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  1. Wanted to try out this new recipe. I mixed up the dough Thursday night and into the refrigerator it went. This is my kind of recipe using stretch and fold instead of kneading. I debated weather to use a my 19" KK and CI pans like the recipe shows or my wood fired oven and a Lloyd pan. Being a gorgeous day decided to play with the wood fired oven. Brought the wood fired oven out of winter hibernation and fired it up. King Arthur Crispy Cheesy Pan Pizza. Parmesan, Fontina and Mozzarella with a homemade sauce. I originally upscaled the recipe for CI pans but I used a 11" x 15" Lloyd pan. Next time I use this pan I'll upscale a little more for a thicker crust. Oops left it in a minute or two too long. Still tasty and a nice soft fluffy crust.
    6 points
  2. Lazy pizza tonight. Had the first pizza on an hour fifteen from lighting the fire with a steady temp at 275c. That’s 520f. Preheated the stone in the electric oven and put it in the KK 50 minutes after lighting the fire. I knew that oven would come in useful for something. [emoji23] Sourdough crust. Room to improve on my dough, but pleased with the balanced heat from stone to dome. Previously couldn’t get the timing right as I’d underestimate how long it took to heat sink the stone. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    6 points
  3. Thought I might cook some mussels I used this recipie .https://www.ozpig.com.au/ozpig-recipes/different-kind-surf-turf-%E2%80%93-mussels-chorizo. Got everything together..parked up 5he Dutch oven..ready to go..on go the chorizo and vege ..on goes the muscles. .due for some beer..lock it down to let them open...Dee made some white sauce and I chopped up some parsley and spring onion..Looking good..added the sauce..then the onion mix and some of the prawns from yesterday's surf and turf...and plated looks like not much but yum.. Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    4 points
  4. Thanks for the advice. Just did my second brisket. Never once opened the grill and it turned out excellent. I’ve been told the pics look dry which is odd because it’s by far the best, most tender brisket I’ve ever done.
    4 points
  5. I have no way of dumping the black tank so we had to use the clubhouse bathroom for that type of business. Mrs skreef used the clubhouse shower while I showered in the camper. The camper has a nice shower and the water is extra hot. The cabbage is more of a technique than a recipe. Make a vinaigrette dressing type marinade. No two cabbage cooks are ever the same. I just wing it for the marinade. Just needs to be a vinegar base. Cut the sides off a cabbage to make the cabbage "Steak" Cut a slit in the stem and the far end and tie it around with some string to help hold it together. Cut vertical sits down to almost string level. One side is slit north-south and east-west. The other side is slit northeast-southwest and northwest-southeast. Hopefully that made a little sense. Brush some marinade on one side and let it soak in. Wait a little while then brush the other side. Wait a little while before cooking. Sometimes I do this procedure a few times before cooking. The vinegar helps soften up the cabbage. The longer you pre marinade it the better. I cook this on a griddle on low/medium heat. I turn and baste on some marinade every 10 minutes or so. I keep it covered with my griddle dome the entire time. I'll also squirt it down with water from time to time so the steam gets trapped under the griddle dome that way you get some steamed cabbage effect also. 40-60 minutes later when it's falling apart you know it's done. I hate plain steamed/boiled cabbage but I love griddle cooked cabbage. People who tell me "I hate cabbage!", I respond, "that's because you haven't had my griddle cabbage yet!!!". Cabbage is like Brussel sprouts. Sucks unless cooked right. LOL
    3 points
  6. Awesome camping trip @ckreef. Did you sneak back home for a shower and other stuff? I love grilled cabbage. Care to share your recipe and process?
    3 points
  7. No guns here. Although my old dad just told me about the gun his American friend gave him when he visited him in Nigeria recently. Dad thinks I should be reassured by the fact that he practised on a firing range with a family friend. I reminded him that was over 55 years ago. Hmmm. What I have done is disobeyed @Pequod's advice about not chasing high hydration in my doughs. Step away from the water he said. Learn to handle your dough better. Well, I had this 60% kamut dough and the Tartine folk said that they push the hydration over 90%. So....I held my breath and dove in.
    3 points
  8. I have a Spanish friend who cooks great paella on his BGE. When this lockdown is over I am going to get a tutorial off him. A little less scary than wok cooking and I think the KK enclosed cooking environment should make v good paella.
    3 points
  9. Did lots of smoking yesterday. Lamb shoulder in one KK, pheasant breasts for the neighbour in the other followed by a pork "hand" which I marinaded in jerk spices and rum. Yum. Here is the lamb. Having been rude about air fryers, I bought one with some store vouchers that we had and am very impressed. I am also very happy to report that I have subverted the low fat premise of an air fryer. Here I give you brat kartoffeln with lots of butter. Yum
    3 points
  10. You are my hero! 60% kamut, 90% hydration? Wow. That's unexplored territory for me.
    2 points
  11. This is getting to be quite the story, I'm glad you have it all recorded. Hope the rest is smooth sailing.
    2 points
  12. Hit a little snag this week. As part of the relocation of the pool equipment I hired a guy to test for leaks to make sure no major pool pipes were busted during all this demolition. He was supposed to come out prior to concrete being poured but that didn’t happen due to corona virus craziness/miscommunication between parties. So I got the leak guy out and sure enough we had a leak under the footing of the bbq island. Fixed it checked it again and there was another leak under the other footing on the island. So we got our smallest guy and had him tunnel underneath the concrete until he found the other leak and he fixed it yesterday. They said the guy was the same guy who tunneled El Chapo out of prison so while it may or may not be true we are back on track wrve been Vacillating in the color paint the cover. Our landscape designer has been suggesting greys we think we want brown. That’ll get resolved this week, we’ll slap some paint on it and should be done in 2 weeks or so. After that’s done I promise to shut down this thread and post in the other forums but for now the journey continues. Pics of the tunnel under the island are attached
    2 points
  13. That maybe true but the easiest way to solve a cash flow problem is to actually stock the products that sell out quickly so you can make some cash. Unlike the soap bars that sit in the store for months on end without selling. I've made pasta before. Mrs skreef didn't like the crazy flour mess I made in the kitchen. You know since I cooked she gets to clean my mess
    2 points
  14. Ok. After truly trying the splitter for quite a few cooks, i think it is awesome for steaks and pork chops. There are other ways to sear and than cook but having the grill with a two zone definitely is easier and works better. My only gripe is that for steaks and pork chops I go with the middle grid at 450 because the upper grid is too far from the fire. With the 21" grill and the middle grate the space to sear and then move over becomes very small (see below) either 3 NY strips or four chops. Makes me want the 32" that much more.
    2 points
  15. See, I told you that you can make pasta (see Aussie's post on the Mussels) - LOL!
    2 points
  16. Gunpowder does not discriminate it's universal lol Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    2 points
  17. Been a while...got sucked into work and then lock down. I’ve also limited myself to KK on week-ends otherwise the waist will know no limits. Glad to see that everyone seems well 🙏 Some pics below including my first ever fish, first ever rotisserie, first ever split basket - opened three new chapters in KK delights.
    2 points
  18. Nice job, all of you! Big black garlic fan here. A "must" in my 2x baked potatoes and in my mashed, too! Behind in my cooks postings. Steak night the other night. A bacon-wrapped sirloin, with the aforementioned 2x baked spud, sautéed mushrooms, and creamed spinach. Last night was a pork tenderloin, rubbed with Berbere. Plated with sauteed Swiss chard with heavy garlic, and roasted butternut squash with nice jalapeno, ginger and honey glaze.
    2 points
  19. It was sunny here too although it was windy. Decided to fire up the KK for a cook right after I put the snow blower into hibernation for the summer. Started this last evening, guess what it is for? and now there are two. Getting dressed. Ready for the KK. Baking. Baked. Since it appears that spring is here I've taken down one of the ODK screens and put it away. It's the start of good things. I let the KK cool down to 350F and baked some Molasses Cookie, aka to me as Ginger Snaps. Love these things.
    2 points
  20. Yesterday was the first cook on my ‘new to me’ KK. I wanted to try a long smoke, and choose a small pork butt as the subject. 4 lbs. On the 23 at 7am: About nine hours of smooth sailing at 235 to 250. After settling in, the Kk held temperature like no cooker I have used before. And then plated for the family: Served with naan, cucumber and yogurt sauce. My wife wanted to try a Mediterranean style dish. Wife made the naan dough and we cooked that on the KK just prior to serving. I’ve been smoking pork butts on Kamados for years, but never had this set it and forget it experience. Always had to chase temps- some kamados more forgiving than others. This would make me foil the meat at the stall just to get the cook finished. The KK allowed me to do the entire cook without foiling, and the result was fantastic. The fat was rendered thoroughly, and I don’t get that result when I need to wrap. A great first run!! Eric Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  21. Boudreaux and Thibideaux were doing some salt water fishing when a boat pulled up nearby. A guy is decked out in nice scuba gear and sits on the edge of the boat. He then falls into the water backwards and continues his dive. Boudreaux says "Hey Thibideaux, why do those divers fall backwards into the water?" Thibideaux says "Boy, you sure are dumb. If they went forward, they'd still be in the boat." Howdy people! Long time no see.
    1 point
  22. It's all about real estate. It might be time to consider that 2nd KK??
    1 point
  23. That is exactly what happens to me, we are birds of a feather.
    1 point
  24. That’s a good story to keep Troble. Did you have to tie a rope around his ankle in case he got stuck Can’t believe someone crawled in there! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  25. Hi Tucker, Here is the recipe: 1.5 tsp yeast, 1 cup of warm water, 1.5 tsp sugar, 3 cups flour, 1 tsp salt, 6 tsp ghee (clarified butter), 3 tsp yogourt, 3 tsp onion seeds. (Can be substituted with black sesame seeds) Place dry yeast and sugar in warm water and stir until dissolved. Cover for 10 min. and set as aside. Mix flour and salt and seeds in to a large bowl. Add yeast mixture, butter and yogourt and knead for a few minutes. Shape in to a large ball of dough and place in to a greased bowl. Cover and let rise for 90 min. Remove, punch for about 10 min. Divide in to 8 balls. Gently pull on edge to form a tear drop and start baking. PS. Let kk reach around 550F and keep it at this temp. for at least 30 min. to make sure the whole kk including the stone are heated through to this temp.
    1 point
  26. Outstanding Tekobo. Here’s my latest flop from yesterday. It was tasty and has already been devoured by family. Just lacked that nice spring. Maybe too much rye and only 70% hydrated. Linseeds were good- added a nice toasty flavour. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  27. Or they have a cashflow problem and have to stagger orders with rent/utilities/payroll. Learn to make your own pasta, ckreef - it ain't that hard - even I can do it!
    1 point
  28. Nice looking pies for sure! And yeah, that pizza stone does take a while to heat soak in the KK.
    1 point
  29. That looks just perfect from where I sit. Yummy.
    1 point
  30. For heat deflection only, it is either one of the drip pans or a piece of foil. For drippings & heat deflection I use one of the drip pans lined with foil. I have found that 2 layers of foil when doing pork will allow you time for the pan to cool post-cook and get the foil out before the pork grease gets through the foil. This is not needed when doing brisket. if i get grease, etc on the pan, hit it with soap & water.
    1 point
  31. Nicley done yum Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  32. I started with the prawns. .and gave them some nice marinade sauce..I got a couple of Pork mingnons ..and gave them some Gunpowder. .I decided to bake them in butter which was a great idea on they go..ready to rest. then the prawns went on..Looking good...then some scallops..gave them some capers ,shallot and lemon juice mixture..and plated was a great feed. Sent from my SM-T835 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  33. Stop the presses, if you like fries you will love these, crispy on the outside creamy on the inside and easy to do. They stay crispy for the entire meal. Boiled russet potatoe. Cooled for 4 hours in the fridge and torn using fingers. Meanwhile on the KK are a couple of hot Italian sausages. Fried potatoe pieces in peanut oil and plated. Sprinkled with salt and Pecorino cheese. Creamy interior crispy exterior. No more desire for French Fries now, these are awesome if I say so myself. Recipe can be found here. https://smittenkitchen.com/2020/04/crispy-crumbled-potatoes/
    1 point
  34. You don’t want the oil dropping in the fire- bad smoke. If you don’t have a tray, you can try this Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  35. Crappy weather has set in for the weekend, but I did get in a nice rotisserie chicken cook last night. Spun the chook over coffee wood charcoal, with chunks of peach wood, 350F. Initially had a war with the MEATER+ to synch up to my phone, but when it did (after much swearing that my whole neighborhood could probably hear!), it worked like a champ. Plated with a nice primavera risotto (leeks, peas and asparagus), crusty bread and side salad. Nice Rose tossed in too! And, the roti basket is soaking, as we speak, in a bucket of PBW - magic!
    1 point
  36. As if - pfft! This is MacKenzie we're talking about - of course she'll going to tell you her honest opinion - Canadian politely, of course!
    1 point
  37. How cool is that? I've thought of putting my wok down on top of the charcoal basket handles, but I'd have to take the handle off to make it fit and I'm not sure how stable it would be? Plus, the idea of leaning down inside my 23 with a fire going to stir fry something seems a bit daunting.
    1 point
  38. If you’re doing a brisket I’d use more than foil. Use some sort of drip pan to hold the dripping grease so that it doesn’t drip off the edge and into the fire. Would make for some nasty smoke.
    1 point
  39. A box of Grass-Fed Australian Picanha arrived today. Never cooked it before, can hardly wait.
    1 point
  40. Tonight it was a combination dinner. Homemade 100% organic durum wheat spaghetti and KK grilled burgers cut up and added to the sauce. I'd do that again.
    1 point
  41. Definitely grow mint (and it's cousins, like catnip, lemon balm, oregano and marjoram) in pots, never in the ground unless you want them to completely take over the area. A buddy in my homebrewing club who loves to make ciders, is trellising his apple trees horizontally, so he won't need a ladder to pick the apples when they reach maturity. Clever!
    1 point
  42. Here’s the tradies lunch. It went down a treat. All parties loved it. Expecting high quality craftsmanship in return! [emoji2957] And got it. Stone masons cutting corner joins at 45 degrees. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  43. I dug out some rolls from the freezer for burgers today. Did a nice slow cook about 300F. Also added some black garlic to the burger meat mix, those are the black spots in the pattie. It is very mild. Flip time. Done. Loaded cheese burger. Those tomatoes are from last summer. They were semi dehydrated then frozen. Some good.
    1 point
  44. We planted some mint many years ago but had to dig it out after only a few seasons. It had taken over the entire area. Probably best if planted in a barrel, like ckreef's traveling rosemary.
    1 point
  45. There will be a couple of nice cutting boards from the off cuts Jon.Today there were two chippies, four stone masons, one sparky. Same tomorrow plus a plumber to give me gas to the cooker over the Easter weekend. These are expensive days. Tomorrow being Thursday before Easter I’ve promised them all a cook up on the KK. My chippies are keen offset smokers and kettle cooks, and my Croatian stone masons cook everything over fire. They’ve requested smoke flavour from the red gum off cuts. Chook thighs and lamb shanks are on the menu. These guys rock up to every worksite with a plug in George Forman grill for their smoko! Here it is tucked away for the night....... on top of their microwave. What happened to the peanut butter sandwich in a paper bag? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  46. It amazes me how these gun-toting idiots can't identify their true enemies. As far as I can tell, they actually vote for their true enemies. If they ever figured that out, at least we'd come out of this crisis with better gun control.
    1 point
  47. Burgers last night on the 42. I wish I would have had some buns, but not worth going to town and dying over. Hope everyone is staying safe. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  48. This could have been a KK bake and one day it will. Testing out slight improvements on my 15% fresh ground whole wheat bread that I use mainly for toast. It looking and tasting good to me. It is a 2 day process and this loaf was baked about 7:30 AM. Did the final fermentation in the cold room which runs about 55 F. It was in there for around 10 hours. Baked at 450F for 38 mins. right from the cold room. Down the centre of the loaf I spread about a good 2 inch strip with some of the bran that was sifted out of the flour, the rest went into my smoothie along with my fresh turmeric. Make no mistake fresh turmeric does have flavour, lots of it. The crumb.
    1 point
  49. Ok. So decided to truly give a try to the splitter today with 3 NY strips. Usually I sear at high heat on the lower grate, take the steaks out, put the upper grate in and drop the temp a bit before putting the steaks back. Today I got the grill up to 475 with the splitter. Seared 3 NY strips on the hot side and then moved them indirect until cooked. Same great taste but easier to deal with than what I was doing previously. Only negative is space with the 21" would allow for only one more steak. A few pictures below.
    1 point
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