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Bruce Pearson

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Everything posted by Bruce Pearson

  1. WOW! That is areal beautiful setup. I like your style. I guess I know where all the cooking will be going on. Thanks for all the photos. Looking forward to pics of future cooks. Happy grilling!
  2. I agree with Pequod, sell both and get the SBB42. Then in the future when you move again Dennis May have the SSBB52 in production lol
  3. Well there is that old saying “it’s better to have it and not need than to need it and not have it” i bought the BB32 and have never regretted it. These cookers are not only great grills but works of art. No matter witch one you buy I guarantee you will love it. Good luck on your choice and welcome to the forum. Looking forward to uncrating and cooking pictures.
  4. Looking good Mac, make Sandwich for me please lol
  5. Well that first batch looks yummy for sure. But ugly pizzas need love too just put a smiley face on them with bell peppers lol
  6. That looks yummy Mac,p! I’m Curious to see what those 1/8 inch thick coin size pieces are going to look like and how you cook them, please post pictures when you do. Thanking you in advance
  7. Oh boy! That looks delicious
  8. Glad to hear you are on the mend and all turned out well.
  9. You are in my prayers Dennis. May everything turn out ok. We will miss you while you are offline.
  10. Great delivery and setup video. Looking forward to your first cook. Beautiful KK
  11. Looks delicious Mac. Those are nice looking buns for sure.
  12. CNC machines are so cool just design what you want and use router bits to cut it out. The machine I had was a 5 axis machine. It did the flat work but you could also do turnings with it. Was fun while it lasted.
  13. Tyrus it was popular with an oil stain. It was a trial Run but after doing it I just decided to stain it.
  14. Beautiful nice job. I made this for a friend of mine who is into model railroading. He models 1939 western pacific around the Tahoe area
  15. I guess that would make it a porky pie pork butt Lol
  16. That’s gonna be a cool backsplash! What make is your CBC machine? Looking forward to the finished project.
  17. Very nice cook Aussie looks delicious!
  18. Mac I think it’s that ol rib master called Aussie, he’s cornered the market on ribs
  19. Nice looking cook, you guys can have the beer I’ll take one of those pulled pork sandwiches and beans yum yum
  20. Plus all that chicken looks yummy
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