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Everything posted by MacKenzie

  1. MacKenzie

    Ribs and chiken

    Tyrus, I wish you had let me know in advance that you were sending your Champion. Sorry
  2. Tony, it doesn't seem to be available in Canada but I do have an inquiry into them to find out.
  3. I have been using my MAPP torch for years and certainly never noticed any petroleum smell or taste. It is only running for maybe 20 sec and then I hit the coals with the Milwalkie mini blower to get the coals burning.
  4. Wow, so many fantastic cooks. Hats off to everyone. Inspiring, they are.
  5. You have been BUSY, cooking up a storm. It is all looking very tasty.
  6. Welcome Jamie, you are in for such a treat. Whatever you cook on the KK will taste so much better. I'm sure you'll get the hang of it in no time. Fill the firebox up and begin. When you are finished with your cook close the vents and the fire will go out leaving you with lump that will just need to be topped up for the next cook. After the fire is out open the top vent just a tinest bit and put the dome into the position where is is NOT compacting the gaskets. Please remember we love looking at lots and lots of the arrival and unboxing pixs.
  7. AAAsh, I'm sure someone with experience will pop-in with some tips.
  8. Just finished slicing, packaging and vacuum sealing Canadian Bacon. It is now in the freezer.
  9. Today was the day to smoke my curing pork loin. I couldn't have had better weather for the curing period, temp. were perfect for me to put the curing bucket in the ODK all day and bring it in at night with a couple of water bottles that were frozen. Did most of the cook about 210F and near the end moved the temp to about 225F. Fortunately I have a pebbles KK and the temp. held rock solid. It was below freezing an my Smoke didn't like that so I set it on the flat part of the KK dome and it worked perfectly. This was the lightest colour I've ever gotten on my bacon but the meat was lightly smoky, tender, moist and flavourful. Once it's sliced no one is going to notice. Taste test coming up.
  10. Who says I can't have a white out!
  11. Exactly, Tony. The air is soooo clean and fresh not to mention how bright and clean things are after a snowfall. I LOVE IT. This year is very warm for January -5 to 0 C, I'm still wearing my spring jacket. Not sure how much longer this is going to last, but the forecast is good up to at least the middle of the month. I have a bucket in the ODK with pork loin curing. I leave it out all day and bring it in at night. Expect to smoke it probably Fri.
  12. Here's Little Barbie in action, and this snow is heavy too.
  13. Troble's next door neighbout runs an Air B&B and I've just booked in thinking that I probably can get my breakfast at Troble's.
  14. Meatloaf and potatoe scallop for dinner this evening. Both dishes were cooked on the 16 inch KK. We are under a heavy snowfall warning. Guess I know what I'll be doing tomorrow. First I'll have to get Little Barbie the snow blower out. That little thing will out blow machines two or three times the size.
  15. Troble, thanks so much for putting all that together and posting it.
  16. Looking forward to your post tomorrow, Troble.
  17. @Troble, it was great to read the good news about your parents and I think they must have been super happy with your Care Package.
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