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Showing content with the highest reputation on 04/20/2020 in all areas

  1. Looking tasty Steve, and Pequod- great journey. I've been locked out of uploading with Tapatalk- too many photos so back to laptop. This was Saturday nights eye fillet and rib fillet, grilled with split grill. Forward sear on those eye fillet cubes- they were about 2' cubes. Plated with jacket potato, bacon bits, mushroom sauce and coleslaw.
    9 points
  2. No new COVID-19 cases recorded in WA for the first time since March 12 http://www.abc.net.au/news/2020-04-20/wa-records-no-new-coronavirus-covid-19-cases/12165122 Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    7 points
  3. It's been a while since I've posted but, saw Mac's eggs and thought I'd share a couple of recent cooks. My KK has been out of service for about 6 months while we rebuilt it's spot. Thankfully, we got done with everything just in time for the lockdown. So, lots of time to catch up recently. Been in a rut using the smoke pot with coffee splits lately. So everything starts out that way. First cook was some pork steaks that I smoked to rare, then took them to temp with a reverse sear and finished them off with a coating of bbq sauce that carmelized with the heat of the sear. We've become addicted to smoked corn. Taken to cutting them, so they stand up and get a full coat of smoke. After reaching temp, I have my top grate turned upside down over the coals to for searing. 20200327_232839000_iOS.MOV Easter cook was smoked wings with a spicy dry rub. The diablo eggs have candied jalapeño and red pepper flakes. The tri-tip came along for the ride... It's been vac packed up for later. I've really enjoyed catching up with all the great postings, plus seeing a lot new names has been great. Our world is small, community is important, stay well and keep sharing.
    5 points
  4. Wot @jonj said. I tried all sorts of chemicals to get the marks off my dark grout and, in the end, I followed advice from Dennis on another thread which said to reapply the grout. I just used the grout straight from the tube, rubbed it over with my finger, waited for it to dry and rubbed the dried grout off the tiles. Very easy and it gets rid of those unsightly white marks.
    5 points
  5. Made pizza for the first time. Tried two dough recipes one with instant yeast that I slightly messed up the mixing so resulted in a bit dry dough and the second with a sourdough starter I’ve been keeping both we’re edible girls loved their cheese pizza but I wasn’t happy with result. 2nd with pepperoni and sourdough crust was better. takeaway lesson is I need to improve my dough skills but super fun night with the girls
    5 points
  6. Started the big guy early in the AM. Then we took a short drive to one of the many vineyards in town. This one is offering 50% off to medical workers (my wife is one at a local hospital), so we decided to stock up. Found heaven. A Franklin style brisket point, wrapped after the stall. Ain't she a beaut, Clark?
    5 points
  7. I had some country style ribs and thought this would be something a bit different. Will definitely do this cook again. Country style ribs poked with peach balsamic vinegar, added some BBQ RUB, then low-n-slow at 230*. Pulled at a IT of around 150*. About 2 1/2 hours. Chopped them into 1" squares and put in a dish. Sprinkled on SOME more rub, maple sugar (courtesy from a friend in Canada ), two different BBQ sauces, and some butter. Covered in foil then back on the Komodo Kamado at 300*. After an hour or so more dinner is ready. Yummy.
    4 points
  8. Put some of those pork ribs from the other day to good use. Made a potatoe salad with sous vide potatoes. They work great because they stay in tact. Sous vide potatoes, all in tact. Ribs and salad plated. Pepper, smoked paprika and silk chili all from B&B spices.
    4 points
  9. And, of course, burnt ends with the leftovers.
    4 points
  10. The magic of rendering pig fat.....one of my favorite sounds.....
    3 points
  11. My wife and I are taking meals to her folks during this viral shutdown, Todays lunch was ribs, slaw, and beans, a pretty classic BBQ lunch. I like to buy spareribs so I can trim the tips and pick the deliciously tasty and fatty meat to save for future bean cooks. I got a bit of a sloppy trim on one of the racks , had a few prior to the trim work . be safe, stay healthy steve
    3 points
  12. @Basher I used the double drip pan per Mac’s suggestion. She seems like she knows a thing or two 😉
    3 points
  13. @basher seemed to take about an hour. I put the double drip pan on the top grate and then the pizza stone on the top grate above that. I believe it was more or less an hour to get it up to 500 but I was in my hot tub drinking San Diego IPA beer so my timing could’ve been plus or minus 15 minutes
    3 points
  14. Yeah what Mac said! That video was really good I could smell and taste your cook right thru the video!!!!! Yum yum yum
    2 points
  15. Kevin, those are all awesome cooks and I can smell the video cook, how'd you do that.
    2 points
  16. I hope I'm not spoiling your Christmas present
    2 points
  17. One never knows what's lurking at the bottom of the freezer.
    2 points
  18. Since it has been a while since the solvent marks formed, it will take a bit of work to get them off the grout. If some are resistant to the Zep and Magic Eraser, you can thin some of the extra grout from your maintenance kit with a little water to a paint consistency and go over the remaining white grout with it.
    2 points
  19. I use that setup also, a tip from Syzygies. It keeps the crust from burning and gives more time for the top to cook especially if you have a loaded pizza. More of the heat goes up and around the edge making it so the dome gives off more radiant heat to cook the toppings.
    2 points
  20. Thinking that I could lay out on a shelf in the greenhouse in the summer and see how dry the chips get. No hurry, could wait a year if necessary. It's just a fun side project.
    2 points
  21. Steve, oh that is a nice surprise, I'm glad you liked it.
    2 points
  22. Another tasty looking pizza, now I'm craving pizza.
    2 points
  23. I thought winter tomatoes were only used to make ketchup??
    2 points
  24. Cheeseburger lunch today with chips. This was a mouthful. The red is fire roasted red peppers from last years garden. Can't bring myself to buy tasteless tomatoes at the supermarket.
    2 points
  25. Went to my least favourite butcher yesterday. Lol. looking for a Tri tip he had none this will do .Was not keen on fat so gave it a nice trim ..then some off ckreefs favourite rub ..Looking good..time for a reverse sear. .after a rest..and carved yum..plated with a simple roasted maple syrup hazelnut mushroom and Vegetable side. Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  26. Massive 3” thick ribeye. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  27. I'll drink to that
    1 point
  28. Keep going, no time to let up now!
    1 point
  29. While digging in the freezer for something else this morning, I did run across a couple of country style ribs in there. Will remember this idea for a future cook.
    1 point
  30. What a great first attempt, sure looks edible to me, I would be happy to have a slice or two of that pepperoni one. Fun cook with the girls.
    1 point
  31. Pequod that Brisket and burnt ends are looking good.
    1 point
  32. Sounds like a great idea for country ribs.
    1 point
  33. Both me and Mrs skreef agree these were the best country style ribs I've ever cooked. When I cut them up I trimmed off the fat so they were just bite sized flavor bombs.
    1 point
  34. Interesting to see how this turns out Tekobo. I generally cut my wood into double finger size chunks when green and leave them in a cardboard box( left open), and stir it up each week for the first 6 weeks to release any damp. 9- 12 months later should be good to smoke. Could maybe speed this up in a low oven? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  35. 1 point
  36. Probably the biggest reason that I hate winter - crappy tomatoes! 😜
    1 point
  37. Nope, never even thought of doing it myself. I'm a fan of LumberJack pellets. https://www.bbqpelletsonline.com/index.php/products/our-pellets
    1 point
  38. Those ribs look amazing! I over shot temp a little bit (took a Sous bath for a few hours due to thickness before searing) and was making a few thinner ribeyes for the wife and son. Still delicious but missed my mark. Alcohol was also involved. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  39. It was rib day here, set up my Signals and set it for 230F, the temp. stayed with +,- 2 degrees of the set temp. Done, cooked for about 5.5 hours, never opened the lid. A little grilled cabbage. and I can't believe I didn't get a plated shot of the entire dinner except this phone shot.
    1 point
  40. I now have "steak envy!" My poor little steak looks so tiny by comparison. Chuck Steak from Porter Road. Lower grate, direct, no added smoking wood. I was using coffee charcoal. @MacKenzie - Spud Success!! Boiled the piss out of this one, overnight in the fridge - worked like a charm. Bailed on the air fryer, used my countertop convection oven instead. Spud pieces were sprayed with duck fat - WINNER! No vampire worries tonight - between the salad dressing and the mushrooms!
    1 point
  41. Here we go, a copy cat of Tony's dinner. I do like steamed cabbage with butter and lots of black pepper but after seeing CK's cabbage cook I thought I'd try it. Glad I did, it tastes totally different and also great. It does take a long time to cook as ck mentioned. I should have done mine for a little longer.
    1 point
  42. I made this.. Awesome.... My loin was about 3lb, took 70 min @ 360f... Beautiful too!
    1 point
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