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Everything posted by Tyrus

  1. Hello Ed, Big game day, huh. Battling the flu here this week, and my appetite is low. Today however, the phoenix will rise from the ashes and do "steak tips." Are you going to hang your ribs in the barrel or do them in the 32? GO PATS
  2. Not trying to discount the Meater as a good product, and I understand your point however, I think I'll wait for the 2nd generation or a little down the road.
  3. Oh, I for got the second line...and when were gone from here our friends will be drinking all the beer.
  4. In heaven there is no beer that's why we drink it here
  5. Those wings look fine. Good idea to put them back on into the sauce for the extra.
  6. Good job to the both of you, nice looking bark...I gotta check the freezer
  7. Don't let them bring you down Ed. Fact of the matter is when it finally does arrive you'll soon dismiss it all
  8. That looks appetizing Nice and lean with great color. Good job
  9. I still use the 2 hard wire system for pork butts and brisket, the meater is a stretch and from what I've read here is that the signal is weak and others have had similar issues. Seems like an arduous journey, this goose..I hope all your planning gives you what your expecting.
  10. Tyrus

    Showing Off

    Pretty bread mac, as always. Have to ask, I know you have a black La Chamba stew pot. My question would be is that when using it in the KK what would be your concerns to the outside of the pot. Do wrap the outside in foil, soap down the outside or use it without concern? My 4 quart stew is coming today and I will season it as instructed Thanks
  11. Look good, did you make the dry rub? They had to be yum cause your toddler had two.
  12. Like the fish cage for cooking. The meal is nice, a little char makes the meal.
  13. Not to totally digress from your conversation but recently a highly technical experiment was performed to ascertain the winner of the coming contest of Philly vs Pats. Two cans filled with food were placed three feet apart in a vacant room with small flags denoting the representative team. A woodchuck was released into the room and it ate from the container having the Patriots flag. This woodchuck has picked the correct winner the last four years.
  14. There's fish in the bay, a kayak in the garage...get well soon
  15. Great, I'm not alone!
  16. One more question, feel like Columbo...How much does a goose cost? Never bought one before, nor have I had duck although I have orange sauce in the house. Do you remember when Ebineezer Scrooge stuck his head out the window and said," Hey boy, run down to market and buy the biggest bird you can find, and he replies you mean the giant goose still hanging there....and he's off. That goose triggered that memory, about the extent of my familiarity with this fowl. Keep up the good work
  17. You definitely have some planning to do. Strategy. Looking forward to seeing the porka too
  18. Same here, I started pushing the coals after taking off the bacon. Let it ride up to 400 plus. That was a whole bird configured in the original prong setting. I had my doubts at first and thought something might fall off, but no, it all firmed up and the rest is history
  19. Tyrus

    I like beer!

    Chicken and slaw, must be summer where your at.. wishful thinkin huh. I'd pull up a chair with you anyday, long as I don't have to leave my shoes at the door or is that for Japanese slaw. Honey wings of course. Winner winner chicken dinner
  20. I bet, was impressed with the store, happy trails
  21. A fantastic cook, a fantastic grill, it all looks scrump deliousish. The pull back was simply marrrvelous.
  22. Thanks that was good.
  23. A definite thanks on that Ambassador Toney, you just bridged the gap
  24. I think I see a gauntlet on the floor, best let it be, don't want to drain the kingdom of all their spice.
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