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Everything posted by Paul

  1. Paul

    Got Spun

    Score!! Very nice.
  2. Looks delicious MacKenzie! I have too ask...the last few shots of the air fried chips and rings are ketchupless...everything OK?
  3. Wow! That's different. Looks really good.
  4. That is a really good looking loaf!!
  5. Paul

    Easter Filet Mignon

    That three hots sounds delicious.
  6. Great looking burger!
  7. Paul

    Easter Feast

    Very nice. What a feast!!
  8. Hey Dennis is that color tile still available? Looking for something in the green palette for the BB 32 I'm getting ready to order.
  9. That is different. I bet its delicious.
  10. Very nice. Looks perfect!
  11. Nothing wrong with that. Wood pulling double duty. I smoke a lot with oak (black and valley) and manzanita. Both of which I use to heat my house also.
  12. Very nice. Lots of flavors and textures playing together there.
  13. Looks really good. Delicious. What kind of wood (sticks) you got in there? Looks like it has a thin bark like apple.
  14. Another awesome Cook! Looks delicious.
  15. Not in a million years. My work had a satellite office in Alhambra and I was expected to go down there once a quarter. You would not believe the difference between Northern California and Southern. A whole different world/mindset down there.
  16. That Caviar taco is ridiculous! It's miniature. I get more food stuck in my mustache. And I completely agree with the beer statements!
  17. A little late to the party but, yes THANK YOU FOR YOUR SERVICE!!
  18. You're right! He goes from a 5 o'clock shadow in the beginning to full blown stubble by the end. It's a long cook when you have to shave half way through.
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