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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/2018 in all areas

  1. 3 years ago I put two Iris plants in my garden pond. Neither bloomed, one died. Year 2, the one left perked back up but no flowers. Finally year 3 we have our first bloom to welcome the new WFO. Look carefully you can see the goldfish in the background.
    5 points
  2. Made arrangements to bring the work truck home this weekend Ready for the oven. I added 2 small pocket shelves as I was going along. The counter top/hot work surface. Should be an awesome post Saturday or Sunday. @Tyrus we are dead level left to right. A little high front to back. 1/4" in 4'. I can live with that considering Mrs skreef finish skimmed the cement by hand. I'll give her an A+ for the job. Of course the camera and my unlevel yard makes the perspective look a little screwy.
    5 points
  3. Oh...and welcome! We're supposed to shun you because you didn't post unboxing pics, but I'll leave that to others...
    3 points
  4. I too like the little shelves. They were not planned. The idea popped into my brain as I was laying the stones and seeing just how everything fit together. The small upper shelf 8"x8"x4"H should work good for holding the infrared gun and keeping it out of direct sunlight. I do have a couple of tweaks to make tonight. I shouldn't have to work tomorrow so I'll try and set the oven in the morning. If I can get that accomplished I should be able to do 2 of my 5 initial burns this weekend.
    3 points
  5. Hello everyone So I am a happy new owner of a new 21 supreme! Got it in metallic bronze, or as my daughter would say - "disco ball". I was really leaning toward a 32, but the wife was going to have none of that. But, I am super happy with the 21 - I think it will be just the right size for our family of 3. Here are some shots of the unloading and unpacking process, with the obligatory 'kid in the cooker' shot. She loved it, but she's 8, so she loves almost everything right now. First cook was a simple one of burgers and dogs for the family. Really happy to be part of this adventure with everyone on this forum. It has been a long time coming, and well worth the wait. All the best, Rob Arrival! Yay! Not much stuff in the way in the truck, which was nice. Easy unload in to the garage (full of other crap). I had to get the crate down this narrow passage from the alley, over all of the flag stone. My first process didn't work and the crate got stuck in the doorway and started to slide off of its wheels. So I had to jack it up and run to the hardware store to rent a pallet jack and buy some thicker plywood. Hours later... Daughter was supper thrilled! And couldn't wait to get in... Not the final resting place, but good for now until I build the counters and the outdoor kitchen setup. And the start of a nice, simple cook!
    2 points
  6. As we Engineers say - The pursuit of perfection is the enemy of "good enough."
    2 points
  7. This is the most delicious ugly picture you will ever see. I promise you. The goose legs from my earlier posts had been curing for about two and a half months so it was time to give one a try. This was another husband-and-wife-stand-at-the-kitchen-counter-stuffing-your-face wonder. It was genuinely transcendental, standing there with a slice of goose in your mouth, chewing, letting the meat and fat meld and savouring the fabulous flavours. And then there was one. I plan on leaving the second leg for a few more months to see how it matures. The guy who posted the original recipe said he'd hung his for six months. Patience is a virtue, patience is a virtue, patience is a virtue... I cut up goose number two and it is now in the curing process. I soaked one breast in whisky and will smoke it as before but this time I am trying this recipe for the second breast: http://ladyandpups.com/2013/06/10/gateway-charcuterie-goose-prosciutto-eng/. The breasts will be ready in a week but we will have to wait rather longer for the legs. We now know it is worth the wait.
    2 points
  8. I rely heavily on your "laziness" @ckreef! That post of yours where you ran your KK for many cooks without cleaning it out made sure I don't fuss about getting all the ash out after every cook. Free the masses from needless toil!
    2 points
  9. Fed the guys good - Baby back pork ribs and Wagyu beef sausages... I'm exhausted...
    2 points
  10. This looks really good. https://www.cookscountry.com/recipes/8820-grilled-bourbon-steaks?utm_source=Email&utm_medium=Newsletter&utm_term=CCTV&utm_content=Steaks&utm_campaign=180503&j=36839&sfmc_sub=1196327&l=26_HTML&u=15425742&mid=7211371&jb=240&sk=0FC728F4E76840E641756E6D04298456&extcode=LT18E1QAA&sourcekey=CT18051AA&cds_response_key=IET18EAA0&cds_tracking_code=&tag=cctv-registrants-20&atc=cctvreg&Survey_id=&mi_ecmp=
    2 points
  11. Love your pond. How hard is the upkeep? My wife transplanted a bunch of day lilies next to a part of our drive, and unexpectedly up popped a bunch of those irises in that same bed. Really pretty.
    2 points
  12. TY @MacKenzie, I'm really happy with the counter top. Looks much better in person. At some point I'll grab a ladder so I can get a good overhead picture.
    2 points
  13. Love your flying piggy!! I have a thing for them. I have one on my PC that I've named "Ziffel" after the pig on Green Acres.
    2 points
  14. Welcome aboard! I guarantee you will be *delighted*. Start thinking of your first cook. Even if you remember to post unpacking pics, you'll be shunned without the obligatory "first cook" pics. Them's the rules.
    1 point
  15. Thanks everyone for the replies. I appreciate the feedback. I will humbly post my pics now...
    1 point
  16. Others more experienced me will advise you on the cooking bit. From me - a very warm welcome to the 21 Club!
    1 point
  17. Hell, I didn't do that many shows when I was in my 20s. Age has nothing to do with it - LOL!
    1 point
  18. Once a month or so (yea I'm lazy) clean the filter. Once or twice a month I'll drop a garden hose in there and let it overflow for an hour or so giving it a water change. Feed the goldfish or not you can't kill them if you tried. That's about it.
    1 point
  19. You get line, I'll get a pole babe, you get line, I'll get a pole Honey, You get a line, I'll get a pole we'll go down to the Crawdad hole, honey babe of mine
    1 point
  20. Beautiful sight.:)
    1 point
  21. We saw the Roger Waters Us + Them show last year as well. One of the best concerts (music, sound quality and spectacle) I have seen.
    1 point
  22. Great pictures of the KK’s and Bruce’s adventures.
    1 point
  23. Ok Pink Floyd gig. Yah! Was there a humungous BBQ to wrap it all up. Flyin pigs, musta been a great event. You still here bro, your not like zippin me from the Dark Side of da MOON?
    1 point
  24. It was great! Some of my better ribs. I thought the same thing - Wagyu fat dripping down on pork...yum... The concert flying pig is Pink Floyd's Roger Waters Us + Them tour last year... The LP cover is Pink Floyd's "Animals". The flying pig comes out during the song "Pigs (Three Different Kinds)".
    1 point
  25. Is that a Led Zep concert, I don't know but I like sausage drizzzzzlin down on ribs. Was it good
    1 point
  26. Counter top is looking perfectly spectacular.
    1 point
  27. On the level, balance. Whats off on the bottom will show at the top, but there's always a work around. Good job and good luck
    1 point
  28. Think of the fun we have.
    1 point
  29. OH, HEH-YALLL, YEAH!!!
    1 point
  30. Yeah, that's one of the sage pieces of advice we give newbies here - go out and buy a bigger belt, because you're going to need it soon!
    1 point
  31. Extra hole? What extra hole? Not on my belt...
    1 point
  32. Very nice pics! Keep on truckin'!!
    1 point
  33. I've got that same IR gun from ThermoWorks. Use it a lot more than I thought (mostly in my brewing room). Works great.
    1 point
  34. Thanks, Aussie, but I'm in pretty good shape right now. Last look, I think I have about 8oz left, which should hold me for many months. I know that it's an annual harvest and goes quickly, that's why I inquired, not because I'm running out. How do these people keep denying the obvious about our climate?? My new shirt this year for "March for Science" Day.
    1 point
  35. Yummy! Your poker friends will either soon be contributing to your KK costs or buying one of their own if you keep on at this rate!
    1 point
  36. Wow! Great pics.
    1 point
  37. This is exciting keep those neat pictures coming! Looking forward to seeing in final Position and your first cook. Congratulations
    1 point
  38. Loos great wagu snags sound good
    1 point
  39. Dogs and ribs are looking deeelicious, I hope you had some winnings to go along with this great food.
    1 point
  40. Tangles told me his experience last night with the square pedestal, i got an email today from Mimi Tya with owners manual and break in instructions, says in the manual that the pedestal can be imploded, i knocked out the 1st side with a hammer and chisel and the other 3 sides with a length of timber (just be careful not to hit any tiles) from the back gap not bridged yet The wheels have contact, but sitting up off floor of crate, so made a bridge between wheels, (Dennis told me best to come off sideways) Heres a pic from the front, and what i mean by bridging the gap so its a smooth roll off (in theory) the ramp thats supplied is spot on i've just added a few pieces here and there, and had some marine ply laying around thats going to be used as a track to move it. Shed some weight with the stainless out, but i reckon she's still going to give me hard time...we'll see might just try rolling it on the paving 1st
    1 point
  41. Ok, back with a few more fotos, was up early this morning after watching the Roma v Liverpool clash and i know its been said before but...perfect packaging throughout. Had to dismantle the crate bit by bit (no-one home to help me lift off over cooker). Anyway finally got access to the stuffing inside as Mimi put it to me when she told me they were getting ready to ship, lol So much stuffing i was amazed, anyone on the sidelines about getting any KK.....just do it. The top damper alone i thought the circumference was as big as a soccer ball....i was wrong, here it is next to a regulation size World Cup ball and so i was left with getting the ramp ready for disembarkation Now where's that muscle i ordered. to be continued
    1 point
  42. We used scissor trusses for our pavilion and left the ends open to facilitate airflow/smoke dispersal.
    1 point
  43. Here’s mine. Whatever you end up doing, I recommend you mount a fan in space opposite the grill, so it can blow smoke away. It will build up, and ceiling fans just keep the smoke stirred up. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    1 point
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