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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. ckreef

    Rack of lamb

    My only suggestion is md rare at the most. Everytime I've cooked them md rare they came out nice and tender basically melt in your mouth. Not long ago I ordered lamb cutlets at a restaurant (rack of lamb cut into individual bone in pieces). I ordered it md rare. They served it md well. Toughest crap I ever ate. I'll never order that at a restaurant again. I doubt I'll ever go to that restaurant again. If that's the best they can do they don't deserve my money.
  2. @Aussie Ora just figure out what you want and send me the list. I'll figure out what I want and send you a list. We'll just do a swap like last time. I'm game for more kewl Australian stuff. It'll all work out in the end.
  3. @Gnomatic if you have the newer adjustable motor bracket (I assume you do) then the spring is really not necessary. I've never used my spring. The spring is a carry over from the older non adjustable motor bracket which helped facilitate inserting the motor shaft when you couldn't adjust the bracket. It is really irrelevant which way the motor spins. If it spins clockwise one side of the inner shafts wants to loosen. If you change the direction of the motor then the opposite inner shaft wants to loosen. The only way for you to solve this dilemma is to figure out which inner shaft wants to loosen (for the way your motor spins) and use blue loc-tite/flexbar on that inner shaft.
  4. When I was in my teens a friends parents went out of town for the weekend. He threw a keg party and made the mistake of putting the keg on the deck. Parents came home to a collapsed deck. They were pissed.
  5. I appreciate the kind words. Her finger got smashed by the tail gate latch of a dump truck. She's starting to feel better. Not as much pain today.
  6. At times there is more inventory in LA then what's shown on the website. When I bought my 19" there were 4 in inventory in my color even though only one was shown. Dennis sent me pictures of all 4 so I could make a final pick before ordering. This was really important to me since I was try to color match my 16" as closely as possible.
  7. I agree you @billg71 you just can't throw a KK up on a deck and think it's good to go. With that said a little common sense (if you have some) will go a long way. I sured up my porch with only a 16" and 19" just in case. With that said (again) send me a 42" my porch will hold without me worring about it.
  8. Why not just keep them at center? OneGrill 4pm05 is rated for something around 50 lbs uncentered. Are you planning on spinning something that heavy?
  9. I'll say it again - crap - if you have no brain power pay a structural engineer - otherwise figure it out yourself and save a few thousands of dollars.
  10. Crap - if you have a wood framed deck, some amount of brain power, a few cinder blocks and a couple of 4x4's it's not too hard to shore up a deck for the weight of a KK. This really isn't rocket science.
  11. The surgery went well. Very little nerve and tendon damage. He put a pin and a small plate in her finger. Plate stays forever but at some point in the future the pin will come out. First follow up appointment is Monday the 21st. They have her on oxycodone for pain. Attached is a x-ray with the pin and plate.
  12. ckreef

    Rib day

    Nice looking ribs.
  13. Nice looking steak. Me and Mrs skreef do 1 steak for the 2 of us unless I want leftovers.
  14. You did a great job with that. Storing grates vertically is much better than horizonally.
  15. Left KK (upper temp) was indirect baking getting to 350*. Right KK (lower temp) direct with CI griddle coming up to 400*. I really love the new dome probe setup.
  16. It tries to every now and then but I don't share well. At least not out of the same glass - pour your own - LOL
  17. You can make it yourself but that is store bought. (lazy man's Texas toast) Comes frozen. That one is butter and garlic. Quick, easy and tastes good.
  18. You didn't need to go down that road for good food and pampering - you get that every day anyway.
  19. This cracked me up. With it getting colder outside I knew it was only a matter of time. Check out the upper temperature. Obviously not what the tiles on the outside read but they are comfortably warm.
  20. A simple stuffed shells dinner with Texas toast and a side salad. Everything cooked outside even browning the meat on my outdoor burner. The pictures should tell the story. I
  21. Served in Chinese restaurants all over the US.
  22. Nice looking brisket and ribs. Kewl knife.
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