I want to add a couple of things, first people who know their final settings and don't need to rush the KK heat up can just do their settings and go do prep or whatever. However if one uses setting for a faster start up and have the vents open for that then one should not walk away for very long at all. If that happens you could have a run-a-way fire or at the very least over shoot your target temperature.
Steve, I find to speed up the start process that it is necessary to open the vents a fair bit to get the fire going and the whole grill up to the temp you desire but once the heat sink is done it takes very little vent openings to maintain that temp.
Thanks, Steve. The potatoes were previously sous vide. I try to keep a stash in the fridge. It makes for quick dinners. The carrots were garden fresh and I did cook them before putting them on the grill. I was hoping just to give them a bit of a char. I should have put them on when the chicken went on but I waited about 15 mins. Next time.:)
Thanks, tinyfish. It just came off the boat the day before I bought it. The fish truck comes all the way here from Yarmouth. The driver gets up at 3 AM for the trip.