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Everything posted by MacKenzie

  1. Today I decided to do another attempt to bake my regular pumpkin/sunflower seed sourdough bread in a Dutch Oven. I wasn't happy with the oven spring in my last one, although the bread tasted fine. This time I made sure the dough ball was tight when I put it on to proof. Here it is ready for the oven. While I was waiting for the bread to bake I needed quick lunch. Remember that carrot/onion pizza I made this fall? Warmed up and ready to eat. Bread is just out of the oven. It is all over but the singing. And how it did sing. I love love that sound. The crumb shot.
  2. What a bummer, Eddie mac. :(:(:( It will get sorted and you will be awe struck when you do see it.
  3. I found that for my size of egg a good time is 4.5 mins. I started tying mine with string and kept the ends long enough so that I could hang the bag over a stick across the top of the pot. One knot is enough , it won't come loose. If I don't go to the market tomorrow I'll try to take pixs showing the setup.
  4. Eddie mac, I have been wanting an outdoor oven since forever but don't see it happening. There is just so much of the year that I wouldn't be able to use it.
  5. Eddie mac, talk about great outdoor cooking tools.
  6. I do think that you could figure out a way to hang the breasts for the next time you do this cook. Using some SS rods to make a hanging rack that will fit inside the KK would be in my first plan.
  7. Tekobo, I am so sorry you are having trouble with the Meater. I do not have one and sorry to say that I can't offer any help. When I smoke my bacon I just lay it on the grates and granted there are grill marks that don't get any smoke. Do you have another thermometer probe unit that you can use?
  8. Aussie, gotta love those grandmothers, my Mum's Mum was a good cook also. Guess that's where my Mum got it.[emoji4]
  9. It is funny you say that Bruce because I have always eaten well, thanks to my Mother. The funny thing is that I didn't realize it until I left home. I thought everyone ate the way we did and it was just the way it was. LOL I can still remember when I found out differently. That was when I realized what a fantastic cook my mother was.
  10. A different take on the poached egg breakfast today. A little Sriracha in the pocket and purple crack on the top. The yellow on the egg is from the Red Palm Oil.
  11. That is a fantastic looking dinner, Dee and Aussie..
  12. That's a good one,Bruce.
  13. sfdrew, that is a superb cook of those meaty beef ribs.
  14. Today I put the purple crack inside the bag and I suggest that be left out and added after the cook. The colour of the outside of the white is greyish if it is add to the bag.
  15. Bruce, you are going to be our bionic man.
  16. Tony, make sure you get as much air out as possible and I didn't do it today but you can add some spices, etc. to the bag. Grease the inside of the saran wrap where the egg will be and tomorrow I'm going to tie it with a twist tie or butcher twine. I think a dash of hot sauce might just be in order.
  17. It has been so long since I did a SVed poached egg I can't remember but I think it is easier as I just have to get a sauce pan of water heated on the stove.
  18. It will be fun and I am looking forward to seeing your bakes.
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