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Everything posted by ckreef

  1. Welcome Eric, glad to have you aboard. When you get a chance post a few pictures of your KK. We love seeing pictures. No water pan is needed in a kamado. The very limited air flow to maintain a low-n-slow temperature keeps a very moist cooking environment so a water pan is not needed. I would recommend some kind of drip pan to keep all the rendering fat from going down into your KK. If you haven't already you might want to fire it up and give it a practice run at getting to and setting the vents for low-n-slow. That way you'll have an idea what to do Saturday night.
  2. Nice looking cook for being straight (not pot smoking - LOL). What is on top of the sausage?
  3. Anything with grilled peaches is yummy. It all looks good.
  4. I do an apple, sage, pork chop cook that is a favorite at the Bistro.
  5. ckreef

    Baked ziti

    I hear myself crying everytime I use my oven.
  6. Nice looking stuffed tenderloins. Apple and pork is a winning combination.
  7. Looks like a good solution to me. But with parchment paper I would have skipped the cookie sheet.
  8. If an original recipe calls for Apple cider or white vinegar I almost always substitute white balsamic vinegar.
  9. This was a spin off of a Myron Mixon recipe. He grew up in GA on old school southern BBQ (everything vinegar).
  10. A slightly sweet vinegar BBQ sauce with a kick. Just thick enough to stick to your food. Final yield about 12 oz. 2 cups White Balsamic Vinegar 1 Tbsp fresh squeezed lemon juice 1/2 Tbsp Sea Salt 1/2 Tbsp md ground black pepper 1/2 Tbsp red pepper flakes 1/4 cup sugar 1/3 cup ketchup In a none reactive sauce pan combine all ingredients. With the kitchen exhaust fan on high bring to a boil with MD heat. Turn heat down to low and simmer an additional 30 minutes. (should be the consistency of whole milk.) Remove from heat and cool completely. Strain through a kitchen strainer to remove the big pepper flakes (still has plenty of kick). This is an optional step. Will store almost indefinitely in the refrigerator. This is a spin off of a Myron Mixon recipe.
  11. ckreef

    Kalua Pork

    Nice butt cook. The upper leaves of your banana plant look ravished. I've wanted to do a butt with banana leaves for some time now just haven't been able to locate any leaves locally.
  12. That is awesome should also bring more traffic to the forum.
  13. I start mine in the middle but all the way to the front. That way the fire can take whatever path it chooses that day and there's still enough lump to complete the task.
  14. Great test. Can't wait until one of you figure out how to use the cold smoker to infuse smoke into a low and slow. Get in with it. Walmart has air pumps and air valves galore. A quick trip and $10 - just sayin ........
  15. ckreef


    Great looking ribeyes.
  16. That is an Adam Perry Lang recipe/method and is one of our favorites.
  17. Happy birthday - what a great meal.
  18. Some cooks just work right and it all comes together as you pictured it at the start. This was one of those cooks. Pork loin strips grilled and dredged in Grilled Peach Reef Jam w/ fresh rosemary. Green beans in a Neapolitan Balsamic Vinegar. A new candied sweet potato recipe. This was the star of the show and with one more tweak I'll put the recipe in my personal cook book and post it. A totally awesome dinner that left a huge smile on my face. Can't do this cook on a single kamado - if you want it all finished at the same time anyway.
  19. Great looking brisket. Thinking out loud here ...... For low-n-slow once at temp close your bottom vent entirely and use the KK cold smoker as you're only incoming air source. No air pump just regulate the air flow going into the cold smoker with a valve. Anyway one day I'll order one and run some experiments.
  20. Yup serving tray. I used my 16.5" one as a drip pan. My 19" I use as a serving tray.
  21. ckreef

    Baked ziti

    If you get the KK heat soaked really good and use very small vent settings you won't get much smoke flavor. Mrs skreef has cooked a lot of sweets on the KK. Never noticed much smoke flavor.
  22. @tony b - I had at least weekly tasting sessions (sessions not one taste - LOL) along the way so there would be no way for me to guesstimate that. The tasting sessions was half the fun.
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