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Everything posted by Tyrus

  1. Looks good Basher, some of my favorites and eye appealing too. Thanks for reminding me, I have a qt. of Greek yogurt in the frig and was wondering what application to use it in.
  2. Unbelieveable, a tap room next door, you lucky dog. Well, I can understand your reluctance of parting with the old sofa...after so many years returning from the pub the sofa must have become an inseparable friend. There's some history in that sofa, I'd think this over carefully. The short beams look to be all oak, a rare find indeed. A beautiful pizza oven it is, it deserves center stage....move it at night to the middle of the yard, just for a reaction, you can always move it back later. Best of luck with the new KK, like the color.
  3. Sounds spooky, I don't like crawling amongst the spiders so this solved an issue having small splits clean and dry nearby the Santa Maria. Gidget and Garrett are Irish Jacks....if you ever had one you know they have a ton of energy. The pit does use a bit more fuel than a Solo Stove but, the affect is huge, long lasting and continuous. As for Tyrus, well, he's waiting for me elsewhere, we'll catch up later...
  4. Thanks Mac, living on the edge but always in control. See my daughter with a cookie in one hand and her phone in the other, the house could be burning...it wouldn't matter. Toney, the pit is lined with 4 inch refractory on the base and 3 inch on the sides, so yah, metal ain't a problem.
  5. Had some old lumber and an idea for a piece of real estate off the cooking area that was exposed to the weather. This two draw unit was built for waist high use and ease of accessibility. Storage down below for red oak splits or whatever hard wood around and an asphalt shingle roof to keep it dry. Plenty of space and some mods will be adapted for end use later...still a work in progress. Fits well in it's wooded area. The pic on the spin is from a spoon roast or sirloin, marinated in Stubbs Beef marinade overnight and later basted with the same. This I found was a tasty mariade and in the end added a nice color to the meat. And also a pic of my solo stove, cause everyone has one.
  6. Hey Tucker, Hope those shop endeavors turn out some works of art.
  7. You never know until you get there. And when you realize it may be a disappointment, you don't stop, you continue on to your next adventure. Sorry that one didn't work out Tekebo, you got many more to come................ this guy in Australia looks worth the distance if only the world wasn't so large.
  8. Saw that Basher, that guy's amazing. Soon you'll have to make a pilgrimage and visit his restaurant, I do believe I would...that is IF I lived in Australia.
  9. The difference between gas and charcoal is like going from impulse power to warp speed. You may not recognize the stars without a map but, who cares...the food is so much better. You may have to be a Treky to understand.
  10. Beautiful knifes and if they slice half as good as they look your work time and ease of prep will be that much more enjoyable. One could have the best Knife in the world...if you don't develop a good consistent technique to sharpen, it might as well be a butter knife. Does this make you Samurai?
  11. And if revealed the certainty of that color may not at all be what it is. No, alas with the Tekebo secret, it is hidden in a vault beside the CocaCola recipe and is safe for the moment. We need to employ other methods of extraction, "I'll get you my pretty, and your little cat too". Do you believe in spooks?
  12. I like the grill marks like pin stripes on a suit...very handsome. Purdy glaze too, you musta gone to the Mackenzie School of Photography. My mouth is watering, I want a bite, not fair.
  13. The technique using the sear method I have found is to not be afraid of turning or flipping for quick short periods. Letting a steak as large as that to sit there will only allow the middle to remain pink while the outer portion looks fully cooked if it isn't turned often enough . Wingman and Basher are spot on target for a saving grace method for balance however, the continuous short time flip is an alternative. Have you tried Umani or Dried shitake mushroom seasoning, it enhances flavor profile on large steaks as this? Good eating and good luck.
  14. Like the basket. Homemade? I seem to recall while on vacation in Vail last year the basket was flying around pretty quickly at a local fair. Your basket will certainly do the trick, may take a bit longer but it's really not about how long it takes but how you got there
  15. You may want to get a Mapp torch to light that Coco char. It can be a little tougher to light than your common lump but you'll find it does last longer. I ran a mixture of Coco and lump when my Coco was in abundance, right now only one box remains and I'm hoarding it, the lump starts up and spreads to the Coco and no worries. Good luck to you
  16. Nothing is better than cake on your birthday however you did approach the line with all the fixins . I do wish you a Happy "21". Don't forget,...drink responsibly.
  17. What a humongous piece of beef. Think I'd have to go down to the bank and make a withdrawal to buy a piece that large. Two guys from Denmark that are a pleasure to watch, and the eating adlib is a bonus. Yah, it's nice to have all the tools available just in case something comes along with a bit of a challenge. Thanks for the vid, it made me smile,..it also made me hungry.
  18. Nice,..... thick cuts well marbled. Bacon porn.
  19. OK. First I'll share with you a tasty Texas good dry rub for the ribs. No sauce. BBQ Pork Rub, Mix the following ingredients and rub over your pork ribs. Store the remainder in a glass jar for later use. 1/2 cup Garlic Powder, 1/4 cup Brown sugar, 2Tbls salt, 2Tbls Black pepper, 2Tbls Ancho Chilli powder, 1Tbs Ground thyme, 1 Tbs Ground Mexican Oregano and if you don't have the Mex you can use regular Oregano. The nice part about these grills is the ability to move the grate up and down from the fire. That in mind you want approx a 6 sec hand from the fire at a height you can withstand for your meat. A distance where it will cook and turn the meat a golden color, finding that safe distance is the key. The two hour rib is proportional to thickness so with that in mind expect the larger and thicker ribs to go a bit longer. You can always move things along by adjusting the height but you risk the darkening or charring of the meat. You can probe for tenderness and check for temp between the bones as the look of the ribs become something of your liking. I use a mix of apple cider vinegar and apple juice say 50/50 as the cook goes along. As Basher mentioned, another method to cut the time on ribs would be too place two racks of ribs on a screen on a cooking sheet. Pour apple cider vinegar beneath, cover with foil and cook in oven at 350 for 1 and 1/4 hours. At this point they are cooked and all that remains is to pretty them up. Put on the rub and grill them to a nice golden brown then add your sauce to finish. Hope that was helpful, tricky course to navigate with these grills but they're alot of fun so enjoy the ride.
  20. You can never have enough room in shop Tucker. Seems you'll be content for a while...nice job.
  21. Hello there. Oh yes, I've been cooking many things but haven't posted. Lazy I guess. Oh, I found small splits with lump charcoal work well on the Santa Maria grill. Having a forest nearby doesn't hurt, either. Here's a few pics. I did some Morrocan chicken but didn't have a real Tandori so I used this Blue chicken from China, yum. Back to back chicken on the skewer and two hour ribs. Sorry to steal your post again
  22. I remember asking if you had visitation rights...that turned out to be an understatement. A few doors down...over at the neighbors, now that's keeping the separation anxiety to a minimum. Three new KK's on the way, I know there's a surprise in here somewhere. Either it's a color not offered in the brochure or something unique about your choices your not giving up. Anyhow, it seems your surviving quite well, I hope your wait is a short one.
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