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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/26/2018 in all areas

  1. I didn't hang around the Vegemite long enough to find out whether anyone bought it or where they might be from. Padova is a tourist town but we didn't encounter many non-Italians on our bar crawl last night. Other than the people, it was a pretty international night. My first cocktail was a Mex Mule - tequila based with the ginger taste amped to the max by the addition of some chilli. My last cocktail of the night was made by an Italian bartender called Michael. Once we had exhausted my limited Italian we moved on to German and he made me an even mehr lecker Amaretto Sour. Throughout the evening our drinks were accompanied by delicious Italian treats on bread. And then I made the mistake of ordering wings and ribs at an American bar to end the night. Wings covered in orange plastic cheese in Italy just doesn't work! I will be happy to get back to my KKs tomorrow. On the list to try is the BBQ marmite chicken wings recipe that I found this morning.
    6 points
  2. I’ve been off the forum for a while and decided to show y’all something: https://youtu.be/pd3P31eCmBI
    5 points
  3. I went to my favourite fish market looking for a fish for some friends that were coming over for dinner. To my surprise they had a shipment of Tasmanian sea trouts. I had first seen these at the famous Sidney sea foot market. When I saw them here in Montreal, I had to get one. Here are the results:
    3 points
  4. 20# of ribs, 50/50 St Louis & baby back. Doing them with big Bob Gibson wet approach.
    3 points
  5. Alimac asked me where to find my un crating thread .I found it but I also found this pic. .seeing my motor cycle stand .hit me miss my bike but love Ora . https://www.kamadoguru.com/topic/29140-ive-been-holding-off/ Outback kamado Bar and Grill
    3 points
  6. Can I hang out with you for a day .promise I will leave the vegemite at home lol Outback kamado Bar and Grill
    3 points
  7. This chop was smoked when I bought it from the farmer so I cooked it in the sous vide bath at 139F for about 5 hours then put it on the KK to sear and give it some extra colour. Started with sauteing onions in Red Palm Oil. Chop is ready. Plated. Oh, I can just taste it. The last two morsels.
    2 points
  8. Get the F out! You gotta share this one with us, not that I'm ever going to make it, but I'm just curious as hell to see it!!
    2 points
  9. Hey @MacKenzie, you are beating me in the shopping stakes. Sounds like you got your bacon (and heart attack ) for free! Shame about the egg.
    2 points
  10. I took your advice @Paul. Right now I feel like this . I suspect that, tomorrow I will feel like this . I will enjoy the moment.
    2 points
  11. @Aussie Ora, subliminal pusher?? I was stood in a shop in Padova kicking my heels while The Husband looked at grog and pasta, waiting to get to the next bar with yummy snacks when I saw this: Really? Vegemite AND Marmite in the heart of Italy? I think I need a drink...
    1 point
  12. I bought a 5 pound section of pork belly and took it home to cure for bacon but when I started to trim some of the fat there was no end to it. I was left with half of the slab. A couple of days later I went into town and complained about the overly fatty pork belly, the result was that they did give me my money back. This morning I thought I'd fry up a taste test and do a sous vide egg. Here is the bacon frying, just look at that fat.:( The part that turned this breakfast cook into being placed in the jokes section is - The eggs were very fresh so there was trouble getting the shells off, even the spoon trick wouldn't work. So I thought, crack the shell on both ends, remover that and blow. I ended up blowing the most of soft yolk out of the egg and into my hand. So no pixs. Almost no egg.
    1 point
  13. Mac does not dissapoint that’s for sure! Nice cook
    1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. Got lashed with a big cold front last night wild wet and windy decided on a quick cook gave some snags some dizzy love this stuff on sausages. sprinkled some onion .then gave some bacon a bit of pitmasters..done the snags first..then the bacon. . And the onions. .gave the bun a quick crisp under the grill and added some lettuce and cheese. . Then the bacon. . Onions . .finally the snag. . Drizzled with some kakadu plum tasted so good . Outback kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  16. Thanks for posting the link mate! It’s a funny old life hey, especially when the bad things happen. I’ve been very fortunate in my life to be able to travel and live in multiple countries and experience some amazing things. Most of it has been positive, which I am very grateful for. Those negative experiences were obviously bad at the time, but they had yielded very positive opportunities out of it. It looks like this is the case here where the loss of your bike has yielded the positive opportunity to get a KK and experience another type of joy. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  17. I just came across this great unpacking pics mate good to see some nice "straight" brick work still exists lol Outback kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  18. Getting blown away down here .cold and lonely it's all good I've got lamb shanks on Ora smoking over a bit of peach and cherry
    1 point
  19. Try my pressure cooker ribs. Pressure cook them for 20 minutes and then finish them on the kk. An hour on the kk will do it and maybe less. You have a few months to trial run it and perfect it. When the ribs are done wrap in paper so they can breathe a little and pack with towels in a cooler. Now knock out the tri tips.
    1 point
  20. There was a lot of Italian migration to Australia, and some backwash. I'm most aware of Calabrians, but Padova, why not?
    1 point
  21. There's a reason why Vegemite is sitting above Marmite
    1 point
  22. Vegemite pizza is the bomb. Literally. It will tear your innards to shreds.
    1 point
  23. Hey Aussie.. nice looking cook, did you go through a stall with the brisket, i done 2 pork shoulders 1.5 kg's each Xmass just gone on BJoe, one took 2hrs longer to get there. Do you wrap in paper and foil at the same time (did i read that right) I got a huge roll of pink B paper online last year (if anyone wants to know i can dig up where i got it)probably paid too much for it, dunno. Also saw a packer brisket at the local supermarket during the week Gilberts around 5-6 kg, things are slowly changing for the better
    1 point
  24. Guess I’m super lucky to live right near Lazarri Fuel company. The lump oak is less than 50 cents a pound on 20 pound bags and about 35 cents on 40 pounders. The sizes can vary and I lose about 1/4 bag to small pieces and dust but at that cost it’s not an issue. Their mesquite is awesome but I only use it sparingly as the smoke is too strong. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  25. Ubon's of Yazoo City - 6th place Whole Hog
    1 point
  26. Yeah, Aussie's gotten us all addicted and now we have to sweat it out another year to get more. Glad I hoarded back a bit. Should be able to feed my habit for a while! I've never put rub on sausages either. Did you prep them with something to get the rub to stick on?
    1 point
  27. Strangely enough I've never put rub on a snag. Will give that a try next time. Looks good.
    1 point
  28. Got of early yesterday had a rack of ribs that I got on Saturday was going to freeze them but luckily I did not have to. .scored the bottom and gave them a purple Crack mix ..then cleaned up the top ..sprinkled on some plow boys. .smoked over cherry looking good. .sliced .and plated . Outback kamado Bar and Grill
    1 point
  29. My issue with RO is that I don’t like the smell...I really don’t like it. The premium fogo is good, I could live with it. I simply find the rockwood to be more consistent throughout the bag, plus it seems to be more neutral in the smell category. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  30. I’ve used the previous KJ lump and it was good stuff similar to Rockwood. Haven’t tried the new “giant block” stuff. Not sure I understand the trend toward massive chunks. Followed to its logical conclusion, all I should need is a single lump the size and shape of my basket with a wick on top like a candle.
    1 point
  31. Very happy with our first weekend's meals! Saturday was a ten pound Butterball turkey. No drip pan, no water!!! As you can see, I had my Thermoworks Smoke up and running thanks to y'all, along with proper hydration... Thanks to everybody! Sunday was Wiens Waygu full-blooded black waygu short ribs. My best short rib cook ever!
    1 point
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