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Steve M

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Everything posted by Steve M

  1. @tekobo That is something new to me but it looks delicious. After reading the recipe, I was wondering how you got the batter to sit on the grill until I looked closer to see a muffin pan. Those really puff up.
  2. I love the decorations. Nice job!
  3. Interesting, I've had a pellet grill for several years and was pretty careful about the pellets I would use. I have never seen the herb infused blends but it has been a while since I purchased any. Since I got the kk, I have barely fired it up.
  4. Good looking pizza Mackenzie and that crust!
  5. I ordered some meat from a new online source (for me at least), porter road, and grilled up a flat steak with chimichurri. Pretty happy with them. Corn on the cob, fresh squash, and mushrooms. this shot was after adding the chimichurri and the flames came up and kissed the steak.
  6. Looking good, I really love the rancho gordo beans.
  7. Probably one of the prettiest spiders when squished.
  8. Some good looking Q there Aussie.
  9. Inspired by @Bruce Pearson's stash, I ordered some of that sriracha myself. Glad to hear it is tasty.
  10. That should make some great stock for sure.
  11. Impressive sauce collection. You can never have too many IMO.
  12. I used to do quite a bit of diving and went in a lot of caves and caverns in Florida. The visibility was close to unlimited and there was nearly zero current. It is a miracle they got all of those kids and their coach out having to deal with weakened bodies, zero visibility, and strong current in a several hour process. Nothing like some good Q to put meat back on their bones.
  13. Mackenzie, If you had a recipe for accident prone chicken, I would ask for it.
  14. That looks outstanding.
  15. I agree with amusedtodeath, start out with a nice cut like prime or wagyu. Also, half a turn may be too much for the kk. I can get there on about a quarter of a turn while using a cyberQ. On that one, it has a display for fan speed. You don't want it running at 0% or 100%; that means it is getting too much or not enough air. In a worse case scenario, make the BBQ sauce to brisket ratio > 3:1
  16. They definitely know their way around some good tritip and pinquinto beans.
  17. Good thinking; hydration is key
  18. Lots of folks here use a smoke pot, basically a dutch oven with some small holes drilled in the bottom. Here is one of the threads: Smoke Pot
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