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Everything posted by MacKenzie

  1. Byron, talk about spirit, you've got a ton of it
  2. ckreef, what a great looking dinner everything looks perfectly delicious
  3. qundoy, I can easily see that you had a very enjoyable dinner, things are looking very tasty
  4. GrillingMontana, those are gorgeous looking chops and fantastic grill marks
  5. GoFrogs, I'm loving the look of those ribs
  6. I get a preview of new posts but when I click on them a message appears saying "Connecting to Server" but it never does. This only happens for the KK forum, kind of frustrating. I have also have a lot of trouble the last 2 days getting connected to the forum. I haven't been able to get on either yesterday after lunch until late last evening and the same thing happened today. This is unique to the KK forum for me, no trouble with any other forum. I don't understand what the problem could be, any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.
  7. Interesting, I wish hey had gone a little longer with the video and actually opened the beer
  8. Still not working for me:(
  9. DaveyR, that is wonderful news
  10. robscan, I've had it for years and simply cannot remember where I bought it. I just did an Amazon search and found this, it looks the same but I know I didn't buy it here. I did a search for "chicken leg and wing rack". http://www.amazon.com/King-Kooker-12WR-12-Slot-Poultry/dp/B00CJ6EU36/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1433207228&sr=8-1&keywords=chicken+leg+and+wing+rack
  11. Not mine:( It tries to connect to the server but then the message comes up that says, " Failed to connect to the forum..."
  12. Nice but I'd make sure that there no pesticides were used on the trees and no oil from your saw
  13. All natural lighting for the bacon shots and the patties, the inside cheese and burger shots probably used a tripod except the last burger shot was with me sitting and the burger on a tray on my lap
  14. Those are fantastic looking ribs and that is an awesome pizza
  15. SVed at 140F for 7 hours- Up Close -
  16. I am so glad that the site is up and running. It is gorgeous, the pixs of the grills are beautiful and the whole site is easy and friendly. All in all a fantastic job
  17. I just finished eating my smashed cheese burger in time to post. Started by grilling some bacon on my new Cabalas bacon rack. Cut the bacon in half for the burgers. Next step is to do the smashed burgers- Building the cheese smashed burger- Slice some previously smoked cheddar cheese. It would have been nice if I had remembered to put the bacon on the burger before I had eaten 3/4 of the burger The bacon rack worked very well, I did turn the rack 180 once during the cook but never touched the bacon. I don't think I even needed to do that one turn. The rack is heavy duty stainless steel and I liked the way it cooked very much.
  18. CC, what a fantastic cooking lesson for your nephew and it couldn't have been any more successful. Beautiful meal, well done, pat yourself on the back BTW, it looks and has the texture of med. rare but little does he know it is fully cooked.
  19. Cook_Shack, you did fabulous with your pix:)
  20. mk1, those are tasty looking ribs on that grill and looks like sausage too, all great eating
  21. That must be a fantastic feeling
  22. GoFrogs, nothing gets between me and my food
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