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Everything posted by MacKenzie

  1. Good luck I hope you get a pot full.
  2. SK, delicious, time to cut it and start passing out samples.
  3. Where are all these fish recipes coming from?
  4. Guess I need to get out my fishing line, eh, Tony and my suitcase.:)
  5. Jon, I'm still gun shy about fish, may more tasty experiences I'll get over it.
  6. I'll be interested to hear what you have to say about the caddie.:)
  7. dstr8, that sure is a lovely looking pizza. I'm not that brave yet.;) Although I could use the bag juice from the haddock to do chowder.:)
  8. Everything looks perfectly delicious, especially the meat, it's awesome.
  9. It is a wonderful place to live, we are so far behind that we are ahead of the rest of the country, We are even ahead time wise, they are all behind us but don't tell them I said that.;)
  10. Now let's look at rhubarb, the stems make for wonderful eats, stew, pie, crumble, etc. on the other hand the leaves are poison.
  11. I'm very happy that I might get to eat some healthy fish;) There is no crust all I did was 30 mins. @ 130F, cut the bag open and put the fish on my plate. Yes, that is some day or two old potato salad. I use a few different containers for sous vide, mostly use an 8 L polycarbaonate container. It looks like this https://www.amazon.ca/Cambro-6SFSPP190-Polypropylene-CamSquares-Translucent/dp/B001BZEQ44/ref=pd_sim_79_7?ie=UTF8&dpID=41PBNHNpfLL&dpSrc=sims&preST=_AC_UL160_SR155%2C160_&refRID=CVWFFWFFA8NX29T8WJ7H but any container that will hold your circulator and the food is good. No, don't sv the pork shoulder, cook that on the KK, for sure! There are certain conditions that you must follow when doing SV cooking. Lots of info to read on the web. You need to follow these guides so that you do kill all the nasties in the raw food. The time and temp. you use depends upon the food, and the thickness. It does take some reading but well worth it. Ex. I love the look of a medium rare steak but I'm not comfortable doing it using traditionall techniques, frying pan, grill, etc. but with SV I can be sure all the nasties are gone and I can have the look and texture of med. rare. Because you have had others cook your food for so long I suggest you go slow, Pick something you like, do your research on how to cook it, do it, enjoy and move forward. I hope you have a camera and are prepared to take pixs and post them. This is a journey and an enjoyable one. Time is your friend. We will be here to root for you and watch your progress.:)
  12. CC, taco cook sounds wonderful, :)I just wish I could view the pixs.:(
  13. Normally I stay as far from fish dinners as I can but after hearing how great the fish is from a guy who parks beside the road at a local gas station I thought I try it out. Bought 1 pound of haddock fillets, raced home to look up how to cook them sous vide. 130F for 30 mins the recipe said. Sprinkled on some granulated garlic, a little black pepper and a little cayenne which turnout to be too much.;) Half way thru the cook the power went out, eek. Fortunately I had some water on hand so I heated it in a pot on the gas stove and was able to keep the water pretty much at 130F. Here's my first sous vide haddock dinner. I wanted to get an interior shot of the fish but didn't want a cold fish dinner. The result is not such a great shot, the fish was very moist, flaky and simply wonderful. I can't believe I'm saying that. I just came back from town with 2 more pounds. It is now vacuum sealed and in the freezer. The truck just shows up whenever, it could be weeks before he's back, you just have to be lucky and catch him when you can.
  14. Thanks, Bruce I'll have to try the blossoms and for sure not the butterfly;)
  15. Thanks, CC. You are not the only one surprised by this dinner I was too.
  16. Thanks, Tony. Actually I was wondering how I'd like eating this beef cold but as it turns out I really liked it a lot in fact I thought it was better served this way. Texture was nice, meat was tender and moist. This is a do again thing.:)
  17. Today I decided to enjoy more of those boneless beef short ribs. Along with some sous vide potato salad. This time I add red and white radish from the garden, some lettuce, and some pea shoots.
  18. @ dstr8, you are very welcome and it just occurred to me that I probably sprinkled the diced potatoes with cayenne pepper before I put them in the sous vide bath.
  19. @ dstr8, Potato Salad - Dice the potatoes, sprinkle with granulated garlic, cayenne pepper, and freshly ground black pepper. Spread in single layer and vacuum seal. SV @ 185F for 75-90 mins, depends upon how thick the cubes are. Test by squeezing one of the cube to see if it is soft. Remove when done and immediately put into very cold water of even better an ice bath. Add dressing to suit and I added a little seed style mustard, sliced fresh radish from my garden, chopped chives, diced onion, diced boiled egg that was not used for egg slices, and some cooked peas. You will find the texture of the salad different than normally boiled potatoes, but in a good way, they don't mush up. Now I'm hungry
  20. I agree, might as well give in right off the bat.:)
  21. Ed, it could be that your roti will run perfectly. Mine ran in the correct direction but the motor had to be mounted upside down for the shaft holes to match. Last week I had the carpenter grind about 1/4 inch off the bottom of the motor brackets and now it fits perfectly. I'd suggest you do a dry run.
  22. Fantastic cook, ck, the pulled pork looks delicious.
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