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Everything posted by C6Bill

  1. Making my first ribs in the BB32 today, so far so good, going 4 hours naked and 1 hour wrapped at 275 degrees. They are all about 3.8 pounds per rack. This is how they looked prior to wrapping. Now the waiting for them to finish and then rest for a bit. I’m not going to sauce these ones, I don’t think they will need it. I’ll add a plated pic later 😁 and the finished product, I could have gone another 30 minutes but overall I am really happy with the results 😁
  2. C6Bill

    This Little Pig...

    Thank you all I was going to start another thread but this seems to be the sites official Pig Roast thread so I just added on 🤣
  3. C6Bill

    This Little Pig...

    Thank you all for the great information. I’m not going to get too fancy with mine next week as it is just a little piggy. i ordered mine without the head, just personal preference. And I’ll season the inside and put a couple apples in before sewing it up and placing it in that medieval torture device Dennis calls a “basket”. I like the idea of going a little hot and fast with this for crispy skin so will try 300f for 3.5 hours as this little headless piggy is 15 pounds. For first day of retirement this will only be a two person party with a special friend, she is making the baked beans and coleslaw. I’ll take care of the piggy, sourdough bread and watermelon salad. We will be serving BBQ Sundae style with a slice of sourdough at the bottom. For seasoning I’ll go with Bad Byrons Butt Rub and for dipping sauces it will be Southern City Flavors Apple Moonshine. And maybe some Mango Rib Candy. Then later in the day we will be dropping off care packages for friends and family. Well at least that is the plan, wish me luck 🤣
  4. Glad you got it up and running, looks great !!!!! And no excuse needed for the Packers cover, it's not like you're a JETS fan or something
  5. I’m surprised there are not more Looft Lighter users here. I’ve been using one for a few years now, it does a great job of starting kamado’s, I use it to start my pizza oven too.
  6. Today I reverse seared a nice cowboy ribeye. The temp control is so easy of the KK. Nice and steady at 250 until I got my internal temp of 114, it carried over to 117 while I was getting the KK up to 500 for searing. Thrilled with the results 😁
  7. Post up the photos no matter how it looks, that is how to learn 😁
  8. Great looking wings @Snake Plissken !!!!!!!
  9. Congrats, it looks great !!!!!!!
  10. Now that is a serious cake !!!!!!! Happy Fathers Day !!!!!!!
  11. Veggies straight into the dripping, I added some apple cider vinegar and olive oil along with some spices. I put Meat Church Herb and Garlic on all of my veggies and their Lemon Pepper too. Love the Meat Church line of products.
  12. Thanks, it was my first time using coco char, it was really tasty 😁
  13. Added a little more peach wood this time and first 10 minutes without a drip pan. Then added the drip pan with veggies in it. I had some issues getting the rotisserie motor aligned this time, but I will do some more test fitting next week, I’m sure it is user error. But I am real happy with the results 😁
  14. Welcome, I’m new here too. Excellent choice in color 😉 I’m another that went BGE to KK, but I had a Primo xl for 5 or 6 years in between. All fine cookers but the KK is just on another level.
  15. Did you cook direct for awhile first to get that good color then put the drip pan in ?
  16. My local rental company had a bobcat with forks. Have you asked about something like that ? Instead of renting for the day they came to my house and moved it to where I wanted it for $140. In and out safe and sound in 20 minutes.
  17. I think I have watched your video 12 times lol To me that temp is absolutely perfect !!!!!
  18. Thank you, it tasted just as good as it looked 😁
  19. First time using the rotisserie the other day , thrilled with the results 😁
  20. Correct, the side tables hang from their mounting brackets with the hooks already on the underside of the side tables. These hooks are just for hanging tools. I only installed the one on the left hand side as the one on the right side interfered with the rotisserie motor. I can’t be bothered taking it off and putting it back on to use the rotisserie.
  21. I could be completely wrong but this is how I put mine together. I wanted the fire to the right hand side away from the half grate for searing purposes.Hope that helps
  22. I must have my basket splitter setup wrong on my 32. I have the lump on the right hand side
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