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Everything posted by C6Bill

  1. The suspense is killing me, did we get unloaded or not LOL
  2. The more videos the better 😁 I received a blank email from Dennis yesterday, is that code for the KK has been unloaded and should arrive soon 🤣
  3. Excellent video BigO !!!!!!!
  4. I retire 6/30 so anytime before that will be great 👍
  5. I’ll be thrilled if I get it by the end of this month 😁
  6. Just curious how many other new members have their KK on that boat. I have a BB32 in Terra Blue on it. Maybe some long time members would be able to give us an idea what to expect next, thanks in advance 😉
  7. So what happens next ? My 32 is on that boat too 😁
  8. C6Bill

    Leg of lamb

    Details please 😁
  9. C6Bill

    This Little Pig...

    Great thread, thank you for sharing this. I plan on making one soon, well once the 32 gets here and I get a test cook or two under my belt 😁
  10. Hi, No idea, I just joined a few days ago after ordering mine lol
  11. Congrats, I have a terra blue 32 on the same boat !!!!!
  12. Thanks everyone, right now I am reading and learning 😁
  13. Well a BB32 in Terra Blue became available last night so I placed the order for everything this morning, thanks Dennis !!!!!!!
  14. Thanks everyone, i'm looking forward to it :)
  15. Hi I just ordered my BB32 today, should i wait until I get notified that it is in CA and ready to ship to me to buy the accessories. That way they will get loaded on the pallet with the stainless steel and arrive at the same time. Save on shipping ? Thanks Bill
  16. Hi My name is Bill and I ordered a BB32 earlier today. I've been making BBQ for more than a few years, started with a BGE and then went to a Primo. Figured it was time to get my end game cooker Just wanted to take a minute to say hello and ask a few questions. Thanks Bill
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