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3 points
Being a prospective customer, this would be an awesome idea. I have found the unpacking ones really good. The food and cooking techniques useful for inspiration. Pretty much all posts have commented on quality which has been the main selling point for me personally. Also it is evident that there great network and support especially from the owner has given me the confidence that I shouldn't be looking anywhere else. Customer advocacy is very high which pretty sells the product on its own.... I spent my lunch time today reading Aussie Ora and someone else's unpacking stories. Was nice to get some sun in the park and a few minutes away from my desk. Just waiting for tiles samples and hopefully I can be part of the KK club soon. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk3 points
2 points
Unpacking posts are the best especially my one lol Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk2 points
Take a selfie of your tongue. I want to see the purple crack Berry tongue like I had as a kid with grape cool-aide.2 points
And the english version... Ingredients: 1 chicken 1 to 1.5 kg 3 cloves garlic, minced 3 pinches of paprika 1/2 cup olive oil 1/2 cup white wine 1/8 cup of parsley chopped 1 chopped onion 1 bay leaf in piece 1 C. Of Sambal Oelek or piri- Piri chopped Salt and mixed pepper Preparation: Cut the chicken in half lengthways and Well flatten. Practice several notches of about 1 Inch deep into the flesh of the chicken. Thoroughly massage the chicken with the mixture of salt and pepper. Allow to stand for 60 to 90 minutes. Mix all the other ingredients in a bag Marinade or in a bowl. Salt and pepper. Before marinating the chicken, remove the excess salt and Pepper by scratching it. Place chicken in The marinade and water well. Leave to marinate About 60 minutes. Envoyé de mon iPad en utilisant Tapatalk2 points
OK, I might have finally OD'ed on Purple Crack tonight! The Purple Crack mashed potatoes were fine. Sous vide russets in duck fat with Purple Crack and powdered roasted garlic, then mashed with sour cream and half-n-half, with white truffle oil and black garlic. But, that wasn't what sent me into overdose - it was the Purple Crack vinaigrette salad dressing! Standard vinaigrette of EVOO and White Balsamic vinegar with the lemon myrtle/Taz peppercorn blend, Purple Crack, and an extra grind of straight Taz peppercorns from the grinder on top of the tomato wedges. I think it was the last hit that did it. My tongue is still tingling 20 minutes later! If you don't hear from me over the next couple of days, it's because I've checked myself into rehab!2 points
We tell people all the time about how moist chicken stays on the KK, but seeing/tasting is believing! Care to share your recipe, please?2 points
1 point
I have discovered a new wave of forum visitors who I believe are wannabe customers researching KK grills. I've make up a new section Posts for KK Shoppers. I'd like to fill it with great unpacking posts or posts with great comments that will help educate these visitors and help them take the leap. Will you please help me find great posts? I've already included CeramicChef's un-crating of the beast and two others that I knew off the top of my head.. Having this targeted all 5 star post area makes sense. Thanks as always for your help...1 point
@Garvinque-I'll show you mine if you show me yours! I'll go first. Sourdough is by far my favorite pizza crust. You can 48 or 72 all you want. I'll take sourdough. Changing a few things up today. First, the position of the steel. In previous cooks I've been putting the steel on top of the KK baking stone. This gives me the benefit of the quick conductivity of steel backed by the slower conductivity of the stone. Thought I'd try the steel alone, but wanted the radiation buffer of the deflector. First time I've used that deflector. Thought it might heat soak quicker this way, but my IR gun tells me otherwise. Also, once heat soaked, the dome therm was reading 100 degrees hotter than the steel and the surface of the dome, so had to run a bit hotter on the dome therm to get equivalent steel temps. Also changed up the sourdough a bit. I've done Forkish style 70% hydration sourdough with 00 flour and with 25% flour from the levain. And I've done 65% Hydration sourdough with high protein flour (All Trumps or KA Pizza Blend) with 10% flour from levain. Today I did the Forkish version, but with KA Pizza Blend. It's been my experience that All Trumps is easier to work with than KA, and today was no different. Running 625 on the dome, here's my wife's pizza with spinach. And the bottom. This is why I love the steel. Gives the bottom a terrific, crisp texture and a bit of a spotted char. And my pizza. Artichoke hearts, mushrooms and prosciutto. And of course some of my cold smoked mozzarella. Gotta have that. Some conclusions from these experiments: Putting the steel directly on the stone works well. Stick with that. 70% Hydration with 25% of total flour from levain is the best tasting crust to date, but stick with All Trumps. Alright Garvin! Your turn!1 point
I like my 50/50 blend of Caputo 00 and KA bread flour; so much so I'm not changing it. It gives me good stretch but the fine/smooth texture and resulting cornicione from the finer and softer 00 flour. I don't think I would see the same results using a blend of AP and bread flour.1 point
You won't see much difference by mixing KA bread and AP flours. High hydration doughs - and 70% is high hydration for pizza - can be hard to work with. Maybe try taking it down to 66% but stick with the same KA flour.1 point
Damn, I was all excited to practice my French and you went and translated it. I might offer some hints on the translation, as cooking terms don't generally translate directly: Preparation: Cut the chicken in half lengthways and press to flatten well. (or Spatchcock the chicken) Slice several slits of about 1 inch deep into the flesh of the chicken. Thoroughly massage the chicken with the mixture of salt and pepper. Allow to stand for 60 to 90 minutes in the refrigerator. Mix all the other marinade ingredients in a bag or a bowl. Before marinating the chicken, remove the excess salt and pepper by rubbing it with a dry paper towel. Place chicken in the marinade and baste well. Leave to marinate about 60 minutes.1 point
Dude, your sister is in MN! WTF - and weren't going to come down to Iowa for a visit??? Now, I'm bummed that your vaca got panned, too!1 point
1 point
113 ci, 10:1 compression, straight pipes, no baffles. Very loud and proud. To be honest you loose a little mid range performance with straight pipes. Doesn't bother me any, it is way faster than I usually care to ride.1 point
It's not good but it's the nature of my work .I told them I was not happy because they new my plans but at the end of the day I love my job and need it to put food on my KK .but I'm sure I will get there by summer next no way I'm visiting my sister in minessota in winter I'm not into frost bite lol Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk1 point
The one thing I remember about all the Neapolitan style sourdough I used to make for pizzas: The dough was just super super tender. Stretching was kind of a chore to get it stretched to even 10" without tearing. I had not tried incorporating bread flour to the final mix ... maybe that would have made a difference, dunno.1 point
@DennisLinkletter- this post by @Syzygies was extremely helpful to me when I was buying my 23.1 point
I believe this is a prototype Dennis has worked up and will make available if/when he finds someone to make them at a reasonable cost.1 point
Oh other useful posts would be the optional items and how well they work. And for personally for me, importing into Australia. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk1 point
Don't stress mate everything works out in the end .I feel for you the effort you put in I'm sure in the next few days I will posting your delivery.im just stoked you go the berries just try not to od like Tony lol Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk1 point
If this really ended up in the Bermuda Triangle I will eventually resend it. The rubs and extras I threw in there I couldn't care less about but the ingredients to make 2 special salad dressings I really wanted you and Dee to try. Those were the hardest most expensive part of the box but that was really what the box was about. We'll see what happens and I'll eventually reorder the ingredients from FL.1 point
1 point
1 point
We have to give it a little more time. I think the official stance is 30 days before you can make a claim. It's not looking good and I'm more bummed by the day.1 point
1 point
Indeed! Unlike some other monochromatic grills (i.e., green ones), the KK comes with all the essentials to start cooking right out of the crate. The few "accessories" are truly add-ons, like the rotisserie basket/spit rod, pizza stone, cold smoker unit, and special drip pans (the grill comes with a basic one.)1 point
That seems like a great deal for someone wanting to get into a KK that might be on a more limited budget!1 point
1 point
1 point
Comes standard with two 3/8” 304 stainless steel grates that can be used in four cooking positions, Upper flipped on firebox as a right near the charcoal sear grate, Upper on it's tall legs is half way between the charcoal and main grate. Main grate 2.5" down from the lip. The Upper on the main gives you two layers of low and slow territory. SS charcoal basket, SS drip pan, heat deflector, rotisserie shaft system (roti ready), Auto Temp control fan faceplate (BBQ Guru/Rocks Stokker), Teak and stainless BBQ Guru plug, rear (optional) gas door assembly, side accessory plates, grate hanger, polder tube with silicone plugs. Spare parts/replacement kit with extra knobs, rear hinge spring, food grade silicone gaskets, matching tiles, acrylic grout, springs, food grade silicone polder plugs, wrench, crow bar, Springs for door and plug, allen keys..1 point
@ckreef - Such abuse you put your family through! Geez! Absolutely beautiful cook. Kudos to ya!1 point
So Garvin - what did you like about the crust and what didn't you like? Maybe we can help with some pointers for the next go. You'll be acing pizza in no time.1 point
That's because we spell colour the correct way, right Aussie. . It is like neighbour and a whole bunch of other words that are supposed to have a "u " in them.1 point
looks fantastic so do you want to go back to your old cooker lol j/k1 point
TY FotonDrv - that's what I thought in the beginning. It is a around the town cruiser but I can go out all the day on it without issue. The riding angle just works. Of course I won't speak for Mrs skreef's back or butt on that pad - LOL1 point
A couple stand outs for me ... a short list: My '85 Saab 900S. It was great running around 4x4 trucks ... those early Saabs were incredible on snow & ice. With Hakkapeliittas of course. And my highly modified '99 Landcruiser. That's it.1 point
1 point
When I was in Los Angeles in the 80's I had this '59 Rometsch Cabriolet.. Aluminium bodied on a VW pan with an Okrasa motor..1 point
Some great cars you have had over the years .here are three of my old photos I decided to take a pic of for a guru post might have to scrum age through my old photos Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk1 point
There was an aptly named movie a few years ago - "The Money Pit." https://video.search.yahoo.com/video/play;_ylt=A2KLqIHzeUtYqHUAy9z7w8QF;_ylu=X3oDMTExbW1vaDQzBHNlYwNzcgRzbGsDdmlkBHZ0aWQDVklEUFJEBGdwb3MDNA--?p=Movie+The+Money+Pit&vid=80b62cd954112c409c0d159139dd4908&turl=https%3A%2F%2Ftse2.mm.bing.net%2Fth%3Fid%3DOVP.Vd180ace7baee646ceeee890dc458854a%26pid%3D15.1%26h%3D225%26w%3D300%26c%3D7%26rs%3D1&rurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.youtube.com%2Fwatch%3Fv%3DTLLQquBdU8M&tit=The+Money+Pit+Official+Trailer+%231+-+Tom+Hanks+Movie+(1986)+HD&c=3&h=225&w=300&l=85&sigr=11biqtpce&sigt=11tdtif8o&sigi=132rpthpu&age=1326178434&fr2=p%3As%2Cv%3Av&fr=mcafee&tt=b1 point
Wow, the colour is gorgeous and it matches your car hood. You did it and you have the pixs to prove it, fantistic.:)1 point
Charles I totally agree, it definitely ain't rocket science. But common sense isn't as common as it used to be and I'd have to say the average homeowner just assumes his deck will hold whatever he can fit on it. And he wouldn't know a 4x4 if you hit him with one. I've seen too many decks(and floors, and roofs) overloaded after the customer has moved in to think otherwise. I may be a little cautious but liability insurance is a major expense for the business, if I don't absolutely know and have a code or calcs to demonstrate something I built will safely support something the customer wants then I have to refer them to a structural engineer. Knowing something will work and proving it in court are two very different things. And that goes for you as well: if your cinder blocks and 4x4s fail and your neighbor falls down and sues you, your HO insurance is going to throw you under the bus. It's sad that we've come to making decisions on who might sue us and how we're covered but it's where we are and we have to live with it. I just want to make folks aware that you can't just haul one of these cookers up on the deck and expect it to stay there forever. Best, Bill1 point
Hey Steve the excitement has kicked in now I know it going to be delivered to my place I'm stoked Outback Kamado Bar and Grill[emoji621]1 point
As a 23" owner, I can see the 32" killer app for me would be as a bread oven. I can fit two large loaves in my 23", but I've never tried to squeeze in three loaves. I can easily find homes for three loaves. If I had a 32", I'd order a large rectangular Fibrament pizza stone, and bake away.1 point
tony - I've got probably somewhere in the neighbor of 40 pics documenting the unwrapping of The Beast back in early September. I guess I'll just take it slow and easy.1 point