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Everything posted by MacKenzie

  1. Wish i could help but all I can do is follow your adventure. I'm sure some one here will be able to make some suggestions.
  2. Sounds like an epic cook to me. The brisket and chopped beef look sooooooooooo tasty. Needless to say no one when to bed hungry or thirsty.
  3. Aussie, what an awesome dinner. )
  4. The brisket is looking extra tasty. :)
  5. Thanks, Stile. The carrots were the star of this show, everything tasted great but the carrots were over the top.
  6. MacKenzie

    pork loin

    Stile, guess you are in the need of an ODK, ASAP. The KK will be fine but you may need an umbrella.:) Here's to a great cook.
  7. When I was in Halifax the other day I picked up a slice of boneless pork leg. I can't remember the type of pie and how they are raised but needless to say not in a barn with a 1 000 other pigs. I believe these are free range pigs. Anyway the meat looked so good I though I'd try it. Also was given some whiskey barrel wood by a great friend who also has a brewery that makes grand slam beer. Picked up some of that too. Here is my smoking pot with some of the barrel wood in it and the edge is all ready to seal. Sealed and wiped clean. I do not like the smell of burning flour.:( Here are the veggies ready to be lightly covered with foil and put on the grill. Those 3 carrots were right out of the garden, a light scrub, and no need to peal. Pork is on the grill and I have the veggies underneath in cast iron dishes and foil loosely over the top and there is a space between for smoke to pass thru.:) Look at the white fat. So clean looking even though I have spiced up the pork. Grilled starting out at 275F and I let it climb to 300F. Took about an hour to cook. I didn't exactly have my act together so the IT temp was a little higher than I wanted, 147F. The meat was very moist and full of flavour. I neglected to mention that the aroma from the smoking pot was the sweetest I've ever smelled. The carrots were awesome. Plated. The KK is cooled enough to pull out the smoking pot and see what's inside. I did have to pry the lid off so I guess that water/flour seal worked.
  8. Thanks Stile and kjs. I really did like the flavour of this one a lot, so much so that I ate more than I should have.
  9. kjs, you are making me blush big time but thanks for those kind words.
  10. Looks like a fun day at your house and great eats.:)
  11. Yes, remember that sweet and sour tofu casserole that I posted a few weeks ago? and you said you'd swap out the tofu for chicken this is your chance. I would go with extra firm.
  12. Tomahawk, that is going to be a monster cook, can't wait to see the grand finale.:)
  13. Thanks everyone. It was very good, I liked the portabellas as a topping.:)
  14. I will for sure stay tuned to see those rib all done up.:)
  15. Thanks, Bruce, you just got in on time, there is one piece left from those 2 pizzas and I'll put your name on it and happily FedEx to you.
  16. Thanks, HalfSmoke and Aussie. @ HalfSmoke, I do my bread just a touch cooler probably 450F. No humidity enhancers, some times I just put the dough on parchment paper and then onto the baking stone, sometimes I use a clay baker, sometimes with the cover and sometimes without. The KK is really quite moist so I just don't worry about it.
  17. The sauce was made using Roma tomatoes right from the garden. The pepperoni was KK smoked, the portabella mushrooms were precooked. Working my way up to baking a pizza, sitting on the deck enjoying a beer from Unfiltered Brewery, and made by a friend of mine. His beer is award winning. After the cool one, it was time to stretch the dough, 2 pizzas in the works- One dressed and ready for the grill. Baking at 475F for 8-10 mins. Baked. Ready to eat.:) The crumb- We had a killer frost last night but fortunately all the flowers were under cover, more of the same for tonight.
  18. And here we goooooooooooooo, with pipe bombs.
  19. Beautiful and this sight is about to be topped off by the KK brisket cook.
  20. Thanks, guys. You are making me smile.
  21. If everyone keeps posting those delicious looking lamb dinners I may succumb to doing something that I have avoided, lamb. Way to go, Aussie.:)
  22. tinyfish, sure looks like an extra tasty cook to me. I could eat a couple of the ham stuffed one right now.
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