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Everything posted by MacKenzie

  1. I grind my own and haven't bought ground beef for ages. The one thing I'm try to do is not to buy any mechanically tenderized roasts for grinding. Normally the bacteria are on the surface but when they mechanically tenderize they shove those bacteria into the middle of the meat, not exactly desirable.
  2. Poochi, your delivery sounds like mine. On Fri. It was so close I could almost touch it, why can't they just make this one delivery on Sat. and yes and let's have rain for delivery day. In the end it all worked out just fine and I'm sure your day will be the same.
  3. I totally agree with Poochie, it's your daughter that has stolen this show. She is gorgeous, simply gorgeous The leg of lamb is a distant second.
  4. Tinyfish, that breakfast pizza looks really awesome. It's beautiful.
  5. Is that the famous peach jam that we are all waiting to arrive in the mail?
  6. I have quite a few of those in my yard, I wonder if I could train one of them?
  7. I'd light my fire at least 2 hours before cook time and even longer it you have a chance.
  8. Wow, you now have the grill to end all grills:) I love that colour, it looks very familiar to Pebbles. Keep those awesome pixs coming:)
  9. Bosco, the Cdn dollar killed me when I bought my KK but I just didn't want to wait, that could be a long time. I live too far from the border to have a US postal box for pick up, 3-4 hour drive each way.
  10. Thanks everyone and Poochie I'll try to remember that for the next time:)
  11. Well I certainly hope there are lots of pixs to come
  12. tinyfish, lots of great flavours in that dinner. One wouldn't know which to eat first
  13. Sweet red peppers that I've enjoyed before so much that it just had to be done again. Done. Along with the peppers I roasted a peach. Ready to grill. On the grill. I didn't use a whole lot of lump as this cook was going to be with the lid open. Peppers and peach halves. Grilled Peach. Served with some homemade vanilla bean ice cream and Nova Scotia maple syrup. A sandwich with SVed eye of the round, cheese, roasted pepper, lettuce and sourdough bread. Served with a helping of fries. The view from the front door this evening:)
  14. Yes, I'm confused too but I looked up the invoice and it said Autumn Nebula although I thought it was to be Harvest Gold too. I know this doesn't help, sorry. The only person that knows for sure is Dennis:) It could even be Olive Gold, whatever it is I like it. I just checked the box of spare parts and it says Olive Gold Pebbles so I'm thinking that is correct.
  15. Thanks, Bosco, it is great to have you here.
  16. Bosco, thanks. It is Autumn Nebula.
  17. MacKenzie


    cpwebb, sure looks like an interesting cook and I imagine a very tasty one too.
  18. tinyfish, it looks wonderful. You'll have to move to the Maritimes because we do at times get key limes;)
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