that both the Sabco and the Blichmann are RIMS. I bet the Blichmann is superb quality. My system is a chimera - RIMS , but then I do a final sparge with water from a hot liquor tank. Might you be prepared to share your chocolate rye porter recipe ? It sounds interesting - never brewed with Rye. Will need to brew in the not-too-distant future to replenish stocks - The combined Maillard of Stout and KK Steak are going very well together.
    1 point
  33. Lots of us here are smoke-potters. Be sure to get the order of those words correct. Many folks at Amazing Ribs have tried it and like it. There's another kamado forum -- Kamado Guru, I think it's called (haven't been there in years). The site's owner -- can't remember his name -- was encouraged to try it, but Meathead he's not. He did everything precisely wrong -- drilled the holes in the wrong place, etc., and then proceeded to pronounce it useless. It's like those people who review recipes on All Recipes: "I substituted 17 of the ingredients and decided to boil the meat and grill the pasta. This recipe sucks!" Get the holes in the right place (DOWN), make sure it's air tight and won't melt or off-gas noxious fumes. I think Syzygies' method for lighting is to use a weed-burner to preheat and then move it into the charcoal basket, but I'll let him fill you in. Don't ask him about shuffling cards.
    1 point
  34. This is a personal question; everyone has a different take on what quality of smoke tastes best. I devised the smoke pot many years ago. Once my wife tasted the difference, there was no going back. I continue to be tempted by the Hot/Cold smoker. For me those would be the two choices. My KK is old enough that the Hot/Cold smoker would compete with my BBQ Guru for the single port. With a newer KK the Hot/Cold smoker is probably far easier and more reliable. There's an art to getting a smoke pot going. I've mastered it (school of hard knocks) but I appreciate that it's not obvious.
    1 point
  35. It seems pics are mandatory. I will be pleased to post some of my upcoming creations in the middle of my snowy backyard. As an appetizer here is a pic of my last batch of Montreal style smoked meat (brined brisket)
    1 point
  36. Great pic Pequod, amazing color. It does bear noting though that on the BBQ side of things it bears the resemblance too a used BBQ Mitt. Hope I'm not stretching the imagination to far for the next constellation.
    1 point
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