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Everything posted by MacKenzie

  1. The eclipse is making me mad, that is the only way I can explain this playing with food thing. I must be cracked. Plated.
  2. I mean did he really name the beer, Purple Crack Beer?
  3. Great dinner, like you say it looks like more.
  4. Tony, did you really name it Purple Crack?
  5. It fits right in like it has always been there, gorgeous setup.
  6. It is hard to believe that the Vitamix can get the soup piping hot in just a few mins. I made a new batch without roasting the veggie first to see the taste difference. There is as expected a noticeable difference in colour and in flavour. The roasted veggies gave a much darker soup and a more mellow taste. I was expecting the big colour difference but not the huge flavour difference. Both are good in their own way.
  7. I have an empty plate here and travel with knife and fork.
  8. They are indeed a piece of art that are to be admired as well as used.[emoji3]
  9. Thanks EGGARY, the ribs were smoked direct using the OctoForks.
  10. That sounds like a great idea, Charles. it's always wise to have some of these great tasting dinners in the freezer for a quick supper.
  11. Aussie, your rib dinner looks very tasty indeed.
  12. Wow, ck, those looks delicious. I will have to copy that.
  13. Thank goodness this carrot soup wasn't as bland as some I've had served to me. The tofu also made the soup nice and creamy and with some body.
  14. I hope things continue to improve for you and the family.[emoji4]
  15. Thank you, so glad to hear from you. I was beginning to worry.[emoji1]
  16. A friend gave me a bag of carrots so it just seemed the right time to make carrot soup. Roasted the veggies at 375F until the colour was just right. I didn't really time it as I was also getting breakfast ready. Done, ready for the blender along with ginger, soft tofu, vegetable stock, pepper, salt, and cumin. Used the blender to heat the soup. Soup is served with some sourdough croutons chives and grated carrot. While we are on the yellow/orange kick how about a little homemade lemon ice cream.
  17. Looks like another one to those crusts using your freshly ground flour, I know it must taste wonderful.
  18. Wow, that is an interesting combination. I definitely would trust Dennis's suggestions. He knows his product inside out and will put your best interest first. I think you will love the 21 inch with the tall top. [emoji7][emoji4]
  19. I have more buns and sausage, we could make one more then we'd have enough for a three way split. Sounds like fun to me.:)
  20. I saw this pass by as I was sitting in the ODK having breakfast. It knew exactly where it was going, the orchard. I think it has been there before. It heard me as I was creeping around the deck in my bare feet to get a pix. But if you are patient enough things go back to normal. I really needed to share this sandwich. It was way too large for me.
  21. Just look at that crumb, awesome. I must try the probe thru the dome thermometer hole, sounds like a great idea, no burning out the probe that way.
  22. I will be watching tomorrow.:)
  23. Thanks,jgkite, I will make these again. I used this recipe but as you can seem my pointed ends disappeared, but they still tasted very good. http://foodwishes.blogspot.ca/2016/01/sandwich-rolls-because-size-and-shape.html
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