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Everything posted by Tyrus

  1. A meal fit for a King sitting by the sea, or a river, whatever may be. Looks good my friend, chips and all, even the 2 buck chuck
  2. Tyrus


    I think they change them every so often too confuse you or us, you know, the population without the picture. I was comfortable for quite some time with your color, it grew comforting and then one day I was green. Tomorrow's another day my friend, long as your still here....well thats all that counts. Kinda of a executive decision beyond our means.
  3. Tyrus


    When we popped this fruit and then sucked on a lemon.............sounds like Tequila
  4. So it is done. The piece had to be taken completely apart, re:drilled with new larger biscuits, and the legs were trashed, then replaced with new stock. The color scheme was changed and handles were added for bar towels and to easily aid in transport with two people, then a couple of new/old signs were added. Bottle openers were placed on every corner and the inside was cleaned throughout. That tank on the inside was first described as galvanized steel but when it wouldn't hold a magnet it turned out to be solid copper with a tin covering. The soldering covering all the exposed edges were so well done and waterproof no repairs were needed. Backyard furniture that will serve a purpose. While that was going on I um, made a brother to keep it company. This is a cooking table for cast iron made from wood and covered with a 1/8 or 3/16 in sheet of bronze on the top. Generally you find them made simply all from metal but I happened across some marinite board and used that as a heat shield under the bronze. Any wood contact with the bronze was insulated with woven glass gasket covering. Marinite board is a product looking similar to gypsum board but it is a calcium silicate. The similarities stop at appearence because a 4x8 sheet of this runs around $750. No worry, I acquired it from a trustworthy source for change. When I showed my wife the addition she replied, "What a nice bar." Well, I thought ok, a bar and a cooking surface. I have plenty of marinite, so a piece will be cut to protect the bronze surface when cooking is needed and removed to act as a bar otherwise. Backyard furniture with some technical additions.
  5. Thats true, I forgot that first step. Although you can always postpone this procedure and do a low and slow without any worry, thats if the temptation is too great.
  6. Any ideas for a first cook, are you going big?
  7. Well it's already cut up but you had 3 roasts there... bottom round, top round and the eye considering that was the femur. You have a good friend, and I'm sure it will be a meal quite unlike any other. In the sous vide for this type of meat I wouldn't go over 125 if your going to put some smoke on, meat when pulled should be 130-140 on grill. Searing at the end as The Aussie said may be your best bet. Rule of thumb indicates tender pieces are to be cooked at high temp to 130-140, anymore and it will dry out. good luck
  8. Meaty bacon! Light is a factor most definitely but the mega pixel determines resolution. The higher the resolution # such as a 12 determines the clarity as your picture size is enlarged. A 5 megapixel photo would become fuzzy as it's enlarged as opposed to a higher pixel camera, meaning the distance between the pixels are spreading. Same can be said with TV's, todays 1180 lines of resolution vs the older generation of 720's
  9. Great job Steve, looks like years of enjoyment with friends and family.
  10. Oh well. Neither did I at first but, soon warmed up to that idea.
  11. Congrats on the new KK, hope you got the roto. Hey, if you can't get a cook in because the green egg is gone to your friends house just go chase down that lava flow.
  12. Just returned from the computer shop from picking my long lost PC.. [6 weeks] Saw your picture and it looks very nice. I found the sugars over 300 tend to burn so I prefer around 275 for a longer period.
  13. Yah, that sounds like a mix I'm partial too. I also have the 23 and are very pleased with everything that comes out it. That basket is easy, unlike the old roto's that were on the gas burners I found unreliable. Maybe next time you'll post a picture, would be nice to see only because this little computer couldn't open the download.
  14. Saw Tuckers chevron with alternating colors and although it may not be what your looking as a flag representation the colors would certainly be present. Having a flag in the background would cetainly pickup the tile colors. Just a thought, think outside the box for alternatives.
  15. Is that bacon wrapped, anyhow they look delishous.
  16. Not at that price, a raised grill over the fire will do. Your proably paying for as the name implies "Art". I don't want to put it down maybe it does the job however, I see it strictly for show and entertaining. Looks good, but at one of our parties I'm looking at crushed stone. Ooops
  17. Tyrus

    Celeriac Lasagna

    Tom Brady eats this all the time, welll, you know the rest. Yum
  18. Tyrus

    KK Soufflé

    Like the looks of those. Tell me, was the cast iron preferable over the pizza stone for this application for any particular reason or just on hand. Wonder how that flat of cast iron would do with a pizza. Lodge?
  19. Serious looking units. Not for removing the silver skin unless you have some Jedi skills. Great patina, simple handles...a definite sleeper at first glance but once in hand I'm sure they rise to the occasion around any cutting board. Touche'
  20. Too bad, so sad you have to part with a prized possession but, on the the other side the destination sounds as if it may make the loss easier to overcome. Looks like the beginnings of down sizing, trading off a few things ain't so bad. When it all plays out the only things you'll miss are the memories...and you'll be makin more. So whats this about,,trying to talk you out of moving or selling the 23, heck you only live once, might as well see as much as you can and enjoy all the toys you can get your hands on. If you have to part with one now and again let it go.Did you know Pequod was the whaling ship that sailed to capture Moby Dick, I'm sure you did. It was a sailing ship that constantly was in motion and changing direction in pursuit of it's goal so, in keeping with that tradition all I can is bon voyage and don't sell cheap.
  21. Tyrus


    Have tried it on a number of things with good result. It's an acquired taste , like a good Scotch. I've wondered how it would fair on brisket as a substitute for regular pepper doing it Texas style. Haven't pulled the trigger yet on this experiment, has anyone tried?
  22. Ribs, ribs everywhere nor a morsel too eat. Wrap them babies to achieve the texture you want, it mimics the steaming process but falls at the end of the first 3 hours over the grill. I can understand different strokes for different folks but a little experimentation maybe all you need to try.
  23. An executive decesion by your daughter and certainly a wish Dad could not refuse. They do look tasty. Surprise her next time.
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