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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. Take the picture from a little ways back. Then put it through an editor and do a crop. Most right angle crop tools start out square (although you can stretch it into a rectangle). Set the square on what you want, hit the go button then the save button.
  2. ckreef

    Using a Wok

    I know a few people who do wok cooking in their kamados (not necessarily KK's). Wok cooking tends to splatter grease around a bit so I was never willing. A $88 outdoor propane wok burner solved the problem for when I need to satisfy my wok cooking urges.
  3. Nope not for me. I'd thank them for the sausages and ask where the ribs were. The firefighters understood the circle of life and food. They weren't complaining.
  4. That's a screwed up story. The firefighters did save the piglets from being burned alive and suffering. Those piglets were always slated for butchering (that's what pig farmers eventually do to piglets.) PETA sucks and vegans are just one small step above them. Sorry for the rant, stories about poor little piggy just bothers me.
  5. I really don't like cucumbers but gave you a like for the purple crack
  6. Great looking pulled lamb.
  7. It all looks tasty. Meatloaf is okay but ribeye is much better.
  8. You have really good willpower leaving that crate intact. Even with my second KK the crate top came off within minutes.
  9. Watched "Barbecue" a movie on Netflix. Highlights Barbecue from various countries around the world. It's main focus was the interaction of people and Barbecue. Japan was a really good section, Mongolia was weird and they even had an awesome Shawarma cook. All in all a decent movie but the majority of it was subtitled. Check it out if you want to see some different Barbecue techniques.
  10. ckreef

    23 KK

    Great color choice but I'm a little biased as I have 2 Terra Blue KK's. If it was me I'd go all coffee lump until the pallet was full. Coffee lump is the bomb.
  11. Great looking bread and pizzas. I don't currently have a pc (it died a while ago). So I'm always checking on my phone. I do use a tablet for editing my pictures. Just easier on a bigger device and the brightness is probably closer to what someone would see if they viewed it on a pc.
  12. Oh damn @tony b now I need to make one of those baskets.
  13. I'm still laughing about the family missing out. No worries if I go and visit any family I'll take a jar and give them a taste. I only have 1 of 3 siblings that appreciate it for what it's worth anyway and that's the sibling I'll visit. Last time I sent her a jar of Grilled Peach Reef Jam she made some high end, homemade, crab Rangoons and used it as a dip. She loved it and I though it was a great use.
  14. TY @dstr8 a few batches every summer just enough tide me over until next summer. I usually make enough to give some to family members. This year I gave some to a couple of friends. Screw the family - LOL Next summer you should make a batch or two.
  15. Now you've gone and done it. I like strange (non American) twists on food. We're waiting........ LOL
  16. I don't want to move there but definitely close enough to drive for some lump. Without the shipping cost I could probably afford some coffee lump.
  17. I have that movie in my TV cabinet. That and the Iron Giant are two of my favorite kids movies.
  18. Tasty looking breakfast.
  19. I think it was Tony that coined the phrase "Purple Crack". It fits perfectly.
  20. Yea I should have put some in the filling. Bad addict! - LOL
  21. Beautiful setup for sure, I'm jealous. But I had to laugh - what are you doing? Collecting KK's? LOL
  22. Looks like you're off to a great start.
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