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Steve M

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Everything posted by Steve M

  1. Great looking ribs. That bark is phenomenal.
  2. You will find the kk's are much harder to tip over. I have a 23 and love it. There have been times a 32 would be nice but I think I would prefer a 2nd grill in those cases.
  3. quick feed but definitely not fast food. Looks delicious
  4. I was expecting something cold and frosty. Corn's good too
  5. That's some mouth watering goodness in that pork belly alimac. Looks fantastic
  6. Been trying to catch up reading through this thread, you guys are having way too much fun
  7. Nice looking meal. I miss the Mesa Grill. Now I want a margarita.
  8. Great looking meal all around. Kudos
  9. I understand, I am often distracted by it as well. Cheers!
  10. Hope everybody has been doing ok, I've missed my kk friends. I smoked some St. Louis cut ribs from Costco yesterday. Turned out great.
  11. Nice meal all around. bonus points on the martini.
  12. She didn't add a bottle of liquid smoke?
  13. When 8 pork butts just won't do..... Great job !
  14. Great job on that sear. Looks awesome
  15. That looks awesome, I love the vinegar based sauces. I had a similar experience after hurricane isabel. No power for a week as I slowly then quickly cooked everything in the freezer. I wish that I had the kk then, it would have been a lot easier.
  16. Is it pretty close when you add the fittings to both sides of the basket? I think I had to remove about 1/16" from mine to get it to fit.
  17. Mostly coarse ground pepper and kosher salt but I also gave a light dusting of montreal steak seasoning.
  18. What an amazing lunch. I put the butcher paper wrapped brisket in a cooler for 3 hours and just sliced it up.
  19. Well, that and napalm. 15.3 lb SRF brisket on the kk since yesterday afternoon at 4:30. Hopefully should come off in about an hour or so. It went unwrapped until I got up this morning at 7am so I wrapped in pink butcher paper and will stay that way until I slice it.
  20. Great looking kk and setup. Sounds like you're already on your way to a great start.
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