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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. Last night both Mrs skreef and myself got home from work at 8 pm. With the 4 am alarm clock just around the corner we needed something quick and easy for dinner. Pull Apart Pizza for 2 did just the trick. Pepperoni and green peppers with homemade sauce for dipping.
  2. Definitely an interesting setup. Looks nice.
  3. Screw the skill level. Try everything. You'll only get better with not only your successes but even more so with the failures.
  4. LOL - Not a bad idea for Grape Nuts. And it's biodegradable - maybe......
  5. Once you start doing KK rotisserie chicken there is no going back. It is that much better.
  6. I don't Know. It looks good in your picture but recycled cardboard ice cream? I'm going to have to think about that one. Hhhmmm............. LOL
  7. No need for a sad face. Turn that frown upside down I could eat fried green tomatoes every day of my life. P.S. I saw another fish cook. I swear someone named @MacKenzie posted it - LOL
  8. ckreef

    Copy cat

    A really fantastic cook. When I saw that I really didn't even want to post mine - LOL - if you don't win it'll be a miracle. I will say I don't think I could have put those monster shrimp in there. As you were dropping them in a swear I heard them yelling from afar "stuff me, stuff me!"
  9. For my copycat challenge entry on the Guru I decided to do an Italian Surf and Turf cook. For the surf I copied John's wok shrimp scampi. I did add some tomatoes to the cook. For the Turf and basic theme behind this cook I copied Smoke and Awe's Braciole cook. I started with a nice refreshing summer drink - Peach Bellini. Of course if you went into Walmart you wouldn't know it was still summer as they are already putting out the fake Christmas trees - arggghh I made up some homemade sauce. A couple of needed extras to complete the meal. Here is the wok shrimp scampi. This is my first and will be my last time doing a wok cook using a kamado for a heat source. Just because something works (and it did) doesn't mean you should do it. Kamados work good for a lot of different cooking configurations just not ideal for wok cooking and I own an outdoor propane wok burner. The Braciole part of the meal. I really like the Grape Nuts substitution for bread crumbs. I will definitely do that substitution again. How else am I going to get rid of the box of Grape Nuts? LOL Served as a family plate. What a great meal. A big thank you to John and Smoke and Awe for the inspiration.
  10. A really great gesture you did for them. Hope all works out.
  11. My next butt is going to be a low sugar teriyaki mop.
  12. They are just dreaming. Sort of like going to a car show and taking a picture standing next to an awesome car.
  13. Looking at the final picture I knew you would sneak a salad in some how - LOL
  14. You always have the nicest looking beef ribs. Great cook.
  15. Looking good. I just like the results of a wet mop better compared to a dry rub.
  16. Yea sort of sucked having to buy bagged ice when I have a $6k refrigerator that is less than a year old. Keep your fingers crossed that it all works out in the long run.
  17. I made teriyaki pork for dinner tonight using this recipe. It was a really simple/easy recipe that made a fantastic, sweet teriyaki sauce. It was a fairly sweet sauce (which I like) but if you don't want it really sweet cut the sugar in half. It is also a really thin sauce so after I strained it I brought it back to a boil and thickened it a bit using some cornstarch and water. TY @Syzygies for posting the recipe definitely going to save this for future use.
  18. Not exactly but sort of. Some of you might remember me posting about me breaking my ice maker in a fairly new really high end refrigerator (read that as really expensive). When it happened I was pissed as hell but it was all my fault. Anyway Hurricane Irma came along and I lost electricity for a few days. The refrigerator got a full cleaning out. Before the electricity came back on I took my ice maker apart and retrieved the warped plastic piece that was causing the ice maker not to work. I took a hair dryer to it to soften the plastic. I bent it back into the correct shape then trimmed about 1/4" off of one edge (it was a screwed up design from the get go as far as I was concerned). Put it all back together and when the electricity came back on I turned on the ice maker. Well my $6k ice maker is working once again. I won't really know how the fix/modification worked out for another month or two but I have my fingers crossed. For now I have ice again.
  19. Great looking brisket. Every once in a while they sell small brisket cuts around where I live. They usually separate the point from the flat to make the smaller cuts.
  20. That sums up my posting to the "T". Great post. I've actually done a few full recipe posts (10+ pictures) that never got posted because the end picture sucked even though all the other pictures were decent. Even now I sometimes post pictures that I probably shouldn't. (in my eyes anyway)
  21. TY Bruce but that's because I usually only post the best outcomes. You don't get to see all the mediocre cooks I do on a daily basis.
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