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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/04/2019 in all areas

  1. I know not everyone has access to beautiful U5 Shrimp. If you've never seen them here they are. These 5 shrimp weigh 1 lb. These were on sale this weekend for $12.99 per lb at The Fresh Market. I might go back today and buy a couple more lbs.  Here are 6 of these shrimp. Butterflied open, the floppy forward meat tucked back on top, then stuffed with crab.  Yesterday was my birthday and I had a few or more adult beverages so I really wasn't worried about pictures. But I did manage to not screw it up, have all the food done at the same time, and snap a money shot. Here's my birthday dinner. 10 oz Prime Grade NY strip grilled on the Nuke Delta. The stuffed shrimp cooked on the upper rack in my 19" Komodo Kamado, and some heirloom carrots pan roasted alongside the shrimp. 
    5 points
  2. Yes it's a sad summer for Lane Packing just when they have one of the biggest peach harvest on record.  In 1990 Lane Packing built a new peach packing facility which featured state of the art machinery to clean, sort, label, and allow for easy hand packing of peach boxes. This machinery included an upper cat walk so tourist could marvel at this process. This has become a tourist hot spot in GA with approximately 400,000 visitors last year. Now 29 years after opening the catwalk (just as peach season started) some government bureaucrat decided they didn't like that. Enacted a new regulation which forced Lane Packing to close down the catwalk. Just another example of Big Brother stepping in and screwing it for the little guy. I've been walking that catwalk once or twice a year for almost 20 years but not this year. Fortunately I have some pictures taken from the catwalk from a couple of years ago. Here are a few of those pictures. 
    3 points
  3. Pizza night last night. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    3 points
  4. Definitely an A+ on the science project. I as well wait with bated breath for the results. Nice color! Did you know today is a special day...........that's right, it's Tom Brady's birthday . And in celebration of the coming pigskin season you are cooking two bacons, that's wonderful. That was part of the plan praytell, oh if not...we here in New England salute you and await a slice
    3 points
  5. I've bought it a few times from World Spice.. It is tasty BUT the problem is that it is VERY sensitive to humidity and wants to go back to its liquid form. Always gets ruined here in Bali. It ends up with the consistency of honey in a cold fridge.
    2 points
  6. 2 points
  7. Knowing how the sauce is manufactured makes it hard to understand how a powder can replace the tasty delight. Aging in wooden barrels for months and a prescribed method is used in the process. I do believe fish is a major additive anyhow, it is manufactured in merry ol' England and also in New Jersey as a result of demand. A little history of Lea and Perrins with the original stopper and cork surround
    2 points
  8. Good pun on the meat hook theme Bruce. I thought it was funny how the meat hooks were so much more exciting than the meat! Your comment made me think Tony. I decided we would cut half of the once smoked cold smoked piece into slices and then do the second smoke on the remaining half. I also decided to try cooking and tasting one of those slices. I decided that there was quite enough smoke absorbed already and so abandoned the idea of a second cold smoke. Patience is a virtue. The samples are undergoing intensive testing as we speak. Er no, I did not know it was his birthday. Would have celebrated by barbecuing a GOAT. In fact, if Philly win this year I promise to get myself a KK that comes with a GOAT.
    2 points
  9. There were no pics of shepherds pie, just the lamb roast. I used the leftovers to make a shepherds pie Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    2 points
  10. Tekobo nice experiment, I would like to get my meat hooks on that shoulder bacon. Looking forward to the finished product.
    2 points
  11. 2 points
  12. Okay so the two sauces are honey mustard and modernist cuisine buffalo sauce. HM: 1/2 cup butter 4 cloves garlic, used a press 1/4 cup Dijon mustard 1/4 cig dried mustard powder 1/3 cup honey 1 tablespoon Worcestershire sauce with extra 1 teaspoon vinegar Very good! You can look up MC wing sauce. Great burn. Indirect heat and rocking at 325 I’ll post finished product Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  13. Happy Birthday...Another successful trip around the sun! Great looking meal!!
    1 point
  14. I learned a lot from this experiment. 1. I am trying to figure out what types of wood smoke I like. I prefer the apple to pecan on bacon. So does The Husband so that's a win. 2. I had never had hot smoked bacon before. I like it. In fact I prefer it for this cut. Some of the fat gets rendered through the hot smoking process, making the resulting bacon more appetising. 3. The slice of hot smoked bacon did not need to be held down with a weight during cooking to prevent it curling, unlike the cold smoked piece. More recently I have been cutting the collar bacon into half inch slices and freezing them individually. They make for a really quick week night supper with potatoes or baked beans or salad. The two collars made a lot of bacon! The cold smoked The hot smoked And for @Alphonse, the side by side comparison once cooked. The cold smoked is on the right. I went for the hot smoked for today's dinner with bratkartoffeln and pickled cucumber.
    1 point
  15. 1 point
  16. Sad circumstance but, funny when you put it that way
    1 point
  17. Gotta say I was curious also. I ordered it with the Umani {hope that's right} and will look for a use once it arrives. Those two together may have possibilities or a look into a mix of blending. Do like a challenge, simple, and inexpensive....sorta like a lottery ticket, will it pay out. Eggary does that to you, drops a line and watches who bites. Eggary hooks me every time
    1 point
  18. TY MacKenzie - nice looking cake. Chocolate - is there any other type of cake? - LOL
    1 point
  19. Tyrus, I am betting you are right that it cannot replace the real deal liquid. As a parallel, I am reminded of instant coffee. But as a dry rub, maybe this powder has some merit?? Hoping someone out there has tried it as such and can give us some feedback.
    1 point
  20. It is too bad. They're just peaches. You know that fruit they display out in the open at grocery stores where anybody with who knows what germs on their hands gets to fondle them before you come along and buy them. The agriculture industry in America is having a hard enough time these days with tariffs. We really don't need government bureaucracy throwing other curve balls like this.
    1 point
  21. HappyBirthday Charles!! Wow those shrimp look like miniature lobster. Great looking birthday meal yum yum yum.
    1 point
  22. Big brother is watching, too bad, looked like a great way to spend some time
    1 point
  23. Awesome looking dinner!
    1 point
  24. That looks like a tasty combination. Happy Birthday for yesterday.
    1 point
  25. I've made that a few times, but add a few spices to it. I'd rather my German potato salad instead though....Mmm. The wife loves my green bean or gherkin salad. Both really simple to make. Basically a small dollop of sour cream, dash of vinegar, dill weed and celery seed. But both get better with a night in the fridge.
    1 point
  26. Happy Birthday CKreef. And a happy one by the looks of it
    1 point
  27. That is interesting - I too was not aware that it existed. Here's a Spice Lab photo borrowed from Amazon. The reviews tout it as a great candidate for a rub component and/or other uses. I now have some on order!
    1 point
  28. Lemisfits I always break my extruded into halfs or thirds and stand them upright so all holes in center are vertical. When re-using a basket of previously burnt lump, I dump it onto a unopened plastic trash bag (as a drop cloth) and pick out the bigger pieces to re-use. this has always worked very well for me doing all ranges of temps.
    1 point
  29. As it's all about the airflow, I'm guessing the lump from before contained lots of smalls which settled between the coco logs and cut off your airflow. When doing high temp/pizza cooks I always use only larger pieces of lump and leave the coco logs about 4". If this ever happens you can always use something to dig thru towards the bottom and get more airflow. Next time you are stuck, try calling me.. Happy to help if I'm up, you'll get voicemail if I'm on another call or asleep. I'm online taking calls and chatting pretty much every day from 1 pm to 5-6pm EST. 424 270-1948
    1 point
  30. That’s actually what we did (staggered) - these were just the first and the last. Things get hectic with multiple pizzas being shuffled around - so no full stone pictures. Maybe next time . . . And with bigger pizzas for sure!
    1 point
  31. You guys just keep buttering me up, I love it.
    1 point
  32. I could not agree with you more Tony. When I first looked at Macs photos I thought she has to be a professional photographer. And you just know food that looks that good has got be tasty and yummy all at the same time eeeeehaaa. Mac rules!
    1 point
  33. Holy smokes what a well documented cook. I can taste it, it has me thinking and salivating. Just one thing where's the first slice? Waiting, waiting, waiting!
    1 point
  34. Hi @Jman. Slightly hit and miss but the attached thread documents mine (and other's) journey with setting up their rotisseries. Quick answer to your questions: Q: But I’m having issues attaching the motor and attachment seems too long OR this motors socket isn’t deep enough. A: Motors vary so Dennis sends out a standard length that has to be cut to suit your motor Q: Also - there’s a stainless steel pointy bit - im mot sure when u use that and unscrew the other.... A: That's for screwing on, temporarily, if you need to push the rod through your meat. You take it off again before fitting the rod in your KK. Q: Assuming it’s the motor - any tips for one which will work with 240 volts in Australia would be great A: You will likely need to cut the rod to fit any motor. If you are looking for another motor I have used this Only Fire motor in the UK https://www.amazon.co.uk/dp/B072HPVRTB/ref=cm_sw_em_r_mt_dp_U_qftrDbEV6CN26 Have fun!
    1 point
  35. Trying out the new cocochar on a SRF American Waygu beef rib rack ..... (had a pork belly in the freezer so threw that on there too with Byron Butt Rub)
    1 point
  36. Well fancy that, didn't realize Dennis might be having TB autographs on KK's. What a great promotion! Would love to have the Pats logo in a roman mosaic featured on the dome, could be the start of something big. You know once you have GOAT you just can't seem to get enough of it.
    0 points
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