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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/04/2018 in all areas

  1. Greetings from central Wyoming everyone! Some of you may know me from the Kamado Guru forum... I joined here a long time ago, have lurked a fair amount, but have never posted. I've been dreaming of a KK for quite awhile now... and finally pulled the trigger when I saw a 21" Supreme that caught my eye last month to the point that I couldn't stop thinking about it. When it finally came down to it, and I told my husband I seriously wanted to do it (after a year or more of joking about it) his only response was that he was surprised I hadn't already bought one. I took that as a green light.... and here I am. Had to do my first cook in the driveway. Going to be a few weeks before we make the trip through the house to the back deck. No worries - that is "brrr" chilly cold and not "eek" screaming hot.... Will do the venting once landed on the deck. Thanks for having me!
    8 points
  2. After almost 8 years the first Komodo Kamado in Singapore, an OTB 23, leaves en route for Scotland. Dennis kindly supplied the engineering drawings for the crate. A return to Europe after 30 years. Simon
    7 points
  3. I managed to do 4 x 5kg is Boston butts. Actually they were just over 5kg each so just over 20kg in total. Was a tight fit on the upper grate. Turned out great but it was nerve racking night. Was all eaten... so that must be a good sign. Some pictures below. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    5 points
  4. They are about 1 month early but I figured that was going to happen since we had such a mild winter. Just one so far but feeders are cleaned and full. Sorry no pictures.
    2 points
  5. First overnight KK cook... Two 8 lb. butts, I put them on at 8:00 last night - No heat deflector - aren't y'all proud of me for listening? Six in the morning, they were at 155 degrees Took them off at 2:00 at 194 degrees. The card game was happy!
    2 points
  6. Dennis sorts his multi colored tiles so the KK's are more uniform in color. My 2 KK's are Terra Blue tiles that were sorted into the more blue pile. KismetKamado's are the same Terra Blue tiles that were sorted into the more Terra pile. It's also kewl that Dennis takes pictures of all the KK's. That way you get the exact KK that you saw in the picture not something "similar".
    2 points
  7. I packaged mine in Foodsaver bags in 4oz portions. My stash is coming up on a year old now and the last package that I opened still smelled fresh. They are dried, so as long as you keep oxygen away from them, they should last years.
    2 points
  8. I just visited a long time friend in Florida. Ron and his wife Marrisa just bought a 115 acre ranch oppps sorry, they call them farms there. They get about 18 eggs a day from the chickens. It’s basically a horse ranch but they also have chickens. My friend Wayne and I just finished a road trip we have wanted to do for over 15 years. I drove about 6100 miles was a lot of fun. I got to cross off 5 things from my bucket list lol
    2 points
  9. Those greens made an appearance at breakfast on this, a very dreary day, first snow then cold rain.
    2 points
  10. Anybody know the shelf life of purple crack? Mac you ought to have your own cooking show your meals always look so good. I can see it now MacKenzie and her magic KK!
    2 points
  11. @ tekobo,The micro grow greens are regular seeds but they are a mix all in one packet. The seeds are beet, red cabbage,blue kale, tatsoi, mizuna, kohlirabi, red kale, radish, nasturtium, and mustard all in one packet. They grow close together and you should have greens in 7-10 days cut them off with scissors when they are between the first and second set of true leaves. No, they will not come back once cut, you have to start new or have 2 or three trays going at once and stagger the planting.
    2 points
  12. Hey Kismet Congrats on your new KK looks stunning its about time indeed lol your are going to love cooking on it its too clean you better get going
    2 points
  13. https://www.worldspice.com/spices/pepperberry-tasmanian
    2 points
  14. Leftover grilled chicken went into a chicken casserole today along with some micro greens and purple crack-
    2 points
  15. You're 100% right - @ckreef told me quite awhile back that it wasn't a matter of "if" but "when". Thanks Grant! Do I know you from the KG Forum? Just wasn't sure if you were a familiar person from over there or not. I think the "it's about time" statement applies to just about anyone who didn't buy one right away after realizing they wanted one.
    1 point
  16. Amusedtodeath, your butt cook was awesome, see it pays to listen to us.
    1 point
  17. So glad to see you over here KK! The addiction only gets worse from here....
    1 point
  18. Might have to give that grinder a try. I have a few different grinders and don't really like any of them.
    1 point
  19. Nice choice. Tiles are unique, sorta rounded on the corners and tapered edges...a hybrid. Best of luck.
    1 point
  20. Congrats and welcome over here! That is a very very Terra 21”. Extremely unique to say the least! Stunning!!
    1 point
  21. I'd get a dedicated one for these, as they are quite pungent and will stain things purple! I went with a ceramic grinder, as they are supposedly harsh on metal ones. I went with these guys, as I buy salts from them all the time. I just mixed in some pepperberries in the grinder with the about half the salt. https://www.seasalt.com/pure-ocean-natural-gourmet-sea-salt.html#183=1941
    1 point
  22. We have snow! So, no budgies here. I have seen a robin or two so far, and the grass is starting to peek out of the ground. But it still seems like spring is a ways off.
    1 point
  23. Welcome to the Obsession! Can't wait to see you fire that beauty up and snaps some pics of the yummy food we all expect from you!
    1 point
  24. No, chickens, Bruce, I am afraid that if I started feeding them they would die of old age.
    1 point
  25. Those greens look delicious. Ok Mac you grow your own greens and veggies, do you have chickens also for the eggs?
    1 point
  26. We now have 2 hummingbirds. 1 male and 1 female.
    1 point
  27. Welcome aboard. You're going to have to show them the driveway tacos.
    1 point
  28. I can see why that colour pushed you over the top, it is stunning. I bet this buying experience was like none other, in a very good way.[emoji4][emoji4][emoji4]
    1 point
  29. Thanks @MacKenzie. Worth a try. The micro greens look lovely and fresh against the rest of the dish. And really easy to eat at that size!
    1 point
  30. I have a dedicated spice grinder, it is not an expensive option and that way you don't contaminate either the coffee or the spices.[emoji4]
    1 point
  31. Welcome KK and congratulations! Just out of curiosity, what cooker were you using before?
    1 point
  32. Wow nice KK can’t wait to see it in the back yard. Congratulations and welcome. Looking forward to pics of your first cook.
    1 point
  33. Very tight color - love it congrats, welcome, enjoy.
    1 point
  34. Welcome to a fellow new 21" Supreme owner! I love mine and waited for a very long time also before I got it, but the new size made it possible. It's so exciting isn't it?!
    1 point
  35. Hey Kismet congrats looks awesome you are going to have so much fun . Outback kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  36. I think it is utterly beautiful. I hope you had a good first cook. Welcome.
    1 point
  37. 1 point
  38. Well, it’s about time! Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
  39. Okay, wow, now that's intriguing! I expected it to be some variety of an ordinary blended seasoning. I am going with the expressions of delight I have seen associated with this magic purpleness, and ordering promptly. I guess this means I have to clean out my coffee bean grinder, or better yet, buy another one?! Thank you for sharing, and I promise a picture the first time I use it!
    1 point
  40. Now you know, the secret KK spice.[emoji4]
    1 point
  41. Ok guys, damn, give it up, what is the "Purple crack"?
    1 point
  42. And I'm lucky that you're mine! I was looking for a good recipe for Easter lunch and came across five different recipes in my books for tea smoked duck. The trad method required a 6 hour marinade, followed by a 6 hour air-dry, then 30 minutes smoking over tea leaves, then steaming for about an hour before leaving to cool prior to a deep frying the whole or half duck, depending on your capacity! In spite of my love of deep frying I didn't have the capacity or the inclination to be frying half a duck while my guests hung around so I opted for the Pitt Cue Co adaptation. Brined the birds in a tea brine overnight. I quadrupled these quantities for two birds: 1.5 litres water, 50g tea leaves, 2.5cm ginger, 1 bulb of garlic (just used one), 2 star anise, 100ml soy sauce, 60ml honey and 50g smoked Maldon salt. They only called for one hour of air drying but that just didn't seem like enough so Mr and Mrs Ducky got a blow dry for about 8 minutes each. This great Chinese implement is used to puncture pork skin to make it easier for the fat to leach out and become wonderfully crispy. I figured it couldn't do any harm with a duck so I used it, more gently, on these two. Rubbed with a home made rub, again from the Pitt Cue Co book, 100g Maldon sea salt, 38g maple sugar, 12g black peppercorns, 5 g toasted fennel seeds, 5g star anise, 5g stick cinnamon and zest of half an orange all blitzed in a blender. Then onto the KK to smoke over cherry for about an hour and a half at 170C (ish) until internal temp got to 78C. The drip tray was essential and I added a bit of water periodically to reduce the duck fat smoke. Finger licking good with a gravy made with chicken stock, duck giblets and finished with the pieces of foie gras that were too small to fry. Not the same as the traditional tea smoking but very good nonetheless. I am not really into dessert but we had some Maraschino cherries to get rid of so I looked up a clafoutis recipe. This one https://www.epicurious.com/recipes/food/views/basic-clafoutis-51208430 was nice and simple and recommended using a cast iron pan. it was perfect for a KK and they tasted great. A lot of similarity with Yorkshire puddings and I will definitely try this again soon.
    1 point
  43. Go for it, Shuley! Can't wait to see the pics. I'll go searching for one of those Chinese picks. Definitely will come in handy on a number of cooks. @tekobo - don't think for a minute that all that prep work on the Peking ducks got in the way of having an adult beverage (or 3!)
    1 point
  44. Guuuuuhhhhhh I hate it when stuff like this comes out.
    1 point
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