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Another dish fixed in a pan. I used my doubled half size steamer pan. Doesn't sound right, does it? I grilled the chicken thighs first, then put them in the other goodies. Put a lid on it and cooked it for 3 1/2 hours at 275-300.  The last picture of the clean pan was showing that when you double the pans, nothing sticks. I rinsed it in hot water and rubbed it with my hand before it gets a serious wash. Anyway, the meal came out very flavorful. The extreme closeup of the served food was because my plate was so messy it was embarrassing. 






Edited by Poochie
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I got the 2 1/2" deep for the full size steamer pans and the 4" deep for the half size steamer pans.  I also bought the lids/covers for them.  You may have had a place in your town that sells them. And either size you bought will work fine. I didn't come close to filling that 4" half steamer pan.

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We've been flat out since mid-December when we bought a new house. Since then we've been preparing our current house for sale- which is epic amounts of work as I'm sure you all know. Little time for KK cooking- and then we also decided at the last minute to move out temporarily for the sales campaign (a very wise idea when you have young kids and pets!) So it's been awhile between posts for me.

Our house sold at auction on Friday night- a sensational result; and so we've moved back in. The auctioneer even made a few KK references to ensure that the bidder knew that it wasn't included with the sale (just like the home brewery).

What better way to celebrate than with a simple KK family grill- sausages of varied sorts, scotch fillet and eye fillet steaks, kofta, grilled asparagus and sweet potato with tomatoes from the garden.

In three weeks we do the big move to our new place- where one of my big decisions is where to put the KK. We have secured excellent movers that are not easily intimidated by the KK, which is a big relief.





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Took advantage of the rare "warm" day here in February (upper 50s) to do some grilling. Lamb chops for dinner. Scored these monsters (1 1/2" thick) at CostCo. Direct, lower grate, grape vine for smoking wood.



Melting potatoes with shallot crack sauce and a nice side salad. Decent Merlot from Trefethen.



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Looks like an awesome meal @tony b Grapevine for smoke is new to me.  I am going to have to try it.  Does it matter what kind you use?  We have a lot of muscadine grapes growing wild on the roads here.  

My Dad would make a port-like wine with them.  Us kids would always go and help him pick them.  Of course, we would always get eaten up by the chiggers.  But the wine was good.  

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16 hours ago, Dono said:

Of course, we would always get eaten up by the chiggers.

You have to be from the South to know what "chiggers" are! Nasty, little tiny bugs that bite the sh!t out of you and leave a red bump that itches like crazy! They are worse than mosquitos!

I really don't know what grave vine this is. I'm guessing that it probably doesn't vary too much between varietals?

@Poochie - Definitely pick up a flat of these chops! I'll probably look for more on my next run to CostCo.

Edited by tony b
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Actually I wanted to have that marinade remain and not burn off so I offset them on the indirect side and let them come to temp. Grill marks on shrimp will give you a nice appearance, however that wasn't my goal this time. The shrimp will still pick up any smoke flavor and gather that good grill taste regardless. Those asparagus didn't film well, they were frozen...oh well, can't have it all.

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