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Everything posted by MacKenzie

  1. Sharon, that is fantastic news both about the butt and the new little one you are expecting.
  2. Happy Birthday, Aussie and that thermometer is going to be so handy both outside at the grill and inside the kitchen. I've had the older model for longer than I can remember.:)
  3. That was supposed to read, SK, not skills, wonderful spell check attacks again.
  4. Absolutely, Aussie. Gotta make the most of a good situation.;)
  5. Just look at that moisture, what goodness.
  6. MacKenzie


    Wow, that is an awesome brisket. You did a great job, a perfect cook.
  7. Skills, smoked cheese is great, cheddar, gouda, swiss, etc, all good.
  8. That is correct, Steve. I am stuck at home and ready for a fun day in the kitchen.
  9. Welcome and what a beautiful KK you chose. Wait until you do chicken, it will unbelievably moist. BTW I love the stones.
  10. Thanks, everyone. @ Tinyfish, so it was you who sent me this storm. Not much deck clean up today, fortunately this snow was light and fluffy and we had lots of wind to blow it off at least half the deck.
  11. It looks to me that you might have gotten a lump of coal.
  12. Started with smoking some cheddar cheese for me and a pork loin for a friend. Cheese is done, can't see much smoke but can taste it and smell it. It is now vacuumed sealed and resting for a few weeks. While the pork is smoking I smoked some coffee beans. It has been a long time since I did this. I asked someone who shall remain nameless to pick me up 10 pound of GREEN beans and they came home with roasted beans. I am the only one drinking espresso or coffee in this house so it took me some time to use these beans. Actually I don't even have coffee everyday. Time for dinner, SVed some fish, made some fries, PCed the carrots and steamed some of my peas. Canadian is still smoking and the storm is in full force. The wind was blowing snow on Pebbles so I dropped the winter cover. It is being held back by the snow blower which is ready for action. Fortunately it is a low temp. cook. Canadian Bacon is done. Lot of smoke on this cook. Kitchen now smells great.
  13. What a great story. This pot will always bring a smile to your face.
  14. I'd have to be pretty desperate to do that, but if that is what floats your boat....
  15. Tasty cook and I imagine your friends were thrilled with the flavour. It must have felt great to have some time to take pixs and do a post. I know I appreciated it.:)
  16. I am watching this Syzygies with a great deal of interest. After tasting the bread using your recipe I can't get over the flavour. It is the only bread that I eat 2 or 3 slices as soon as it cool, can't get enough of that flavour.
  17. I did get a laugh out of the bread baking instructions when I read, "give the dough a little shake to even it out".
  18. Looks wonderful, Aussie. I'd have a hard time putting that ginger beer in the glaze, I love ginger beer not sure I could refrain from drinking it.
  19. Gorgeous Prime Rib, the flavour must have been awesome.
  20. Syzygies, I checked out the link, very interesting, thanks. Then I went to a site where I have bought some wheat berries from in Canada. I suspect they buy their Red Fife from the same farm mentioned in your article. Sounds like I need to place and order if my local organic store doesn't carry it. Shipping will kill me, it's on the opposite coast of Canada from me. Here is a link to a very simple bread recipe Field Organics has posted on their web site. http://fieldstoneorganics.ca/products/organic-whole-grains/recipes/red-fife-bread.pdf
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