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Everything posted by MacKenzie

  1. tinyfish, those pizzas look wonderful and I see you followed that 9 second rule about eating things of the floor, you must have been fast to get the topping back on the pizza in 9 seconds.:)
  2. Tony, what I make is a non alcoholic drink. The only alcohol is the amount made just to carbonate the drink in the bottle.
  3. That's great PJ, if not filled with lots of cooking there will be lots of eating. Have great weekend too.
  4. Thanks,PJ, it is not the same recipe at all. I have the pizza crust dough posted in the recipe section. If you have trouble finding it let me know and I'll get it for you.
  5. He does like to walk a fine line doesn't he.
  6. GoFrogs, that is definitely the worst waiting story so close but still so far.
  7. I suppose I could try it but I'm not holding out much hope for the switch from ketchup to mayo on fries.
  8. Poochie, that is what is always put on any type of hot sandwich around here, it's a traditional thing.
  9. I couldn't resist the chicken stock pixs. The total time in the oven was 15-16 hours at 180F-200F. Managed to get 10 C of stock. Strained it through a metal stainer and right now I'm waiting for the fat to rise to the top. The dregs;) from which all this goodness came.
  10. BTW, I don't drink tea because I really don't care for it, but I sure like this stuff:-) Sent from my Nexus 7 using Tapatalk
  11. Does that mean you don't want the recipe.
  12. I always mis-spell it because I spell it the way it is pronounced. It should be spelled kombucha. It is a fermented tea based drink that is rich in probiotics and antioxidants. I find it very refreshing especially since I add a lot of ginger. It is very easy to make.
  13. I'm about to have a re-run with cold craft beer.
  14. I needed some sourdough bread so heated up Pebbles and the result - Right after the bread was done I thought I should do a pizza since the baking stone is hot;) Got busy and here is the pizza with the topping almost complete, just need to add some more cheese. Ready for the bake, temp. is near 500F but starting to fade. Here goes- Temp. kept falling so it took longer to cook the pizza but it ended up nice and crispy. Plated and served with a nice glass of homemade ginger kombuka.
  15. This chicken cook is here for the long run, the bones are in a stock pot with, onion, celery, carrot from my garden, spices and set in the oven at 180F-200F for 10-12 hours or maybe even longer. Here is the carrot from my garden, guess I won't be sous videing any baby carrots this year. I let the stock brew in the oven most of the night, I'm about to strain it. It does smell gooood. That is another thing about natural chickens that I like, stock without all the added chemicals.
  16. A wild guess on my part since these two wire pieces do not come with the fire basket divider but do these two pieces go together to make a third grill level just above the fire basket, one where you cook indirect and the other direct? In this scenario the solid half moon would not be used.
  17. I totally agree and it also fits in the dishwasher, at least the 21inch rotisserie does.
  18. Just look at that moisture, wonderful looking pulled duck
  19. Deep fried in a pan, but I started with frozen fries. You will love sous vide once you get into it.
  20. PJ, that is exactly where you find them, in that drawer.
  21. Some how I can't see dipping my fries in mayo, I think I'll stick with the Canadian way;)
  22. Poochie, now you have double the pleasure. I can see how moist your chicken was, it's great, fantastic. You will have lots of chicken for all the other cooks that can be done with roast chicken.
  23. Hogsfan, wow, those are some ribeyes, and that looks like the perfect cook.:):
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