Thanks, Steve. The potatoes were previously sous vide. I try to keep a stash in the fridge. It makes for quick dinners. The carrots were garden fresh and I did cook them before putting them on the grill. I was hoping just to give them a bit of a char. I should have put them on when the chicken went on but I waited about 15 mins. Next time.:)
Thanks, tinyfish. It just came off the boat the day before I bought it. The fish truck comes all the way here from Yarmouth. The driver gets up at 3 AM for the trip.
Beautiful food, the meat and poultry all look awesome and just look at those smoke rings, and let's not forget the cake and pie. Looks like a fantastic time was had by all.
Aussie, sous vide control, in my opinion is a must in the kitchen. I would not be without one. In fact two would be nice, different temps for different baths.
This is a record for me the third fish dinner this summer. I have discovered how to get fresh and I mean fresh fish. I kind of like it.:)
Cooked on the KK at 350F for about 15 mins.
It was moist.