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Everything posted by MacKenzie

  1. I have only done 1 pizza on the 15 inch griddle and it was on the KK. I do think that it does heat up a little faster than the Modernist one and I suppose it hold the heat longer. It is far easier to lift the baking steel on and off the KK than it is getting it into and out of the oven. My oven is part of the stove so lower than a wall oven. It would be much easier to get the griddle into and out of the oven, a noticeable difference. The 15 inch round weighs 18 lbs and the Modernist weighs 22 pounds but 4 pounds at arms length feels more like an extra 20 pounds.
  2. Picked up a couple of beef roasts yesterday to make some ground meat, Ready to rock and roll. Only about 4 pounds so used the Electrolux to grind. Grilled a portabella mushroom and topped it with a burger Added cheese and put it under the broiler, sides were potato wedges and caramelized onions and cooked tomatoes.
  3. I have the KK baking stone and love it for bread and thick pizzas, it does produce an even heat, top and bottom if the KK is properly heat soaked. I have 2 Baking Steels, the Modernist one and a 15 inch griddle. They are great in the kitchen stove for pizza and great on top of the stove for bacon, eggs, grilled cheese sandwiches and English muffins. I have used the 15 inch griddle, flipped over for my last pizza on the KK and it did a fine job but I would not have wanted the bottom any darker. Verdict, both have their places.
  4. Dinner looks wonderful and the weather looks miserable.
  5. Oh how I wish I liked more seafood.[emoji41]
  6. Looks very tasty.[emoji4]
  7. Garlic, chives and a wine cork? [emoji6] Is this a new technique, drink the wine and add the cork[emoji3] Sounds good to me.[emoji7]
  8. That certainly was a tough delivery and I am so glad it all worked out for you. That is a lovely grill, lovely setting, lovely dogs and a lovely cook, what more could you want.
  9. It must be a real joy to see them live, I know it was fun seeing the pixs.:)
  10. Gorgeous pixs, Oh no you can't find the poutine.
  11. Best if you don't know what they are saying.!🤡[emoji44]
  12. No way, not an every day food in my mind - to me it is what to eat when you nothing healthy.🤓
  13. You two need to be more adventuresome.
  14. Aussie, I'd love to go halves on that delicious looking chicken dinner. [emoji4]
  15. Awesome looking bread, just look at that spring. I guess it is still too hot to show the crumb. You must be very pleased. [emoji16]
  16. What a great feast that must have been, I wish I had been there.
  17. I do grill all winter long and I do keep my grills undercover and have had no problems related to moisture. -20 to -30C is pretty cold and I might not want to be out on the deck myself in that range. I did buy a small KK for the sole purpose of a faster heat up durning the winter, bought the 16.5 inch and have had no problems but your grilling space is limited and the grates are closer to the fire which you have to keep in mind. I am very happy with it and it is also easier for me to roll out than the 21 inch high top KK. In the winter, if it is really cold, I usually position the KK just in font of the sliding glass door so I can see the temp from in the house and actually tend to the food on the the grate without even putting my winter jacket on and stepping outside.
  18. Keith, that is a beautiful rib dinner.
  19. Go for the colour you picked there is no reason not to. It is not going to scratch unless you rub it with some abrasive material. That's my 2 cents.
  20. Welcome, Jamie. You are in for a real taste treat with the KK, I kid you not your food is moving to the next level.
  21. Delicious. [emoji4][emoji41][emoji7] Just look at the smoke on that cook.:)
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