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Everything posted by MacKenzie

  1. Bill, order more and use them for stepping stones.
  2. MacKenzie


    You'd think Dee was there looking at that delicious meal.
  3. Thanks, Bruce. If only you had asked a little sooner you could have had the last piece.
  4. ROFL, it all sounds like a blast especially when you said you opened a can of beans. :) Loved it.
  5. Right after I wrote that post I went looking for the recipe in my stack of recipes, no luck. I then decided maybe it was in a book I was reading, " Pressure Perfect" by Lorna Sass. I scanned it as best as I could and I plan on trying this unless someone else does and says it's awful. BTW, I'm pretty sure I'm going to add beans after the chili is cooked. I have read that onions need to be cooked before putting into the PC, raw onions in raw onions out so I will precook my onions.
  6. Thanks, everyone. @ Tony, I don't even have to go outside once I get the charcoal loaded.
  7. mguerra, I can see you are suffering but I know you can do it. Don't forget the pixs.
  8. On Sun. I decided that I'd better dig the rest of my carrots before they were frozen in for the winter. Looks like I got them just in time. Now for my 1 pot meal. Pressure cooked the potatoes 2 mins. level 1, then put the carrots in the PC for 4 mins. on level 2. In 10 mins from start to finish the veggies were cooked. Then I decided to crisp up the potatoes, brown the carrots and previously smoked KK chops, all in the same PC. Plated. The pork chop was cured and smoked on the KK. Clean up, 1 pot.:)
  9. I agree but it will be an interesting read and you can bank on the info.:)
  10. Great work, Jon and the cookware sure is appealing.
  11. Me too, I have a PC recipe that I printed off about a week ago.
  12. When one side of the house looks like this- It is great to have road side curb service. Veggie pizza ready for grill- olives, tomatoes, and mushrooms. Baked. The cooler in the background contain a pork loin curing to make Canadian Bacon for a friend. Ready to serve. Plated.
  13. Aussie, nice steak and chips.:)
  14. Looking good, tiny fish and you have more to get the pixs.
  15. Syzygies, have you tried the pressure cooker method? I have had good luck deep frying pc potatoes. I find both PC and sous video potatoes have a different texture from boiled.
  16. Way to to go, tiny fish. Maybe it's a Canadian thing.
  17. 5698k, no never heard of it but that wouldn't stop me from trying it. Please do post the recipe, thanks.:)
  18. Thank you very much, Syzygies. I have the sieve on back order. I hope it gets shipped soon, I am keen to try it and make the pasta. I have your pasta instruction copies, saved and printed, can't wait to try it out. Thanks again.:)
  19. Rob, that does sound very good.:)
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