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Posts posted by Troble

  1. @Dono congrats on the purchase! I went through the same decision making process as you and landed on a 32 and I’ve never regretted the decision 

    one thing I sill add is I’d highly recommend you consider the rotisserie and pizza stone. Both those items open up a bunch of cooking options that let you unlock the full potential of the KK IMHO

  2. My wife is getting her 2nd Pfizer shot tomorrow morning.  she works in the schools. In anticipation of her not feeling well or being able to help with the kids tomorrow we decided to do our big cook today and just eat leftovers tomorrow 

    I’ve stated before that brisket is my favorite thing to cook and my first love in BBQ. I usually cook mine unwrapped. I’ve recently been turned on to the venerable @tony b favorite rubs and have been working my way through some of them so today I did my Easter Brisket @tony bstyle and it did not disappoint. In fact I’m now re-evaluating some of my go to choices for brisket which says a lot considering it’s my favorite thing by cook. Thanks @tony b for the recommendations 

    Lane’s BBQ Brisket Rub

    Butcher BBQ Brisket Injection 

    Slow  cooked at 215-220 for 12 hours, wrapped in pink butcher paper for 3 hours and ramped up to 250-275. Note -( I have not wrapped a brisket in pink butcher paper in 3+ years, it was how I first started cooking brisket but I’ve since grad away from it....may need to return to it based on today) I also never usually inject my brisket but did today abs the meat was extremely juicy 

    Incredibly juicy and flavorful. Wife loved it 

    served with garlic, sour cream, Parmesan & chive mashed potatoes and homemade cornbread 

    Happy Easter All









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  3. @MacKenzie I appreciate your concern. I called a wildlife relocation service got them coming out Monday morning to set some traps. I spent probably 60-90 minutes last night messing with that thing. It went up on my new roof and I know they like to make homes in chimneys and attics. It also looked huge abs swollen possibly pregnant and its been tearing up my yard and drinking out of pool everyday for two weeks or more now. I’m gonna get it caught and relocated by someone other than me. There no way I’m letting that thing ruin my new HVAC, roof and yard that I put done much time into 

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  4. 1 hour ago, Buzilo said:

    Chilli pepper works well. Put that outside as long as you don’t have a dog that can get into it.

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    I put chilli pepper flakes around a lot of my yard but they still went to places where there wasn’t any flakes or dug around trees that maybe didn’t have enough. I can’t conceiveably put red pepper flakes on every patch of dirt in my property. It wouldn’t be cost effective. I’m smoking a brisket and was up last night and saw that rascal in the act. We had an hourlong stare down when he ran for my pool to the roof and I was getting my KK and brisket going 


    @alimac23 can’t wait to see the finished product. Great looking cook 

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  5. 1 hour ago, Bruine said:

    I will certainly have occasions to try it, since it was really fun and I’m very happy with the result.

    Envoyé de mon iPad en utilisant Tapatalk

    You’re off to a great start. One thing to consider that I’ve been playing with is using a heat shield between the flames and trompo king on the lower grate. Would be curious to hear if you think it helps the carvings not burn in the collection plate.... @tekoboand I have been discussing this recently 

    Congrats on an excellent cook 

  6. 1 hour ago, MacKenzie said:

    @Troble, that's odd about your thyme because if there is one herb that can survive the winter in my garden it's thyme and my winter has to be a lot worse than yours. I bet the girls will enjoy digging up those potatoes. It's like finding treasures. :-D

    Yeah that is weird. It’s lemon thyme so not sure if that has anything to do with it. It’s weird I used it maybe in November and it never grew back. It just had one tiny stalk with a few small leaves for 3 months, but it’s starting to show some life now....go figure. 

    I started  strawberries, cherry tomatoes, San Marco tomatoes. cucumbers, zucchini, summer squash, red/yellow/green bell peppers, jalapeño, sweet peppers and aji amarillo a couple weeks ago. The high heat this week got some of the peppers to start sprouting. Looking forward to making my own pizza sauce with tomatoes from the garden 

    I had to cut all the baby fruit from my mango, avocado, peach and apple trees. Wanted them to focus on branch and root growth but they were prolific in flowering, so all in all garden is coming along quite well 


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  7. 2 hours ago, MacKenzie said:

    Troble, tell me you picked that rosemary and thyme from your herb garden. :smt055

    The rosemary yes. The thyme no. Thyme plant didn’t like the winter. There’s is one tiny stalk left with some new growth showing so I’ve left it but it has nothing to pick 

    harvesting some potatoes today though which will be fun with the girls. been battling raccoons lately who’ve been coming in nightly to dig up my yard and drink from my pool. Sprayed some mountain lion pee around my property yesterday. No visit from the raccoon last night. Not sure predator pee can solve your bear problem.....

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