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Everything posted by Tyrus

  1. First the fragrance coming from the BBQ and now a picture postcard backyard,,,I'm so sorry,.. now you'll never get the neighbors to leave so you can go to sleep. 👍
  2. Glad you tried it Basher. I believe mine was in the bag in the frig 14-16 hours and I just didn't wait,.. for moi patience is a virtue misdirected at birth. Let's see, those complimentary spices sound good, I'm sure the spin will do it well.
  3. Well finally, and welcome aboard the love boat...a little cliche' but, it's the truth. It's going to be your last BBQ , it'll amaze you with performance and every time you uncover it you'll not have any regrets on your decision, your gonna love it. A 32, well go big or don't go at all, kind of goes with Bigshep....yah....you like things big, great pick.
  4. Lamb leg bone out. Comes easily wrapped in a burn proof net. The next time I do it I think it will stay in the frig for 2+days or inject it like Toney mentioned. Anyhow it's a rotisserie made meat, just stick it on the forks and let it roll, pull it at 145-50 if you like it pink, wrap in foil to rest.
  5. Nice rig Ckreef, you and the Mrs should enjoy that. Does it have an on board generator for all those appliances or are you carrying a portable? Not all sites have electric if you stop on a whim. Imagine that,,let the good times roll.
  6. Another BBQ soldier gone to the big cookout in the sky. When I'm out by the grill and have a cold one in my hand I'll raise it a bit higher and wish him well. God bless
  7. Love the color you two put on those cooks
  8. Beets down under and pork up top...a fine Australian dinner
  9. That is true Toney and a good suggestion as we sit here today. The only practical experience I have is a slow soak, it is a vinegar, and I don't know the correlation of the direct vs injection. I'm willing to try but unsure of the results. Trouble is I've never written things down and this one bit me in the butt as far as expectations were in concerned. Tomorrows another day
  10. Well, the meat came out as expected but it's been at least 30 years since I did this prep at my old house. I let this one soak over nite and the results were way shy of what I expected but if memory serves me right it was a two day soak with a whole bottle of the Balsamic to get that tangy meat. Q1. Leaving the meat in longer is an experiment, the longer the better for penetration, don't be shy. Q2. The balsamic has a sugar content and will darken the meat on the outside however, the inside is yours for temp, this cook should be at medium or better. So again let it soak, turn it, and let the marinade do it's thing. You may fork it for quicker penetration, I'm still holding to the longer the better although that's up to the indivigual.
  11. Sure, as long as we don't have any gas leaks otherwise you'll be riding the escalator on the "Stairway to Heaven".
  12. Nice cook on the lamb Basher and Lamb is one of my favorites to cook. Did you ever marinate your lamb in Balsamic vinegar for say for maybe a day ( just a cheap brand will do ) and cook it up. Makes great sandwiches. It changes the complexion of the meat and gives it a nice tang, only saying because you have a ton of it. Since I first posted prior , I was bitten by the basher bug and had to run to the market for some lamb and this is what was available. In a bag with the Balsamic (the cheap stuff) with one Pablamo, an aged Habernero half strength, 5 cloves chopped garlic, 1 bay leaf and a dousing of herbs de provence. Out to the rear deck to marinate. You see in New England the back deck in winter is fashionably referred to as the frig. Will pop this on the KK tomorrow to rotisserize.
  13. I don't know about you but I may have to leave this one off my to do list..........it doesn't have a bar
  14. Wonderfully prepared taking advantage of two KK's. Is there a basket splitter in the 19 or 16? Anyhow the shank as you have there is the lower portion of the leg below the shoulder, generally it has the bone in.
  15. Volatile and unstable gas if used improperly, just look at the Hindenburg. I guess that could be said of LPG also, as you say Au products are over regulated so maybe that's a good thing.
  16. Did I! That's like saying, "do I wash with soap" of course, hasn't everybody. Is your Titan equipped with "positraction"? You know a limited slip differential which distributes power equally to the left and right tires, helps to get you outta the mud too.
  17. Looks pretty rust free down there (nice) not like my old FORD, then again there isn't any salt on the roads where your at.........is there, lucky man.
  18. Tyrus

    Top Sirloin Roast

    Good idea, it saves a bundle of work. Gotta give it a go, sounds very interesting. Looking forward to seeing the Saucier finished post.
  19. I did the duck last month and marinated it in a over the counter ginger soy sauce for a day. Roto'd it and the meat was good however, not alot of it. The skin was so so, so I would suggest to crank the heat at the end to crisp up the skin. You may even prick the skin ahead of time or slice it with a sharp knife to penetrate the fat hidden below for that crisper skin. 150 -165 tops is a good serving temp. I believe it's best to bring it along slowly and then raise the temp for the finish, the KK is forgiving and if you overshoot a bit your cook will remain tasty. A duck and chicken aren't the same, nor do they cook the same under the same conditions. The meat is dark and the skin fattier, that leads me to believe it will hold the test of time. The world is at your command, make your recipe your own and use some good jelly.
  20. Tyrus

    Top Sirloin Roast

    Dark and mysterious and I like the dark best. Brought along slow in a holy fire makes me want to say a prayer. Amen brother and pass the mashed potatoes
  21. London broil and Roto chicken, both great looking meals, it's hard to decide....envelope please....it's a tie
  22. Mixing with a plan of course, a plan to track down the best ribs you can make. Plan is to keep doing it for a long time. Hey, good plan.
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