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Steve M

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Everything posted by Steve M

  1. Those rolls look delish. I hope you have plenty of butter on hand.
  2. Sounds like a load of bull to me
  3. That is harsh. Maybe it's not all pork and berkshire/kurabota is ok. Keep up hope!
  4. Steve M


    Looks absolutely delicious. I'm also enjoying your instagram pics.
  5. I completely missed that video, some good info in there
  6. I ran across this while doing my annual deep turkey research. I saw these time/temperature charts in the past and at the very least, they gave me some comfort. I haver never seen anyone recommend 150 on turkey though. Turkey time temperature chart After trying to hit 165 on a turkey several years ago and ending up with a dry bird, I may not shoot quite as high this year.
  7. That is absolutely gorgeous. You got a great deal on an obviously well cared for kk. Post pictures of the turkey!
  8. Really looks tasty MacKenzie! Never made it on the kk but I'll bet it really gives it a nice flavor.
  9. Looks delicious and Go Hokies!
  10. If you're cooking in the 225-250 range, you shouldn't have run out of charcoal. I use a cyberQ and have cooked a couple of days easily at low temps. I would make sure top vent isn't open too much; it really only needs to be open an eighth of a turn or so with the guru running.
  11. Never had a roo burger but it looks tasty. Was it a trespasser?
  12. The packer briskets I have done have been at 225 and have taken roughly 1.25 hours per pound. I generally wrap them with pink butcher paper when internal temps hit 170 or so. I think you really need some rest time in a cooler to get close to that perfect brisket we chase. Plus it helps hedge your bets. With that much meat going on, you really want to make sure it is properly heat soaked as well.
  13. Some really good looking char on those steaks! I know they were awesome.
  14. Nobody told me and now I'm paying the price for it.
  15. Thanks for sharing the video! The list of things to cook never gets shorter btw. Especially after hanging out here for a while.
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