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tony b

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Everything posted by tony b

  1. A friend sent me the link to these videos - this guy has nailed it! Enjoy!
  2. Most of us have found that we don't need any extra "help" keeping the humidity up in the KK, except maybe bread baking where you want a big steam blast. Try a few cooks without the extra water bath and see for yourself. Less work - same (or better) results.
  3. Just more time for all those cooks that you couldn't find time for before; plus, more time for posting pics of those cooks, too! Win-Win!
  4. I use my basket splitter for about 1/2 of my cooks, as I'm usually just cooking for myself. It saves charcoal and gets hot faster when I'm grilling. I like to use it on most rotisserie cooks, with the fire in the back. Just keep working with it to find the best uses for your cooks.
  5. The top latch is welded, so it's not supposed to be loosened. I'm surprised with that little bit of interference, that you couldn't move the bottom latch enough to clear it? Talk to Dennis.
  6. What a cool idea! https://www.virtualbeerfest.org/?fbclid=IwAR13tAPecDmuK-hI6w430QRXt_Tv1g3alcCUFKQVza0MNQe9Z-EpJGDQDw4 I just bought 5 "tickets" to the event.
  7. Don't go messing with adjusting the dome just yet; you could create more issues than you have now. The bottom latch is adjustable. Loosen the two bolts and move the plate as needed. Re-tighten the bolts and check both the alignment and the tightness of the latch when closed to the 2nd position - it should be firm. This is critical for closing off the air supply after your cooks and snuffing out the charcoal. If this doesn't fix the alignment problem, contact Dennis directly for guidance.
  8. Glad to share recipes; it will be up to you, however, to procure the necessary equipment and to source the ingredients!
  9. More real every day, I'm afraid, and we haven't seen the worst of it yet!
  10. tony b

    The Fire

    I think we should start calling you "Fire Eater!"
  11. Gorgeous burger, MacKenzie! And Hey Look, Aussie - no beets!!!
  12. Projects are moving along nicely! Thanks for the pictures.
  13. tony b

    The Fire

    What would be perfect is if the chimney diameter just fits over the handles on the charcoal basket.
  14. Can't wait to see the uncrating pics!
  15. I'd eat that in a heartbeat! Inspiring me to break out my molcajete.
  16. Seriously nice job! Those mashed potatoes look as heavenly as the brisket!
  17. Nailed it! (even without the pink butcher paper)
  18. Dinner last night was a Cajun spiced porkchop with sides of mushroom risotto and crispy kale chips with rosemary & garlic focaccia. Grilled direct on the main @ 325F with an apple wood chunk.
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