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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. Great experiment all around.
  2. Still interested in the oxy fresh option.
  3. We often do fruit in salads. A bit of feta cheese goes well to offset the sweet fruit.
  4. So you are saying the dawn is the winner? That's good news. I think I have one of those cement tubs out back without holes in it. Will give this a try as my grates are really black.
  5. I did mine with blue loc-tite, wrenched down as tight as possible with pliers and wrenches then gave it 24 hours. Hasn't come loose since and that was many, many spins ago.
  6. Going to try this. I really like the non traditional BBQ cooks.
  7. Looks like a kewl hippie bus but doubt it has a stop near the Bistro. Othwise I'd take the magical mystery tour.
  8. My 19" is a somewhat oval lump basket. That is why I came up with the infrared diffuser. Can't wait to see the results.
  9. Patiently waiting for the final results. Might be willing to try this every now and again but not if it takes more than 24 hours. Over 24 hours and I'd have to plan a special meal to - God forgive me - cook inside - LOL
  10. Interesting way to rub ribs - I like it. Next time you do them like that we want to see finished pictures - pls.
  11. I'm thinking your lid was leaking so smoke was going straight out and up. Once the lid is properly sealed the smoke should go down into the fire where the volatiles gets burned off so all you have left is thin blue smoke.
  12. Those are cement mixing tubs. You should be able to get them at any large hardware store. @bosco great experiment. Can't wait to see the results.
  13. TY MacKenzie - The Akorn Jr performed flawlessly - for a Jr sized travel kamado I love it. Also liked the banana leaves. Will use them more in the future.
  14. Thought I would play with my Akorn Jr and I had a little lamb in the freezer. Also first time using banana leaves. Started by trimming and scoring a little lamb. Made a paste from lemon juice and Bush Lamb seasoning. Let that sit in the fridge for a couple of hours. Two cross layers of foil, parchment paper, string and banana leaves. Added the lamb and sauce then wrapped it all up. Onto the Akorn Jr it goes running steady just shy of 300*. Mrs skreef also made some muffin pan potatoes on Cassiopeia. 4 hours later dinner is served. Just barely enough lamb. No leftovers this time.
  15. @tomahawk66 fantastic cook. Looks delicious. I like the idea of wrapping it up with the potatoes and onions. I cooked some more lamb last night. Will post it in a little while.
  16. ckreef


    Really great looking fish cook. Crispy fish skin is the best. I too like the fish holder.
  17. Looks good but you can't leave us hanging like that. Reef's Bistro cooks Indian food every now and again and we've wanted to cook some good naan bread.
  18. Cook number 19. Mrs skreef's muffin pan potatoes and residual heat peach pies.
  19. Brown craft paper. Roll it up , throw it away. Not my first time at this rodeo. I will add I'll probably never eat regular crab legs again. This is the 3rd or 4th time cooking King crab legs. They may cost more but it's half the work for twice the meat.
  20. About 30 minutes ago I ordered the Smoke. I have a slightly different use in mind. Will post more about that when it arrives.
  21. I won't be cooking anything on the KK's for Thanksgiving since we're going to my sister's house in FL. But I will take my Akorn Jr down with me. I have a half primal NY strip in the cryopac in the refrigerator. Might take that down with me also and cook that on the Akorn Jr as a NY strip roast.
  22. Really awesome looking rib roast.
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