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HELP.. Vote in Newsweek’s Best BBQ Smoker Contest

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Please vote for the 32” Big Bad in Newsweek’s Best BBQ Smoker Contest.. Votes must be in by July 4.
Please ask friends to vote, too; this would be a great feather on our cap

The rules enable you to vote every day on multiple devices and I'm personally voting on three devices every day and getting away with it.
Thanks for your help.  Let's stuff the ballot!
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I posted this before, but the site page crashed afterward.

The rules enable you to vote every day on multiple devices, and I personally vote on three devices;  on my phone, I can also vote from all three browsers every day and get away with it.

Here's the link:  https://www.newsweek.com/readerschoice/best-bbq-smoker

I would appreciate any and all votes cast until the July 4th deadline.
Let's stuff the ballot box!
Thanks in advance...

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