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Everything posted by MacKenzie

  1. I know very well that I'd love your enchiladas, soooooo tasty.:)
  2. Wow, Keith, did you ever nail that cook.[emoji41][emoji7]🤗
  3. Wow, Garvin, wouldn't that be a fun cook.
  4. I am sure looking forward to the video on this cook.
  5. tangles, it is be a beauty and will look fantastic at you house shortly.:)
  6. Paul, that is quite the compliment and right back at you, those beef ribs look wonderful and no way am I doing beef ribs for a while.
  7. Keith, you are no. 1 in my book but don't tell the others.
  8. You guys are soooooooooo kind. Just call me Mac Julia Waters.
  9. Yes, dstr, but cooking bacon on the grill adds such wonderful flavour to an already awesome product.
  10. Those kabobs sure look delicious, what a great dinner.[emoji4]
  11. Not being on the SV bandwagon is like not being on the OctoForks wagon.
  12. I bought mine from a Lee Valley Store in Halifax and there was one broken but I know if I went in and told them they would replace it no questions asked. No difference in heat up time that I could tell, they are so thin and not solid. I have tried to get the Char-Broil Jon mentioned buy I was not able to find it in Canada. One advantage of these tiles is that they will fit any size grill.
  13. The bonus with these is that you can cover as much or as little as you need leaving an area for direct grilling. Don't drop them though.
  14. EGGARY, there should be a wrench in the tool kit that came with your KK.
  15. notricharmstroong, normally I wouldn't need them but bacon drips fat like crazy and I am using my Little Ms Pebbles KK (16.5 inch) and the grate is quite close to the fire compared to my 22 inch KK. Because there is so much fat from the bacon when it hits the hot lump it goes up in flames and the taste from burnt fat is not good and one wouldn't want that taste to end up on the bacon. These tiles provides a barrier keeping the flame shooting close to my bacon. I hope this helps. The tiles were meant for gas grills to help prevent flare ups but I thought it just might work for my bacon. I am happy to say there was not burnt fat smell on my bacon.
  16. I bought this last weekend when I was away and tried it on bacon to see if it would prevent the flare ups. Bacon cooked on the KK is awesome it has a lovely added flavour that you don't get in the frying pan. These ceramic tiles are 1/4 x 2 x 3.5 inches. I bought the small box with 30 tiles. Breakfast is on. Almost done- Plated. Here are the tiles that were below the bacon to stop the flare ups. I put the tiles on the lower grate and the bacon above them on the upper grate. No burnt fat taste on this bacon. It is another beautiful morning although cold, the thermometer says 62F but there is a cold north wind. It is so nice to be outside after a winter inside. Sitting in the sun I'm sure the temp. must have been at least 64F. Besides the sun, the leaves on the trees are just coming out and looking fresh and green. Time for a coffee and a good book.
  17. Keith, the baked potato is absolutely awesome. I hope you try it.
  18. Keith, washed the potato, rubbed with oil puncture the skin with a shape knife. Air fry at 400F for 40 mins. flip and air fry 20 mins. more. Cut in half, scoop out the potato and mash, add 1 spoonfull of yogurt, some grated cheese( which I did not do today), chives and pepper. Put it back into the skin, top with cheese and put it back in the air fryer until the cheese melts or the top starts to brown, only take a few mins. The onion rings are frozen onion rings and I just put them in the air fryer today at 375F for about 8 mins. flipped over about the half way mark. I doubt you could tell the difference between deep fried onion rings and these.
  19. Anyone with a 90+ average should get whatever they want for dinner. Congrats to him, a job very well done. BTW I saw that cat in the pix.;)
  20. Tony, how about sous vide the London Broil then put it on the KK using the Octoforks? If I had one in the freezer I'd try it tomorrow.
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