dj-ia, that is the least you can do, wait until the person who had done most if not of the unwrapping gets home from work to see the first firing. The KK is absolutely stunning as is the side table, a beautiful combination.
Both the steel and smoker are new and there is a video here to show the smoker. I'll see if I can find it.
Here it is and the video is at the bottom of the page.
That sounds like a great list, the only thing I can't comment on is the side tables. My KK fits into a ready made space with counters on both sides. You might want to consider the new smoking tool and the new baking steel/griddle. The baking stone is fantastic for baking bread and pies ets. and a loaded pizza but the steel will be even better of this crust pizzas and smash burgers.
Syzyges, I can taste those tomatoes from here and they are so colourful. Thanks for mentioning the impulse sealers. I have a chamber sealer and the regular Food Saver type and when that goes i think I'll replace it with the impulse type.
Aussie, I hope you are feeling even better today, you want to be at the top of your game when that KK arrives. BTW your rotisserie chicken and rice couscous looks delicious.
Stiles, it's great that you found a buyer for your old grills. I'd check to see how the locals treat their trees and if they use a chain saw with an oiled blade that might leave stuff on the branches that you don't want in your food.
Thanks everyone, I did have lots more of the Huli Huli sauce and could have used it for dipping but there was just so many flavours on the plate as is. The chicken was vacuumed sealed and marinated in the sauce for several hours and you could taste it in the final product, good stuff.
Never ever tasted this dish before but when Shuley posted her dish I knew I had to try it.
On the grill with some previously sous vide fresh garden carrots. In the SV bag was butter and maple syrup thanks to a great tip from Dennis.:)
After about 45 mins. starting at 350F and allowed to creep to 400F here they are.
Plated with greens from my salad bar on the deck with tons of Catalina dressing and some fries using dstr's recipe.
I will be making this dish again.
Thanks, CC. A little more practice and see what happens. As I said they tasted great with the creamy centres and if they were more crispy they would be perfect.
A big tip of the hat to dstr for posting this method. Sure is easy and can be done at the last minute and on top of that they taste great.
Not vicious, they will spray you if you get too close and that stuff stinks big time and it sticks and is the devil to get rid off. You don't want your dog to get sprayed either.