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Everything posted by MacKenzie

  1. MacKenzie

    23 or 21

    Good for you, Bruce. [emoji4]I will be watching for your report.[emoji4]
  2. But you kept on trucking and have a beautiful KK.
  3. My squash seeds are in the ground but haven't even sprouted yet.
  4. Instead of rhubarb pie I made a pizza pie. Busy for the last several days working on getting my garden done even though I had to wear my winter coast it was so cold. I can see the end, thank goodness. Tekobo, sorry I just couldn't bring myself to make and an amoeba pie. This pie was done in the oven and and I know it would have tasted better done in the KK but I am just too tired. Baked. Add some basil from the garden. The crust is nice and light.
  5. Exactly, glad we now have that we have that established.
  6. MacKenzie


    Tasty brisket,Tangles.
  7. Wow, Tangles, your duck looks wonderful, just look at that gorgeous colour.
  8. Handsome and he is paying strict attention.
  9. Chris, no reason to be scared but there is every reason to be excited.
  10. Steam buns are on my list of things to do, thanks for the reminder alimac.
  11. Awesome, it is gorgeous. [emoji4][emoji4][emoji4]
  12. That's what you get when you deal with Dennis, more.
  13. Thanks, Aussie. One should always have some pulled pork on hand for emergencies.
  14. Tony, your Saturday dinner party sounds like it was a great hit, lots of Aussie spices, beer, wine, etc. The weather here is miserable, cold, windy, rain tonight, heavy frost last night with more frost to come a little later in the week, temps in the single digits tomorrow. I'll be lighting the stove in the sunroom tomorrow when I have company.
  15. Those pizzas look very tasty and a nice job on the meat pie.
  16. amusedtodeath, all of those cooks look fantastic as does the bread.
  17. I did take of the cold day and roasted 3 batches of coffee beans. These ones are for making cold coffee, all I can say is the weather better change ASAP.
  18. We had a miserable windy wet day yesterday and frost warning for last night so at supper time I put my rubber boots on, the winter jacket and mittens to go out and cover what few things that are in my garden at this point. The temp. today stayed in the 40s and we have a frost warning out for tonight so plants are now put to bed for the night. Maybe later in the week a visit might be more pleasurable for a visit.
  19. Just look at how beautiful that KK in the lush green backdrop.:)
  20. and you have room for more.
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