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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/20/2017 in all areas

  1. These Kurobota chops have been on backorder for a while and I just received them yesterday. Brought the kk up to 250 and threw them on until they reached 135. I took them off and turned the heat up for a reverse sear. Awesome! , Some green beans/potatoes, mac and cheese, and fried apples to go along with the main attraction.
    3 points
  2. Here it is just past the middle of May and we have had 2 middle of July days in a row, temps. over 80F. I just had to get out to the ODK and cook breakfast this morning. Bacon, eggs and potato wedges.
    3 points
  3. Well.....well.....look what just arrived, my new custom stainless lined cabinet. Had to get one after seeing Mr. Pearson's !! This is 48"W x 36"H x 28" D I must say I'm extremely pleased with the quality (wouldn't expect anything less from Dennis!!!) and look; great addition to my KK family . Attached are some unboxing photos for your viewing pleasure.
    2 points
  4. Dinner is ready. Sent from my SAMSUNG-SM-G935A using Tapatalk
    2 points
  5. So I guess baby octopus would not be on your menu?? Marinaded overnite in some mysterious vietnamese sauce that had garlic and lord knows what else
    2 points
  6. And I don't mean 4 or 5 of your buddies or a fork lift and a case of beer, you really, really need to get a structural engineer to evaluate whether your deck can support it safely. It all boils down to gravity. You know, the force that keeps our feet on the ground and makes launching a satellite expensive. Your deck is designed to resist a reasonable amount of gravity, enough to keep you and your neighbors suspended above ground without crashing through it and being injured. IT IS NOT DESIGNED AND BUILT TO SUPPORT SEVERAL HUNDRED POUNDS OF WEIGHT IN A SMALL SPACE! And if there's one thing a KK cooker is it's several hundred pounds of weight in a small space. Deck design and how it's supported has varied over the years , we've all seen the news where the deck fell off the house and people got hurt. If your deck was built more that 15 years ago you're in the Wild Wild West era and I wouldn't put anything heavier than a lawn chair on it. Building codes began to address this and have increasingly mandated deck construction methods and design to the point that today any new house will have a deck that you can pack shoulder-to-shoulder at a party and have confidence you'll all survive the evening. But the codes don't address excessive loads like a KK weighing 500 lb. or more in a fixed location would be. That's where the structural engineer comes in. I have to get a little techie here, we're talking about weight and the ability of a structure to keep it where you put it after all. Deck codes require a deck to support a minimum of 40 pounds/square foot of live load(think of a 160 lb. person packed into a 2'x2' square that follows them as they move around and fill your deck with those people). Big party, right? But everyone has a good time and gets to take their chances driving home. Now let's look at what the deck is made of and the stuff that sits on it, that's called dead load. Codes require decks to support 10 pounds/square foot of dead load. That's enough for the deck materials and a reasonable amount of chairs, tables, etc.. What happens when you place a 23" KK on that deck? The footprint of a 23 is 23.5" x 30", now you've got 550 lb of weight concentrated in a space that 2-1/2 people would occupy for a short time. Less space than that since the casters are recessed. And the cooker isn't walking around, once you get it there it's there. Do some arithmetic: your deck which is designed to support 10 lb/sft of dead weight is now supporting 110 lb/sft. That's more than an order of magnitude greater than design. This is Not A Good Thing. Looking at the BB32 you're increasing the load to 118 lb/sft. There are no dimensions available for the SBB42 but I'd expect a greater increase, maybe somewhere around 130+ lb/sft. OK, techie hat off: What it all boils down to is that it isn't safe to put any of these cookers on any deck that hasn't been engineered for the weight and location of the cooker. You might get lucky and just experience some sagging in the first few years but eventually there will be a structural failure(we all fall down). As I said, that's Not A Good Thing. I've made my living building houses and decks for the last 25 years, never had one fall down. I use software to design beams, I work with suppliers on load calcs and I'm pretty good at what I do. I wouldn't put my 22" Supreme on my deck without an engineered design. "Do you feel lucky, punk?" I don't. Please get some professional advice before you plunk that new KK in the middle of your deck. FWIW, Bill
    1 point
  7. It has been an interesting morning right from the word go. First thing looked out the kitchen window to see two bird feeders ripped right off the poles hangers included. So I checked the motion detection pixs from over night. Saw a raccoon and I thought I had seen the last of them for a while. Imagine my face when I opened one of the emails to see this- Spent and hour doing repairs and hanging things back up. It was a beautiful sunny morning so time to remove some of the winter shutters in the ODK. It feels some nice to be looking out the windows while cooking on the KK. I did leave the shutters up on the other half just for a little bit long. Time to play, marinated some drum sticks in Frank's Red Hot Sauce the put them on the OctoForks to spin. Cooked. Plated, as always the chicken meat was sooooo juicy and tasty, thanks to the KK.:)
    1 point
  8. Visited Jindaiji Temple here in Tokyo today and found these original Kamado ovens outside the all wood fired kitchen. You've come a long way Dennis! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  9. This morning I was going to the farmers' market about an hour from me. I thought I'd put pork steak to sous vide and then it would be ready whenever I arrived home. Searing the steak on the KK, not hard to tell it was sous vide. Air fryer onion rings. warmed over air fried baked potato and steamed fiddle heads, a quick dinner for a hungry shopper.
    1 point
  10. Seems like the price point was right at 8k, not including a table or stand of any kind. It's roughly the size of a kk 23". I like the look of the stainless, but I just couldn't see someone forking out 10k when a kk could be had for less than 5k. But that's just me. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    1 point
  11. A total abomination! That kid is smart for his age! I'm with Syz, a dash of Sriracha. Never tried Harissa on eggs, but it should work fine. I like Pimenton (Smoked Paprika) and now the Purple Crack! Before Sriracha, I'd occasionally put hot sauce on them, but didn't care for the vinegar base all that much. I'm a Franks over Tabasco guy for that reason.
    1 point
  12. Steve, your dinner looks delicious.
    1 point
  13. I usually reserve it for fries and burgers.
    1 point
  14. My New England cousin used to put ketchup on her eggs, when she was a kid. That passed for novelty, when I was a kid. Sriracha would be better. Or a good homemade harissa.
    1 point
  15. Looks yummy to me, can I have some? Lol
    1 point
  16. looks delicious the whole meal looks fantastic
    1 point
  17. Look good to to me Sent from my SM-P600 using Tapatalk
    1 point
  18. Science Diet found only in Vet offices should work wonders for their weight control! Garvin
    1 point
  19. Amazing breakfast Mackenzie! ... but where's my bacon?
    1 point
  20. I had a never ending sinus problem this winter, too! Went through 2 rounds of antibiotics over the course of 2 months. So I "feel your pain." If you remember the assassination attempt on Reagan back in the day. One of the side casualties was Jim Brady. He was a gourmet cook. His gunshot injury to his brain left him with almost no sense of smell or taste. I literally cried when I read that, as I could only imagine what life would be like, having such a passion for food and wine, and to have it taken away from you like that, through no fault of your own. Tragic!
    1 point
  21. All over this one! I live in the land of heritage pigs, so I'm seriously down with some Kurobuta. It's NOT the other white meat!!!
    1 point
  22. I see Purple Crack eggs! You're getting the weather we had earlier this week. It was 90F here for several days - completely unheard of in May. Today - it was rainy and 55F. Back to "normal" (whatever that means anymore!!) by Sunday - low to mid 70Fs.
    1 point
  23. Great! Welcome to the KK Family. Like MacKenzie said, we LOVE pictures of the arrival and first cooks! One last thing, if you didn't do this in your order - Get as much Coco Charcoal and Coffee Wood chunks and charcoal as will fit on your pallet(s). Cheapest you will ever pay for it, and we all love this stuff. Nothing else like it out there to cook with.
    1 point
  24. You just spent maybe $10K on cookers and a table and you're looking to save $600 and put them on a welder's mat? Really? Isn't that kind of like ordering your new AMG Mercedes with vinyl seats? I dunno about leftover pavers, why not trot down to the local tile store and find something that would complement the KK and the teak? "In for a penny, in for a pound" and all that. Seriously, you've just bought two of the best cookers in the world, real works of art. You've spent more money to make sure you have a safe place to put them, why not go the extra half-mile(or kilometer) to give them a home that complements their beauty? See how little trouble I have spending your money? Just ask, I'll be glad to help. Congrats on your new outdoor kitchens, I'm sure we'll enjoy them! And where are the pics? Best, Bill
    1 point
  25. I hope you do get rid of that infection very soon. This should help.:)
    1 point
  26. Happy Mother's Day.. I felt very fortunate this year because my mother came and stayed for two weeks the end of this last March. The worst thing about making a life overseas is that you are so far from old friends and family. Here are some shots of my amazing mother.. BTW she's 81 years young! This was last month when she was in Bali Last month in Bali with my kids This was 2010 in Bali with my rascals This was her 81st birthday last November
    1 point
  27. Scar (both for the gouges in the concrete and the tile cut on your finger) Phoenix Anubis - Egyptian god of the afterlife Orisis - Egyptian god of resurrection and regeneration
    1 point
  28. Hammered sounds good lol
    1 point
  29. I cant see why you couldn't cook on it? I wouldn't want to see it getting wet at this point but I think you should be fine. Maybe others can chime in on that. As for names... Many do, I didn't. If I were to name yours it would be one of the following Thor - related to the hammer Scorned - Hell hath no fury like a woman scorned Patch - for the rebuild
    1 point
  30. You and your "problem" are in good company.
    1 point
  31. Absolutely Tucker. Where you live? Ill be honest I was so excited to get started today that I rarely slept. Sitting around right now drinking some coffee waiting for traffic to die down before I go haul my trailer to my parents place. I honestly have never been so excited to play around with a bbq grill before. I now agree with my wife that I have a problem and I am totally ok with it.
    1 point
  32. I think I was married to that lady once........................
    1 point
  33. When you really want to hurt a guy take a hammer to what he loves!
    1 point
  34. When I was in my teens a friends parents went out of town for the weekend. He threw a keg party and made the mistake of putting the keg on the deck. Parents came home to a collapsed deck. They were pissed.
    1 point
  35. Crap - if you have a wood framed deck, some amount of brain power, a few cinder blocks and a couple of 4x4's it's not too hard to shore up a deck for the weight of a KK. This really isn't rocket science.
    1 point
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