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Everything posted by Poochie

  1. A policeman pulls car over for speeding. As he walks to the car, he hears the guy tell his wife to keep her mouth shut. Policeman: Hey buddy, do you know you were going 50 in a 25mph zone? Husband: No sir. I never speed. It must be a mistake. Wife: Now Henry, you know you always say speed limits are for idiots. Yes officer, he was speeding. Husband: Shut your mouth! Policeman: You aren’t wearing a seat belt either. You know the law. Husband: I had to take it off to get my wallet out to retrieve my driver’s license for you. Wife: Really Henry? You never wear a seat belt. You said they put them in cars for losers. Husband: If you don’t shut up I’m going to slap your face! Policeman: Miss, does he always talk to you like this? Wife: Not always officer, just when he’s been drinking too much.
  2. BBQ smoke BBQ smoke. That's all I've inhaled. Where have I heard that before?
  3. Beef and sauerkraut go together very well. I'll bet it warmed up your igloo.
  4. I've been using the smoker in a 20X24 metal building with 2 8 foot roll up doors on it...and a regular door. 9 times out of 10 the natural airflow keeps it safe inside. I have 3 fans I can operate to blow smoke out as needed. I've been using this setup for around 15 years and never had a problem. Smoke on, brother!
  5. I'm in Louisiana and we're considered the mosquito capital of the world here. A little smoke seems to drive them away. You'll never regret your purchase of a KK...no matter what size or color you get. And people here are always ready to help with any questions you might have.
  6. She's a beauty Cnommensen. You had no problem with it being on two pallets? We can't wait to see more cooks on it.
  7. I hope everyone had a great Thanksgiving and took a nice nap after lunch!
  8. Fair enough. Just change the word "turkey" in the joke to "duck" and we're good!
  9. I say choice number 2. You'll never wish you had less space. You've got all the bases covered with a 32 and the space necessary to feed the extended family. That being said, if it's just you and your wife 99% of the time, the 23 would serve you well.
  10. A guy was driving and saw a turkey walking on the side of the road. When he pulled up to it the turkey ran ahead of the car. The guy notices that the turkey has 3 legs. He went 50 mph and the turkey sped up and passed his car. Then turkey took a turn down a dirt road and the guy drove after him. He pulls up to a house owned by farmer tekobo and she just happens to be rocking in a chair on the porch. Man: Pardon me young lady, did you see a 3 legged turkey run by here? tekobo: Yep. I raise them Man: You raise them? Why? tekobo: I like the drumstick, the husband likes the drumstick and my little brother likes the drumstick. Man: That’s amazing. How does it taste? tekobo: I don’t know. We’ve never been able to catch the damn things.
  11. That KK looks like a winner. You'll cook many a fine meal on it!
  12. Great looking pork steak. It had to be great to impress a child!
  13. Welcome to the club, Cheesehead_griller. Once you have it at your home you won't think about color or tile shapes very much. You'll be too busy enjoying the cooking process. And if you let tekobo and MacKenzie tell you what to purchase, you'll lose your home and have to wear a barrel wherever you go.
  14. Amen to what tekobo said. And put both prongs on the same side so you can tighten with with one stop of the rotisserie motor.
  15. Congratulations guys. My second one is on a ship that should dock around December 6th give or take. I'm in Louisiana so it's BBQ weather all year long. I'm getting the cobalt blue pebble. You'll have a lot of fun with it and there are plenty of people on here ready to share their experience with you.
  16. I don't get it, Jeff. Like I said earlier, you may want to try cutting the money muscle out and having double the smoke surface. Other than that, the only thing I can think of it that the higher the temperature, the less smoke wood chunks will produce. A 9.5 pound butt in 5 and a half hours is pretty quick. I know you've tried low and slow before. Maybe the real geniuses on here can come up with a solution...I'm tapped out on suggestions.
  17. Tony's folks visited him while he was in college. (back in the day) They got a chance to talk to his professors and were amazed at what they heard. They went back home and bragged to all their friends that their son was studying to become an astronaut! The friends were really impressed and wanted all the details. So they told them "everyone one of his professors told us he was taking up space!!"
  18. Great looking food, guys. I go for either of those dishes.
  19. I'm happy to see that you cook those wing "tips" that most people throw away. I love those things when they get crunchy.
  20. Poultry in general will take on more smoke. But glad they came out good. That's all that really matters.
  21. I have a poor man's Santa Maria grill...the Kudu. They recommended an 80/20 mix with 20 being wood and 80 charcoal. Of course I broke the rule and usually make a 100% wood fire on it to cook chicken wings, burgers and whatever else I've cooked on the thing. You'd think the smoke flavor would be "in your face" but it isn't. There's no restriction to the amount of air burning the splits I used and they burn very clean. Also, the smoke is not contained like in a KK...it's scattered everywhere. The flavor is good, but not deep down smoky flavor like a smokehouse. The KK can't take this amount of wood simply because there isn't enough to air in it to keep the wood burning. It would smolder and create bad smoke. In the Komodo Kamado, for longish smokes like ribs, butts or brisket, I've always filled the coal basket and "cleaned out" a space on the side or back or it to dump X number of hot coals...a fairly small amount. Picture a bundt cake pan and dropping the hot coals in the center hole. But I move that hole over to one side. A modified Minion method. Now I place wood chunks from the hot coals to the other side of the basket. You'll generate a good amount of smoke for the duration of the cook as the lump slowly catches fire and burns the wood chunks along with it. The size wood pieces I use are about half a bar of soap. What's so great about cooking or BBQing is that there's no hard and fast rules to create good food. It's a constant experiment. If there's was one way, we'd all place first in BBQ competitions.
  22. You sure found a perfect pork belly to use. Lots of lean meat and the final product looks perfect! Good job.
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