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Did another bacon KK cook, it tastes just wonderful can't get enough of this. Did a 20+ pound smoke on Fri, half for me and half for friends. Sliced my share today and the house smells wonderful. Here are a few pix, nothing special, except the bacon. :) The following is bacon from my last smoke and the pix is this morning's  Breakfast.



I now have 9 packages just like this one in the freezer, should see me thru until the fall.


I had a few bites and piece left that I will use for soups or pizza..


Edited by MacKenzie
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New first for me on the KK - handmade Bagels! 

Finally got to use the stone most use for baking Pizza.  

Bagels went on at 425F for 23 minutes on top grate.  With the stone in it took some time to get to temp.  Likely due to all the hardware and stone.

They did come out very good 👍 will definitely do it again. 




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Took my goths to Safari Park this weekend. Stopped by the far stand on the way home. Got some amazing fruit and produce 

rainbow carrots, asparagus and sweet white corn on the cob along with pork tenderloin 

My oldest told me that the asparagus “popped” in her mouth it was so fresh. Great summer meal 



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And today I cooked duck, and not my arm lol

I needed the duck ready to cook at 6 AM so i used the Fireboard to keep a nice steady 200 degrees until 5 AM when my alarm went off. Then I set it to 300 to fan the flames and went down to set my vents. 6:02 AM the duck was on at 370 degrees and 28 minutes later it was done. I could have moved it down to a lower rack at the end to render out a bit more of the fat cap but we were more than happy with the results, a few thin slices went in wraps with bacon eggs and cheese. It made for a nice breakfast, the rest will be for dinner.  :) 



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On 3/18/2024 at 10:50 AM, Dennis said:

@johnnymnemonic  I know I am responding to an older post but here goes - newbie question. 

Are you finding cooking on the upper grate is giving you a better bark or is there another reason for your set up?

Like you I am coming from the BGE and making the adjustments for the KK.  

Today I have 4 pork butts cooking in my KK42, and yes I'm using the upper grate. It isn't just the bark.  I get better smoke on the upper grate with low and slow.  And with spatchcock chickens I get crispier skin on the upper grate (dome really radiates the heat and the closer the food is, the better, in my experience.

But I will say coming from the BGE it doesn't matter which grate main or upper, the results are better. I can get close with the egg but the KK is the best.  Sorry for the slow response - haven't been on here in a few months. Cheers!

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Last night was a new experiment - a mash-up of Japanese & Nigerian. Mixed Yakiniku with Suya Pepper rub to marinate beef skewers. I liked how it came out. Will file this one away for future reference.

The corn is not local. Won't see the "good stuff" for at least another month or so. This corn was OK.



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