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Everything posted by MacKenzie

  1. A bowl of leftover Sweet and Sour Gochujang Chicken.
  2. What a traumatic experience and to had to go through that with your contractor on top of it all. Now, you have a dream kitchen, it is stunning. I hope you safely get your KKs home soon.
  3. I certainly did and expect to enjoy it many more times.[emoji4] Sent from my SM-T710 using Tapatalk
  4. Thanks to Alimac for posting his Sweet and Sour Gochujang Chicken cook and recipe. I made it today and it is indeed deeeeelicious. Plated.
  5. What I'd like to know is when they say the glove can handle 800 degrees I want to know for how long? If it's only for a few seconds that's not enough for me.
  6. That was a close call, jonj. [emoji4] Sent from my SM-T710 using Tapatalk
  7. No, you do not need to use the heat deflector, put it into storage, most of us never ever use it. It will take a lot longer to heat up your KK and burn up a lot of charcoal in the process. Have fun with the pizza.
  8. To me cooking in the KK is more like cooking in the kitchen oven, the fuel is lump and once you get within about 50 degrees of your desired cooking temp, start closing the vents, mainly the top vent until you settle at the desired temp. By then the smoke should be good so put your goodies on the grate. Unlike the kitchen oven your cooking temp. will remain stable and not a lot of air passing through the KK if you keep the lid shut and you should. The result will be a much moister cook than the oven.
  9. Why not cook it at a lower temp and then remove it when the IT is what you want, open the vents and let the fire roar then sear the roast.
  10. I find that if I have lots of leftover lump it doesn't take much new lump to have a good fire. The smoke will clean up fairly soon too. One thing to remember, poultry soaks up smoke like a sponge. Was your turkey at room temperature when you started?
  11. https://www.vermicular.us/ I'd like to add the Vermicular Musui-Kamado to this dream list. This really is an item that the more you use it the more you find things that you can do with it. Not a day goes by that I don't use it for something. It does a fantastic job on veggies, eggs, you name it.
  12. Thanks, Tekobo. The only thing you will have to worry about when using the parchment paper is that it might slide off the peel before it gets to the oven. There is a cure for that, a finger on the edge of the paper.
  13. Pizza night here. Made two loaded pizzas so there will be some for a snowy day. Pizza Crust.
  14. tekobo, lovely looking plate of duck perfection.
  15. Troble, a fantastic Thanksgiving dinner with ALL the trimmings. This is just how I'd like my plate to look.
  16. Thanks, alimac for the recipe, my mouth is watering.
  17. Alimac, ooooooooh, that looks soooooooooo tasty.
  18. Bruce, you have yourself a Great Thanksgiving too.
  19. Steve, was that for an unspatchcocked turkey? AJR has spatchcock the turkey. Sent from my SM-T710 using Tapatalk
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