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Everything posted by Tyrus

  1. So I inquired at the local supermarket and found that they have the piece generally running in the 18-20 lb size for $3.99/lb. For something on this scale you really have to have a few hungry appetites around to consume it. A holiday cook for sure
  2. Good job. Must have put some smoke on it by way of the nice ring circling the meat. Will have my eyes open for a piece like. Thanks for the vid, the only thing I may have done differently was to put the meat into a tin with a liquid like broth and worcestershire and cover for some gravy fixins. But that's just fine the way it is
  3. My wife came home and gave me a tube of something. Hey, Sweety what's this? You needed some underwear right? It comes in tubes??
  4. Oh it definitely does, just for the sinners and of course we never tell, we only offer a white lie. And you know those don't count
  5. If you reverse the polarity the motor will turn in the opposite direction,,,,,,,,,,,,never ventured that far, thought it might make me dizzey. That must be a relay down under of what your describing and a plus to boot, wish I had it.
  6. Hey Ckreef, I opened my frig door and this guy with tomato eyes jumped out at me. If it weren't for my advanced Italian training I think he may have got the best of me. What you think.........take him for a long ride or roast the poor fella, you tell me. I think he's a little anemic...at least that's what it said on his shirt, "thin crust".
  7. You must have an AC/DC motor, hah just kiddin,,,an Australian joke. Funny you mention that condition, while your making the adjustments the grill coals are firing up and your like one of the Three Stooges working like a mad man trying to get it off. Don't worry about it, it happens to best of us. Love lamb and that one looks exceptional. You inspired me to break mine out for tonite, will cook for me and the dogs since the wife left for Germany with her sister to cruise the Rhine. Just me and the dogs, my trusty KK and Monday night football...ain't so bad.
  8. Stick a pan in the sand and throw a grate on it. Should be ok for grillin
  9. I like the cook and will be doing beef tonight myself, nice clear pics but they give me a sensation of vertigo. lol
  10. A 2 hour endeavor. Ground off the closed end, cut 2 pieces of mahogany, used straight bit on router table and cut tight channel approx 2 in deep for wrench shaft, glued together with Gorilla Glue, inserted shaft with same glue, used a 50 grit tiny drum on my electric drill held in my vise to fashion a shape, sanded and oiled. Thought of making a mold to pour plastic and form the handle and insert the shaft without glue but , I chose the short cut method. A simple prototype. I certainly would like to see yours once you receive the JessEm table, that is one nice tool
  11. Those Vanderbilt's didn't lack for much, even had a bowling alley tucked in there.
  12. Caveman style but, in this case a cavewoman
  13. Tyrus

    Salt Cured Sirloin

    I hope the quality of meat you expect is well worth the time and patience you invested.
  14. All spic and span with a gloomy charm about it. I like it and incidentally have one of those long handle copper pot hanging in my He shed. All the modern conveniences of the day and a trailblazer for things yet to come. Would have liked to have tasted a dish or two that was prepared in there
  15. Yes a fine pizza indeed. The picture showing 650 and at approx 10,11 o'clock a small fissure is apparent. While the grout is malleable use something to work it closed and add grout. A keen eye in the beginning will insure a problem free future.
  16. Amazing isn't it. The best is yet to come
  17. Great looking grill, pizza, nice setting.......musta died and went to heaven. Don't forget the cover
  18. So, if your selling then that means your looking to upgrade. Maybe yes.
  19. Had to look up what grill floss was Toney, looked like a 3/8 in. wrench for $16.99. lol I saw that wrench in the shed sitting in a draw some years ago and said one day I'm gonna put a handle on this and sit it by the KK. Well, I don't think I'll get an invite to "forged in fire" anytime soon but maybe, just maybe it might lead to a new line of custom wrenches like Bruce picked up on. This is what happens when you got time on your hands........and for my next invention,,,well, you'll just have to wait.
  20. The danish oil with the golden oak changed any red the wood had. It was made to fit my fat hand
  21. No, walnut is darker. This piece I believe is mahogany and I preserved it with some danish oil tinted with golden oak. Although walnut would have been preferred to use this was in front of me at the time.
  22. It's much more convenient to use with a handle. Has anyone placed one on? Fit to form, a little longer and definitely easier to use. Maybe Dennis will make it an accessory
  23. Jon B. I've bought several whole tenderloins at my butcher that generally weigh around the 8 lb area at a cost of a little over $100 or say $12.99/lb. As in Tekebo's link above describing them as long and tubular hits the mark and they are also tied with butchers string when presented. That could be a portion of one from the wider end closer to the tail end of the steer. The narrower end in the opposite direction offers the filet. I haven't visited Wegman's since my butcher provides a better than competitive price point and tenderloin is one meat I've found you really can't miss at.
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