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Showing content with the highest reputation since 03/13/2024 in Posts

  1. Beautiful day here in the Boston area so I decided to make a batch of chicken breasts. I’ve been dealing with some blood pressure issues lately so I haven’t been doing as much of the good stuff as I had in the past. I’m just trying to teach myself moderation lol But tomorrow I’ll be making an exception and making a nice porterhouse 😁 Anyways todays cooking and a little BB32 eye candy too 😉 My lady friend wanted to try some chicken with just salt and pepper, they don’t look too appetizing but it’s what she wanted so it’s what I made for her. Anyways, happy cooking everyone !!!!! PS, the sourdough is a whole grain sourdough. I’m almost offended that everyone likes it better than my typical extra tangy loafs. Don’t tell them but I do too lol I use KA Super 10 and the KA Harvest Grains to replace 100 grams of the APF
    11 points
  2. Boneless leg of lamb on the rotisserie, Mediterranean salad, dirty rice, pita
    10 points
  3. 10 points
  4. Chicken tacos al pastor last night, with home made corn tortillas. This one’s a firm favourite with the family. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    10 points
  5. We WON!! Komodo Kamado won the Newsweek Magazine Best Barbecue Smoker Award… Thank you all for your help voting, I can’t begin to tell you how much I appreciate it. https://www.newsweek.com/readerschoice/best-bbq-smoker
    10 points
  6. Did another bacon KK cook, it tastes just wonderful can't get enough of this. Did a 20+ pound smoke on Fri, half for me and half for friends. Sliced my share today and the house smells wonderful. Here are a few pix, nothing special, except the bacon. The following is bacon from my last smoke and the pix is this morning's Breakfast. st I now have 9 packages just like this one in the freezer, should see me thru until the fall. I had a few bites and piece left that I will use for soups or pizza..
    10 points
  7. I usually cook paella inside, but when I’ve got some time it is so much nicer on the KK. It was a beautiful autumn evening here, and kids were sorted- so it was the perfect time to cook tonight’s paella on the KK with some post oak for smoke. Originally paella was cooked on a pan over fire, so it feels right. Simple one tonight with chorizo, chicken, Roma tomatoes and green beans/ flavoured with saffron, paprika, stock and rosemary from our garden. Spicy pimenton in the adult one. I also love cooking the whole thing outside as you set up your ‘mise en place’ and then just relax. I’m smokey as all hell though, so need a shower. Nevertheless it was so so good- worth the extra effort.
    10 points
  8. Smoked whole chicken on the meat hanger is a GOOD thing. About 2.5 hours at 250F/120C in the end. Start drooling now...
    10 points
  9. Early anniversary dinner, screw going out. 8 times out of ten I’m thinking I could have made something better at home. Only thing is the cleanup, I’m exhausted! Those oysters were monstrous and delicious. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    10 points
  10. The weather here has been miserable for more than 2 weeks, no sun, just rain, wind and cold. I don't care I'm lighting my KK anyway.
    9 points
  11. I am still amazed by how little fuel a KK uses to do its job. This is my 16KK fire basket after 12 hours of cooking low and slow. A 3kg lump of pig. The capocollo - pig neck and shoulder. Closest US cut is a pork butt.
    9 points
  12. Just got back from Thailand with the family for a week. Thanks, Dave, for the head's up. All three of you gentlemen are now moderators. Simply click on the member's name/icon. Then click spam, and the post will be deleted, and the user will be banned. If any other old-school members would like moderator powers, I'll be thrilled to give you those powers! Thanks VERY BIG for your help..
    9 points
  13. Challenger pan has arrived. Am very happy with the results.
    9 points
  14. Time for a bit of a ‘mixed grill’ tonight. Corn, yellow squash, small red capsicums, large mushrooms, country suasage links, smash burgers, chicken satay skewers, lamb kofta skewers and a couple of scotch fillet steaks. Nice mix for us and the kids- ended up using most the the 32BB lower grate real estate. Great success as always…
    9 points
  15. Last night was a new experiment - a mash-up of Japanese & Nigerian. Mixed Yakiniku with Suya Pepper rub to marinate beef skewers. I liked how it came out. Will file this one away for future reference. The corn is not local. Won't see the "good stuff" for at least another month or so. This corn was OK.
    9 points
  16. New first for me on the KK - handmade Bagels! Finally got to use the stone most use for baking Pizza. Bagels went on at 425F for 23 minutes on top grate. With the stone in it took some time to get to temp. Likely due to all the hardware and stone. They did come out very good 👍 will definitely do it again.
    9 points
  17. Just cooking a few steaks… Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    9 points
  18. In Italy at the moment. Baby artichoke risotto for lunch was delicious.
    9 points
  19. So I gotta griddle - a Halo 4b converted to natural gas using their conversion kit. This is a really different type of cooking for me and I'm enjoying it a lot. Still learning and doing small cooks - it's good training in case I need to get a job at the Waffle House.
    9 points
  20. Had some family over for dinner tonight. Cranked out a Bistecca Fiorentina for the adults (each steak around 900gram)… sausages and burgers for the kids. Made some home made chips, salad, some no-knead bread… amazing. Everyone happy.
    9 points
  21. I was inspired by @remi cook of my Peruvian polo a la brass so decided to make it tonight. Never disappoints @tony bi ate at a good Peruvian place yesterday and struck up a conversation with the chef who asked me where I sourced ingredients in San Diego…told him I grow my aji Amarillo and we got to discussing the Peruvian green sauce…the real stuff used a herb called Huacatay and I purchase a plant yesterday https://thegrowers-exchange.com/products/huacatay?variant=40098478522449&currency=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&utm_campaign=gs-2019-12-19&utm_source=google&utm_medium=smart_campaign&gad_source=1&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIj-iu7pTDhQMV0MzCBB1mJQ-HEAQYASABEgLDnfD_BwE I am going to make it my mission to nail down the authentic version of this sauce this year. The jalapeño substitute is fine but the real deal is so much better. This chef used jarred Huacatay but he asked me to bring him the real stuff along with my fresh aji Amarillo which I’ve already started growing this week….stay tuned for updates but I’m gonna figure this out this year….going to Peru for two week over Christmas so I will get this “Peruvian crack” recipe nailed down this year
    9 points
  22. Couple of racks of baby back pork ribs. 225F for first 2hrs. 275F last 2 hrs. Pulled glazed and wrapped in foil. KK smoke worked great and used my rechargeable pump . Yeah, someone will see in this cook setup, I used the stones for indirect deflectors. They are far enough away from firebox on lower grate, I have not noticed any difference compared to foil and pan. Will do some beef ribs and a 7hr cook and try the foil and pan at 300F and see if there is any difference. IMG_1986.mov
    9 points
  23. Rotisserie lamb, dirty rice, Mediterranean salad, tadziiki
    9 points
  24. 38" Goldilocks Unveiled.. The 38” Goldilocks is the newest member of the KK family. We took our 42” Serious Big Bad grill, sawed it in half, and pulled 4” from the middle. It is a reduced size 42". It has the same double two-spring hinges, the basket splitter is standard, and a stainless lip protector. Its inside dimensions are 38” wide and 22” deep. It comes standard with three levels of 3/8” 304 stainless grates that can cook on four levels. The main and lower grate have rods front to rear and come in three pieces. It also comes standard with a charcoal basket splitter reducer that lets you cook on a reduced volume of charcoal. This creates a two-zone cooking environment. The grill weighs 1,560 lbs—(74 lbs less than the 42") and rolls easily on five high-density black rubber castors, four in the legs and one under the body, to distribute the weight evenly. It has 208 lbs of 304 Stainless.. Standard tiles $ 8,240 Bronze and Pebble tiles $ 8,480
    8 points
  25. I First steaks on the 32”, prime ribeyes, SPG, seared at 700. Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk
    8 points
  26. A nice weekend to make some chicken 😁
    8 points
  27. Sunday dinner consisting of 1/2 split turkey with two cod wrapped medley seafood stuffed pieces, fresh butternut squash, mashed potatoe, asparagus, stuffing, gravy and cranberry sauce. Two wines, a German reisling and a Georgian red. A beautiful New England day, one possibly the last for sitting out to enjoy as fall takes hold of the temperature..
    8 points
  28. ribs today on a lovely Fall day…. Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    8 points
  29. wife and I just returned from Paris where we had some incredible meals. A 1 star, a 2 star & two 3 star Michelin restaurants in a week Lots of seafood, some duck, pigeon but I had a hankering for a cut of steak all week so tonight I made Tri-tip, air fyed potatoes in duck fat with truffle salt & asparagus
    8 points
  30. A little salmon. A little zucchini. Got to love all the cooking area on the SBB42. It always comes in handy.
    8 points
  31. came out great on the KK ! Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
    8 points
  32. You will have to trust me on this one, it did taste goooood. I used 2 lbs of Bison very lean ground meat and made 1 meatloaf and with the leftovers made to large meatballs.
    8 points
  33. 3-day salt brine got "very" deep into the roast, then hit with black pepper, garlic, thyme and rosemary overnight. Smoke time was roughly 4.5 hours at 225 degrees (6lbs) over hickory (buried) and cherry and then seared, came out wonderful!😊
    8 points
  34. Sunday dinner. Pickled schrimp as a starter, main course Sirloin steak, home fries, broccoli, spaghetti squash, garden fresh tomatoes in a light greek, with peach, blackberry cobbler for dessert cooked with coals in the Lodge dutch oven.
    8 points
  35. I'm very pleased about this nice write-up about Komodo Kamado and me in USA Today... Click here for the USA Today article
    8 points
  36. Fired up a couple of BMS 7 Wagyu Beef Ribs: 6 hour smoke at 250 with 1/2 basket of CoCo Char using Hickory & KK Coffee Wood for smoke...What shocked me most was once it was fully heat soaked, I actually ended up just using smallest intake hole "only" and top vent just barely open to maintain 250 degree temp and it did "not" budge the entire cook and nearly all the CoCo Char is still in there and some pieces hadn't even needed to light😲-if this thing were any more efficient it would likely become self-sustaining like a nuclear pile, lol. These were easily the best, juiciest and most flavorful beef ribs I've EVER made-and I've made A LOT-everyone freaked at the difference over my KJ and Egg, this thing is next level LEGIT!!!
    8 points
  37. My new beastie, Ultimate 23 in Terra Blue.☺
    8 points
  38. finished a 2-day baking class today. i think i need a spiral mixer. pan de cristal at 130% hydration
    8 points
  39. Last evening I decided to do individual meatloaves, wild rice and freshly picked spinach for dinner. Got the KK fired up- Meatloaf on the KK. Done, I know the pix is not the best but... Plated. The wild rice was very fine, about the size of the lead in a pencil. It's amazing what it turns into.
    8 points
  40. My wife’s overseas this week, so to make the last few days a bit easier meals wise I thought I should bbq on the weekend. The kids requested pulled pork… done.
    8 points
  41. made another pizza today with some nice cornicione action. spicy salciccia is so much better than pepperoni..
    8 points
  42. Low and slow sauce making on the 32. The first is a simple beef ragu that I cooked for eight hours and the second is some soffritto that cooked for four hours. The latter came off the KK at close to midnight, too late for me to care about taking any more pics! And yes, there is a lot of olive oil in that soffritto. It takes on an amazing flavour from the vegetables and imparts a lovely unctuousness to the ragu di corte that I will be making next.
    8 points
  43. Flat iron, carrots, air fryer potatoes
    8 points
  44. My parents are visiting us and the kids from interstate. Whipped up @Troble’s Polla a la Brasa on the Roti, with pickles, coleslaw, roasted smashed potatoes, salad and green sauce. A big hit as always! IMG_8326.MOV
    8 points
  45. Hope the Easter Bunny was good to all y'all! 🐰 Easter lamb dinner here - tenderloins, direct @ 325F. Plated, with rosemary & garlic roasted potatoes and haloumi "fries" (cheese coated in crumbs and baked), side salad, and nice Merlot.
    8 points
  46. Peruvian spice rub tri-tip baby carrots air fryer potatoes chimmichuri
    8 points
  47. haven't used my kk in months.. i can still hit my temps without apps 😅
    8 points
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